
Terms for subject Technology containing posts | all forms | exact matches only
advanced announcing post预告标 (列车进站)
aluminium post铝杆
aluminium post铝柱
aluminium post铝合金柱
aluminium post铝支撑
aluminum post铝杆
aluminum post铝合金柱
aluminum post铝柱
aluminum post铝支撑
autotransformer post自耦变压器所
auxiliary block post辅助所【铁】
auxiliary block post辅助线路所
backup post增力柱
backup post支柱
bamboo powder-post beetle竹粉轟
bamboo powder-post beetle蚀竹虫
bar post围栏上有榫眼的横木榫接柱
bar post榫接栏
bar post榫接桩
bar post形成外门的门栏
bevelling post磨角器
bevelling post磨角架
biological aerated filter post-treatment process曝气生物滤池后处理工艺
bonded post-tensioning黏结后张 (法)
bonded post-tensioning后张法黏结
bonded post-tensioning后张灌浆工艺
bonded post-tensioning后张预应力筋
bottle post漂流瓶
branching block post分歧线路所
bridge post桥梁标
bridging batten of floor post脚手架立杆间的加固木板
bridging batten of floor post地板下支柱间的加固木板
broach post桁架竖杆
broach post桁架中竖杆
broach post桁架中柱
broach post人字架中柱
brow post横梁
brow post顶梁
buffer post缓冲杆
by return of post请即回示
by-pass convention to promote someone to leading post破格提拔
central control post操纵中心【船】 (aboard)
central post木造佛塔的中心柱
central post中心柱
central post slewing ring柱式回转支承 (环)
central post slewing supporting device柱式旋转支承装置
centre post中线标桩
cold post potential冷阴极电位
collision post防护柱
collision post防撞柱
command post equipment指挥站设备
creosoting post浸涂杂酚油的木柱
creosoting post杂酚油浸防腐木柱
creosoting post浸涂杂酚油的防腐木柱
critical period of post-exposure接触后的临界期
crown post人字架中柱
crown post桁架中柱
crown post屋架中柱
current post现职
cylinder post管柱
derivating post改型支撑
derivating post改型支柱
direction post指向牌
direction post指向柱
double king post双起重柱
double large post双大邮裁
double post bollard双柱缆桩
double post roof双柱屋架
double post roof truss双柱屋顶桁架
double post row brush dam双排桩梢
double post row crosswise brush type check dam双排桩横编柴梢式拦砂坝
double post sign双柱式标志牌
eaves-supporting post擎檐柱
electronic post parcel scale电子邮寄包裹秤
ex post calculation事后计算
ex post forecast error事后预测误差
ex post investment事后投资
ex post measurement of benefit实际效益估算
ex post measurement of benefit工程竣工后的效益估算
ex post payoff事后偿付
ex post simulation事后模拟
fabricated single-post shore装配式单杆支柱
floating post浮式系船柱
floating post浮柱
floating post移动支柱
floating post type浮动柱型
floor post地板下短柱
floor post楼梯平台支柱
footing of floor post底层地板下短柱垫石
gantry post龙门架柱
gantry post枢轴承
gantry post振荡柱
gate post门柱
gray post灰色砂岩
ground observation post地球观测站
hectometer post百米标
heel post螺旋桨柱
heel post门侧铰链柱
heel post侧立柱
heel post推进器柱
heel post门轴柱 (边梃)
heel post闸门侧立柱
heel post间壁门柱
heel post柱脚
helper post辅助支柱
hinge post铰链柱
hinge post铰接桥墩
H-section postH形柱
H-section postH形杆
hydrologic post水文观测点
hydrological post水文观测点
indicator post指示
indicator post开关指示柱
indicator post指示器支杆 (闸门)
indicator sign post指示牌
indoor post insulator户内柱形绝缘子
inductive post电感柱
inside of a fouling post警冲标内方【铁】
intermediate block post线路所【铁】
intermediate gate post中间门柱
intermediate gate post门的中间柱
intermediate post中间
jack post撑杆
jack post轴柱
jack post绞车卷筒轴架
joggled post啮合柱
key post短柱
key post坑道支柱
key post打印器
kicking post马厩隔墙外端的柱子 (内端为饲料槽旁的柱子)
knuckle post转向节柱
landing gear post起落架支柱
local level post当地雇用人员名额
mark post标杆
marker post向导标 (反射式)
marker post for snow clearing除雪标桩
matching post匹配棒
metal fence post金属围篱支桩
metal fence post金属围篱支柱
metal fence post金属围篱支墩
metal post金属桩
metal post金属柱
metal post金属杆
metal post金属支撑
metal principal post金属主桩
metal principal post金属主柱
metal principal post金属主杆
metal principal post金属主支撑
meteorologic post气象哨
meteorological post气象哨
Ministry of Posts and Tele Communication邮电部
miter post接合柱
miter post人字闸门斜接柱
miter post船闸斜接柱
miter post闸门对口端柱
miter post斜接柱
miter post of lock船闸斜接柱
mitering post接合柱
mitering post斜接柱
mitred post斜接柱
mitred post斜切柱
monotube post单管柱
negative post adapter负极接线柱接线头
offer and accept by post用信件报盘及接受
outdoor pedestal type post insulator户外针式支柱绝缘子
parcel post包裹邮件
parcel post邮包邮务处
parcel post insured保价邮政包裹
parcel post receipt包裹收据
parcel post risks邮保风险
plane post空运邮件
police post派出所
port king post左舷吊杆柱
post-acceleration oscilloscope tube后加速示波管
post-acceleration tube后加速管
post-aerated burner扩散式燃烧器
post-aerated burner光焰燃烧器
post assembling组装后
post baking后烘干
post bearing墙托架轴承
post billing system事后付款系统
post brace立柱支撑
post brake柱式制动器
post-breaking wave height破碎后波高
post-Caledonian platform后加里东地台
post cap木柱铸铁帽
post carrier柱桩运输架
post cedar香肖楠
post cedar北美翠柏
post-censal estimates普査后估计
post chlorination后氯化
post chlorination后加氯处理滤后加氯,二次加氯
post chlorination后加氯化
post-chlorination treatment后氯化处理
post colour value后色值
post condenser后冷凝器
post-cracking ductility裂后延性
post-cracking strength裂后强度
post-cracking stress裂后应力
post crane转柱起重机
post crane塔柱起重机
post-critical curvature屈曲后曲率
post-critical curvature临界后曲率
post-critical strength临界后强度
post-critical strength屈曲后强度
post crown桩冠
post delineator柱式轮廓标
post density支柱布置密实度
post-depositional fold同沉积褶皱
post-depositional process沉积期后作用
post-depositional structure后沉积构造
post detritus depositional remanent magnetization沉积后沉积碎屑剩余磁化强度
post-diluvial period后洪积世
post-distillation bitumen馏余沥青
post drill支架式风钻
post drill架式风钻
post drill支架式凿岩机
post drill支架式钻机
post driver竖杆机
post driver打桩机
post duty岗位责任制
post-earthquake damage survey震后灾害调査
post-earthquake deformation震后变形
post-earthquake fire震后火灾
post-earthquake movement震后活动
post-earthquake slip震后滑动
post echo后回音
post edit事后编辑
post-edit program算后编辑程序
post-edit programme算后编辑程序
post editing事后编辑
post-emphasis network后加重网络
post entry事后报关
post-enumeration check普查后核查
post-enumeration test普查后核査
post evaluation后评估
post evaluation项目完成后审核
post-event data reduction震后数据整理
post-event inspection震后检查
post-fault equilibrium故障后平衡
post fence护柱
post fence柱式护栏
post fence柱围篱
post-firing check起动后检查
post flash-over fire轰燃后火灾
post footing杆桩基脚
post footing杆柱基脚
post footing桩基脚
post-formation theory渐成论
post-formation theory后成说
post forming后成型
post forming热后成型
post forming二次成型
post forming后续成型
post gasket杆衬
post gate转柱门
post-geosyncline stage后地槽阶段
post-ginning cleaner轧后净棉机
post hanger bearing柱式吊架轴承
post hanger bearing柱式悬轴承
post-Hercynian platform后海西地台
post-hole auger柱孔螺旋钻
post house驿馆
post house邮政所
post hydrolysis后水解
post-impounding activity蓄水后活动性
post indicator valve后指示阀
post-irradiation effect后辐照效应
post-irradiation effect后效应
post keeper线路所值班员
post legged后踏
post lift柱式举升机
post light柱灯
post light support柱式灯架
post-magmatic mineral deposit岩浆期后矿床
post-magmatic ore deposit岩浆后期矿床
post-magmatic ore deposit岩浆期后矿床
post meridiem午后
post meridiem下午
post multiplication自右乘
post multiplication后乘
post-occupation evaluation使用后评估
post office bridge邮局式电桥
post office bridge箱式电桥
post office cable电信电缆
post office department邮政部门
post office line电信线路
post office red邮局红
post office telephone cable邮局电话线
post office tower电信塔
post-operational assistance投产后的援助
post paid已付邮资
post panel告示板
post parcel scale包裹秤
post pole孤立柱
post pole电线杆
post pole柱杆
post-pressure grouting technology压浆技术
post processor program后置信息处理程序
post processor programme后置信息处理程序
post puller拔柱机
post read station记录读出站
post-renaissance architecture文艺复兴后建筑
post-revolving mechanism立柱回转机构
post-scoring method后录音法
post-set time退出时间
post setting架支柱
post setting柱的设置
post-shrinkage spacing后收缩空隙
post-shrinkage spacing支柱间距
post sinter再烧结
post spring杆簧
post stress后加应力
post stress后张应力
post-stressed concrete后张法混凝土
post-stressed concrete后张法预应力混凝土
post-stressed wire后加应力钢丝
post-supported floor短柱支承的底层地板
post-supported floor短柱支撑的底层地板
post-synthesis phase合成后期
post-taxation profit纳税后利润
post-tectonic crystallization构造后结晶
post-tectonic filling vein后构造充填脉
post transportation邮件转运
post treatment equipment后处理设备
post trigger后置触发器
post-trigger delay触发延迟
post-welded heat treatment焊接后热处理
post-write disturb pulse存入后干扰脉冲
post yellow铅铬黄
post yield继续屈服
post-yield ductility屈服后延性
post yoke柱端的连接叉
prick post主次双柱式
prick post框架侧柱
prick post间柱
prick post穿柱
prick post双柱桁架立杆
prick post桁架中间杆
principal post主柱
principal post窗梃
principal post门梃
principal post主桩
radio intercepting post无线电截听站
radio interception or intelligence analysis post无线电截听或情报分析站
radio post无线电台
railing post栏杆立柱
railway post appraisal铁路岗位测评
railway post office铁路邮局
range light post叠灯柱
rescue post救护站
reversed king-post beam倒单柱梁
reversed king-post girder反向单柱上撑式大梁倒单柱大梁
reversed king post truss倒单柱桁架
reversed queen-post beam倒双柱梁
reversed queen-post girder倒双柱大梁
reversed queen-post girder反向双柱上撑式大
reversed queen-post truss倒双柱桁架
reversed single post beam反向单柱梁
robot submarine listening post自控水下监听站
rocking-post type摇柱式
roof valley post屋谷柱
screw and post anchorage device螺丝端杆锚具
screw post推进器尾柱
screw post车叶柱
screw post螺纹桩钉
section between block posts所间区间
section post分区所
section post分段标
section post管界标
self-anchored post tensioning prestressing后张自锚法预应力
semi-parabolic girder with sloping end posts有倾斜柱的半抛物线大梁
set of posts接线柱组
side post边柱
side post屋架上的侧柱
side post侧壁柱
signal post信号杆
signal post信号柱
single post单柱
span between two posts支柱间距
spark plug post火花塞柱
spur post斜柱
stair post楼梯柱
staircase post楼梯柱
station limit post站界标
station yard post铁路上的车站场区标
station yard post车站场区标志【铁】
steel arch post钢拱支柱
steel fence post围篱钢柱
steel fencing post钢栅栏柱
steel post钢柱
stem post船首柱
stern post尾柱
straighten corner post角柱矫正 (集装箱)
stripping post顶杆
strong post坚固支柱
stub post短粗柱
stub post短粗柱墩
stub post
supplemental post for survey monuments指示标桩
survey post测标
swing post门的铰链柱
swing post铰链门梃
T-postT 字形
take-off post拉杆离合支柱
target director post目标指示站
teazle post木屋角柱
temporary post临时支柱
terminal post电极
terminal post终端立柱
terminal post端〔终点〕杆〔柱〕线头接栓
terminal post接线头端子
terminal post线头接栓
terminal post cap终端立柱帽
T-head post丁字形柱
timber fence post木栅栏桩
timber post木杆
timber post木柱
timber post木桩
timber principal post木主杆
timber single-post shore单杆木支撑
tower foundation post塔架基础桩
trade post商栈
trading post贸易站
trading post system交易柜台制
trip post jack解脱式顶柱
twin derrick posts龙门式起重柱
twin post auto lift双柱式汽车举升器
twin post lift双柱升降机
two-post car lift双柱汽车举升器
unconsolidated post-tensioned slab未固结的后张混凝土板
universal tool post通用刀架
upright post脚手架立柱
upright post竖杆
upright post立柱
valley post天沟支柱
vertical post竖杆
wall post壁柱
wall post墙柱
water post水位标尺
water-post reference point水柱参考点
water-level measure post水位尺
water-level measuring post水位标示仪
water-level measuring post水位尺
water-level measuring post水位站
weighted average of post adjustments调整后的加权平均数
window post窗间柱
window post窗肋柱
window post窗樘子梃
witness post参考桩【测】
wood post木柱
wooden fence post木护栏柱
wooden post木杆
wooden post木桩
wooden post木柱
wooden post and rail fences木杆围栏
wooden principal post木主柱
working post作业标
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