
Terms for subject Environment containing pollution prevention | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference国际防止石油污染展览会
oil pollution prevention system防止石油污染系统
pollution prevention Eliminating the production of hazardous wastes and greenhouse gases at their source, within the production process. This can often be achieved through a variety of relatively simple strategies, including minor changes in manufacturing processes, substitution of non-polluting products for polluting products, and simplification of packaging. Companies practicing waste reduction have saved hundreds of millions of dollars, and used it to catalyze employee involvement and eliminate the need for expensive end-of-the-pipe filtering污染防治 (消除生产过程中危险废料和温室气体的来源。这通常可以通过各种各样相对简单的策略,包括对制造工艺小的改变,采用无污染的替代产品,简化可能带来污染的包装等。公司通过以上方式的应用减少废料损失数亿美元,并鼓励员工参与,消除昂贵的生产过程终端过滤的方式。)
pollution prevention breakaway防止溢出污染
safety and pollution prevention equipment安全和防污设备
water pollution prevention Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert or hinder human-made or human-induced alteration of the physical, biological, chemical and radiological integrity of water水污染防治 (为避免或阻碍人为的或人为诱发的对水的化学、物理、生物和放射性完整性的改变而实施的预防措施、行为及相关设备。)