
Terms for subject Technology containing pollution prevention | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
air pollution prevention大气污染防治
air pollution prevention防止空气污染
air pollution prevention空气污染防治
Arctic pollution prevention certificate极地防污染证书
comprehensive prevention and control of water pollution水污染综合防治
control and prevention of water pollution水污染防治
Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matters into Ocean防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染的海洋公约
Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则
Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则
documents of pollution prevention of vessel船舶防污文书
Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则
Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则
instruments of pollution prevention of vessel船舶防污设施
International Convection for the prevention of Pollution from Ship国际船舶防污染公约
International Convention for prevention of oil Spill Pollution of the Sea国际防止海上油污染公约
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships防止船舶引起污染的国际公约
International Convention for the prevention of Pollution of the Sea by oil国际防止海上油污染公约
International oil Pollution Prevention certificate国际防止油污染证书
international Pollution Prevention certificate for the carriage of Noxious Substance in Bulk国际防止散装运输有毒物质污染证书
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Association国际防止空气污染协会联合会
law of ambient noise pollution prevention and control环境噪声污染防治法
law of water pollution prevention防止水污染法
law of water pollution prevention水污染防治法
marine pollution prevention防止海洋污染
marine pollution prevention海洋防污
marine pollution prevention law海洋防污法规
marine pollution prevention law海洋污染防治法
ocean pollution prevention海洋防污法规
organs of supervision and management of water pollution prevention and control水污染防治监督管理机构
organs of supervision and management of water pollution prevention and control水污染防治监督管理机关
pollution prevention and control ordinance污染防治条例
pollution prevention and control technology污染防治技术
pollution prevention at the source水源防污
pollution prevention at the source源头污染预防
pollution prevention industry污染防治工业
pollution prevention ordinance防污法令
pollution prevention ordinance污染防治条例
pollution prevention system防污染系统
pollution prevention system防污系统
pollution prevention technique防污技术
pollution prevention technique公害防止技术
pollution prevention technique污染控制技术
pollution prevention technique污染防止技术
pollution prevention technique污染防治技术
prevention and control of pollution with afforestation绿化防治污染
prevention and control of pollution with organism生物防治污染
prevention and control of soil pollution土壤污染防治
prevention of marine pollution防止海洋污染
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration for Prevention of Pollution in Sea Areas by Vessels中华人民共和国防止船舶污染海域管理条例
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治条例
Regulations on Administration of Pollution Prevention and Control in Drinking Water Source Area饮用水水源区污染防治管理条例
rivers prevention of pollution act河流防污染法
sea pollution prevention act海洋污染防止法规
Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention油轮安全与防污条约
water basin pollution prevention and control planning水源区防污控制规划
water pollution prevention水污染预防
water pollution prevention水质污染防止
water pollution prevention and control law水污染防治控制
water pollution prevention and control law水污染预防控制法