
Terms for subject Ecology containing pollution prevention | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
air pollution prevention and control law大气污染防治法
industrial pollution prevention and control工业污染防治
instruments of pollution prevention of vessels船舶防污设施
integrated pollution prevention and control综合污染预防和控制
International Convention for Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil国际防止海上油污公约修正本 (amendment)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as Modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, MARPOL 73/7873/78 船污公约
International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference国际石油污染防护展览与会议
Law of Prevention and Elimination of Radioactive Pollution放射性污染防治法
Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治法
Law on Pollution Prevention and Control污染防治法
Law on Pollution Prevention and Control of Chemicals化学物质污染环境防治法
Law on Pollution Prevention and Control of Electromagnetic Radiation电磁辐射污染防治法
Law on Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution海洋污染防治法
Law on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise环境噪声污染防治法
P. R. China Act on Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法
P. R. China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution中华人民共和国放射性污染防治法
P. R. China on Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法
pollution prevention防污
prevention and treatment of soil pollution土壤污染防治
prevention of air pollution防止大气污染
Protocol 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships1973年防止船舶污染国际条约1978年议定书
Water Pollution Prevention Act水污染防止法案