
Terms for subject Agriculture containing pod | all forms | exact matches only
abortive pod败育荚果 (legumen abortivus)
black pod荚腐病
cacao pod可可果实
dried bean without pod去荚干豆
eight locules per pod每蒴果八室
four locules per pod每蒴果四室
green pod stage绿荚期
groundnut abortion of pod花生荚败育
groundnut seed pod花生留种荚果
indehiscent pod闭蒴scytinum
indehiscent pod闭荚
lead pod spot褐斑病豌豆
little pod短角果 (silicula)
mealy pod disease粉状豆荚病
monkey pod雨豆树
one-seeded pod单粒荚
pea pod豌豆荚
peanut pod花生荚
peanut pod selection花生荚选
peanut pod weight花生荚果重量
pod abscission荚[果]脱落
pod abscission落荚
pod and stem blight黑点病
pod and stem blight木乃耳病
pod breaking table破荚机
pod corn莢玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
pod corn有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
pod dehiscence荚果开裂性
pod dehiscence蒴果开裂性
pod development stage荚果发育期
pod development stage蒴果发育期
pod drop落荚
pod filling stage饱荚期
pod filling stage荚果充实期
pod filling stage蒴果充实期
pod formation stage荚果形成期
pod formation stage蒴果形成期
pod indehiscence荚果不裂性
pod indehiscence蒴果不裂性
pod lead spot褐斑病菜豆
pod-like荚状的 (siliquaris)
pod maize莢玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
pod maize有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
pod maturity荚果成熟度
pod maturity蒴果成熟度
pod mottle荚斑病
pod production荚果产量
pod retention荚果保存量
pod rot荚腐病
pod setting坐荚
pod setting结荚
pod setting characteristics结荚特征
pod shedding落荚
pod spot褐斑病菜豆
pod waste荚皮壳
pod yield荚果产量
removal of seeds from the pod cacao去除可可豆荚中的种子
ridges of the cacao pod可可豆荚棱
round pod capsule variety圆蒴品种
screw pod螺旋状荚 (capsula spiralis)
seed pod种用荚果花生
seed pod种荚
seeds per pod每蒴种子数
seeds per pod每荚种子数
soft-pod type软荚种
soybean pod大豆荚
Spanish pepper pod辣椒角
tender-pod bean软荚种菜豆
thick-walled pod厚壁荚果
thick-walled pod厚壁蒴果
young-pod stage嫩荚期
young-pod stage幼荚期