
Terms containing pod | all forms | exact matches only
agric.abortive pod败育荚果 (legumen abortivus)
avia.advanced laser designator pod先进激光指示器舱
mil., air.def.advanced targeting pod先进目标定位吊仓
avia.advanced targeting pod先进瞄准吊舱
biol.adzuki-bean pod worm赤豆荚小卷蛾 (Thiodia azukivora Matsumura,小卷蛾科)
avia.aircraft gun pod飞机航炮炮舱
avia.aircraft pod航空吊舱
avia.aircraft pod飞机吊舱
spaceauxiliary jet pod辅助喷气发动机吊舱
biol.avare pod borer扁豆蛀荚虫 (Adisura atkinsoni Moore)
spaceavionics pod航空电子设备吊舱
spacebattery pod电池盒
tech.battery pod电池舱
anim.husb.bean pod豆荚
biol.bean pod borer豆蛀荚螟 (Fundella cistipennis Dyar,螟蛾科)
entomol.bean pod borer豆荚Maruca testulalis
entomol.bean pod borer蔗蛀点螟 Maruca testulalis
entomol.bean pod borer绿豆蛾 Maruca testulalis
entomol.bean pod borer豆荚蛀虫 Maruca testulalis
biol.bean pod borer豇豆荚螟 (Maruca testulalis Geyer)
pest.contr.bean pod canker菜豆炭疽病 Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
biol.bean pod mottle virus菜豆荚斑驳病毒 (Marmor valvolarum (Zaumeyer), Thomas)
agric.black pod荚腐病
biol.bladder-pod囊荚属 (Vesicaria Lam.,十字花科,拟)
oilblowout preventer control pod防喷器控制盒
spacebooster pod助推器吊舱
entomol.brassica pod midge油菜荚叶瘿蚊 Dasineura brassicae
entomol.brassica pod midge油菜叶瘿蚊 Dasineura brassicae
biol.brassica pod midge芸臺荚瘿蚊 (Dasyneura brassicae (Winn.),瘿蚊科)
biol.cabbage seed-pod weevil甘蓝荚象甲 (Ceutorhynchus assimilis (Paykull),象甲科)
agric.cacao pod可可果实
biol.Caribbean pod borer加勒比海荚斑螟 (Fundella pellucens Zeller,斑螟科)
spacechaff dispensing pod箔条投放吊舱
spacechaff dispensing pod干扰物投放吊舱
mech.choke pod running tool油嘴纵槽式下井工具
biol.cocoa pod boring moth豆荚洽夜蛾 (Characoma stictigrapta Hampson,夜蛾科)
biol.cocoa pod boring moth豆荚夜蛾 (Characoma stictigrapta Hampson,夜蛾科)
biol.cocoa pod weevil可可荚象甲 (Hilipus claripes Fabricius,象甲科)
desert.coil pod cassia卷叶决明 (索诺拉沙漠,常绿灌木)
biol.cola pod boring fly地中海实蝇 (Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann),实蝇科)
oilcontrol pod液压中转控制盒
spacecounter measures dispenser pod电子对抗器材投放器吊舱
avia.countermeasures dispenser pod电子对抗器材投放器吊舱
biol.crotalaria pod borer豆荚灰蝶 (Lycaena cnejus Fabricius; Catochrysops,灰蝶科)
agric.dried bean without pod去荚干豆
archer.drug-filled pod猎箭贮药槽囊
desert.ear-pod wattle耳状金合欢
desert.ear-pod wattle大叶相思
mil., air.def.ECM pod电子干扰吊舱
spaceECM Pod电子对抗吊舱
spaceECM Pod反电子措施吊舱
avia.ECM pod电子战吊舱
entomol.egg pod卵荚
anim.husb.egg pod卵荚蝗科的卵块
desert.egg pod卵荚 (蝗科的卵块)
acrid.egg-pod survey查卵
acrid.egg-pod survey蝗卵调查
agric.eight locules per pod每蒴果八室
mil., air.def.electronic jamming pod电子干扰吊舱
mil., air.def.electronic warfare pod电子对抗吊舱
avia.electronic warfare pod电子战吊舱
mil., air.def.electronic warfare reconnaissance pod电子对抗侦察吊舱
bot.flat pod pea vine香碗豆 Lathyrus cicera
bot.flat pod pea vine山黎豆 Lathyrus cicera
biol.flat-pod peavine扁荚山黧豆红山黧豆,Lathyrus cicera L.,豆科
agric.four locules per pod每蒴果四室
el.front opening unified pod正面开口标准箱环境
pest.contr.frosty pod rot可可荚腐病 Moniliophtora roreri
biol.fusarium pod-rot of soybean大豆赤霉病 (Fusarium oxysporum Schl.)
agric.green pod stage绿荚期
agric.groundnut abortion of pod花生荚败育
horticult.groundnut pod yield花生荚果产量
horticult.groundnut pod yield花生出荚率
agric.groundnut seed pod花生留种荚果
oilguar pod瓜尔豆荚
avia.gun pod航炮吊舱
auto.headlamp pod前照灯
auto.headlamp-pod well车身前照灯凹腔开口
oilhydraulic control pod控制阀箱
agric.indehiscent pod闭蒴scytinum
agric.indehiscent pod闭荚
biol.Indian pod borer豇荚螟 (Maruca testulalis Geyer,螟蛾科)
biol.Indian pod borer豇豆荚螟 (Maruca testulalis Geyer,螟蛾科)
spaceinfrared countermeasures pod红外干扰机吊舱
el.intermediate pod燃料元件储存水池中间存放台
transp.jet pod伸出的喷气发动机吊舱
biol.kapok pod borer爪哇木棉果夜蛾 (Muclaria variabilis Rpke.,夜蛾科)
biol.kapok pod-boring moth爪哇木棉果夜蛾 (Muclaria variabilis Rpke.,夜蛾科)
tech.labeled pod标记盆栽
tech.labelled pod标记盆栽
biol.lance-pod矛荚属 (Lonchocarpus H. B.,豆科)
avia.laser designator pod激光照射器吊舱
avia.laser illumination pod激光照明吊舱
el.lay down pod搁置架【核】
agric.lead pod spot褐斑病豌豆
biol.leaf and pod spot of peas豌豆 褐斑病 (Ascochyta pisi Lib.)
pest.contr.leaf, stem and pod rot of peas豌豆疫病 Mycosphaerella pinoides (pinodes)
biol.legume pod bug稻蜂缘蝽 (Riptortus linearis Fabricius,缘蝽科)
biol.leguminous pod-borer豇荚螟 (Maruca testulalis Geyer,螟蛾科)
biol.leguminous pod borer豇豆荚螟 (Maruca testulalis Geyer,螟蛾科)
tech.lift pod升力发动机吊舱
entomol.Lima bean pod borer豆荚斑螟 Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke)
biol.lima bean pod borer豆荚螟 (Etiella zinckenella Treit.,螟蛾科)
biol.lima bean pod borer豇豆荚螟 (Maruca testulalis Geyer,螟蛾科)
agric.little pod短角果 (silicula)
biol.long-pod poppy长果罂粟 (Papaver dubium L.,罂粟科)
agric.mealy pod disease粉状豆荚病
mil., air.def.modular countermeasure pod模块化电子对抗吊舱
pest.contr.Monilia pod rot丛梗孢属
pest.contr.Monilia pod rot链核盘菌荚腐病
biol.monkey pod雨树雨豆树,Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr.
agric.monkey pod雨豆树
biol.monkey pod雨豆树 (Samanea saman Merril.)
agric.one-seeded pod单粒荚
tech.optional passive reflector pods选择性被动反射器吊舱
agric.pea pod豌豆荚
agric.peanut pod花生荚
biol.peanut pod bug花生长蝽 (Aphanus sordidus Fabricius,长蝽科)
agric.peanut pod selection花生荚选
agric.peanut pod weight花生荚果重量
horticult.peanut pod yield花生出荚率{种子}
horticult.peanut pod yield花生荚果产量
tech.photographic pod摄影机吊舱
tech.photographical pod摄影机吊舱
agric.pod abscission荚[果]脱落
agric.pod abscission落荚
tech.POD analysis波氏分析
agric.pod and stem blight黑点病
agric.pod and stem blight木乃耳病
biol.pod and stem blight of soybean大豆黑点病 (Diaporthe sojae Lehmon.)
tech.pod auger纵槽钻头
tech.pod auger有纵槽的螺旋钻
anim.husb.pod-bearing plant豆科植物
repr.biol.pod-bearing plant豆种作物
anim.husb.pod bearing plant豆科植物
anim.husb.pod bearing plant结荚植物
biol.pod-bearing plant豆科 (植物,Leguminosae)
auto.pod bit荚形钻
eng.geol.pod bit勺形钻头
construct.pod bit有纵槽的钻头
biol.pod blight豆荚凋腐病 (Diaporthe phaseolorum (Cke.et Ell.)Sacc.)
textilepod blue水塘蓝
entomol.pod borer蔗蛀点螟 Maruca testulalis
entomol.pod borer绿豆蛾 Maruca testulalis
entomol.pod borer豆荚Maruca testulalis
entomol.pod borer豆荚蛀虫
biol.pod boring moth爪哇可可细蛾 (Acrocercops cramerella Snellen,细蛾科)
agric.pod breaking table破荚机
tech.pod cooling unit舱内冷却装置
agric.pod corn有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
anim.husb.pod corn荚玉米
anim.husb.pod corn有稈种玉米 (Zea mays var. tunicata)
agric.pod corn莢玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
biol.pod corn有稃种玉米包皮玉米,Zea mays L. var. tunicata Sturt.,禾本科
agric.pod dehiscence荚果开裂性
agric.pod dehiscence蒴果开裂性
desert.pod development结荚期
agric.pod development stage荚果发育期
agric.pod development stage蒴果发育期
tech.pod drag短舱阻力
agric.pod drop落荚
agric.pod filling stage荚果充实期
agric.pod filling stage饱荚期
agric.pod filling stage蒴果充实期
mil., air.def.pod formation吊舱编队
avia.pod formation干扰吊舱编队
agric.pod formation stage荚果形成期
agric.pod formation stage蒴果形成期
textilepod green豆荚绿鲜黄绿色
textilepod green水塘绿
avia.pod gun吊舱炮
biol.pod husk borer豆荚洽夜蛾 (Characoma stictigrapta Hampson,夜蛾科)
agric.pod indehiscence荚果不裂性
agric.pod indehiscence蒴果不裂性
navig.pod installation module可分离舱装配模块
agric.pod lead spot褐斑病菜豆
agric.pod-like荚状的 (siliquaris)
agric.pod maize莢玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
agric.pod maize有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicata
agric.pod maturity荚果成熟度
agric.pod maturity蒴果成熟度
biol.pod moth透翅灯蛾 (Ecpantheria albicornis Green,灯蛾科)
agric.pod mottle荚斑病
auto.pod-mounted gaugeinstrument仪表板附加仪表
biol.pod pepper朝天椒 (Capsicum annuum var. fasciculatum Irish,茄科)
agric.pod production荚果产量
ichtyol.pod razor shell刀形剑蛏 Ensis ensis
agric.pod retention荚果保存量
agric.pod rot荚腐病
biol.pod rust豆荚锈病 (Uromyces phaseolitypica Arth.)
agric.pod setting坐荚
agric.pod setting结荚
agric.pod setting characteristics结荚特征
agric.pod shedding落荚
agric.pod spot褐斑病菜豆
biol.pod spot豆荚锈病 (Uromyces phaseolitypica Arth.)
pest.contr.pod-sucking bug豆荚吸入病菌
tech.pod test in green house冬季盆栽试验
refrig.pod-type thermocouple衬垫式热电偶
anim.husb.pod waste荚壳皮
agric.pod waste荚皮壳
biol.pod white-lined weevil白条象甲 (Micides leucogramma Er.,象甲科)
agric.pod yield荚果产量
tech.recce pod侦察设备吊舱
mil., air.def.reconnaissance pod侦察吊舱系统
tech.reconnaissance pod侦察设备吊舱
spacerecoverable pod可回收舱
avia.refueling pod加油吊舱
agric.removal of seeds from the pod cacao去除可可豆荚中的种子
spacerendezvous evaluation pod交会鉴定舱 (美国航天器交会技术试验舱)
spacerendezvous evaluation pod交会试验舱
agric.ridges of the cacao pod可可豆荚棱
avia.rocket pod火箭吊舱
spacerocket pod无控火箭吊舱
avia.rocket pod翼尖〔机身下〕的火箭架
agric.round pod capsule variety圆蒴品种
agric.screw pod螺旋状荚 (capsula spiralis)
agric.seed pod种用荚果花生
agric.seed pod种荚
entomol.seed pod weevil种子象 Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis
agric.seeds per pod每蒴种子数
agric.seeds per pod每荚种子数
mil., air.def.self-screening jamming pod自卫干扰吊舱
el.shared reconnaissance pod共享侦察吊舱
desert.sickle pod灰色代儿茶
biol.slender-pod deervetch细荚百脉根 (Lotus angustissimus L.,豆科)
desert.slim-pod senna长荚山扁豆
anim.husb.snake-pod milkvetch蛇果黄芪豆科黄芪属植物; Astragalus ophiocarpus Benth. Ex Boiss
agric.soft-pod type软荚种
agric.soybean pod大豆荚
entomol.soybean pod borer大豆食心虫 Grapholita glycinivorella
biol.soybean pod borer大豆食心虫 (Leguminivora glycinivorella (Matsumure),小卷蛾科)
biol.soybean pod gall-midge大豆荚瘿蚊 (Asphondylia ervi Rubsamen,瘿蚊科)
spacespace freight pod可分离的航天货舱
agric.Spanish pepper pod辣椒角
anim.husb.square-pod deervetch欧洲百脉根 (Lotus tetragonolobus)
plast.stop pod限位垫板
horticult.stringy pod带筋豆荚
oilsubsea blowout preventer control pod水下防喷器控制盒
tech.subsea control pod水下控制盒
biol.sugar pod garden pea大荚豌豆 (Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon Ser.,豆科)
avia.tactical aircraft reconnaissance pod system战术飞机空中侦察吊舱系统
avia.targeting pod瞄准吊舱
agric.tender-pod bean软荚种菜豆
agric.thick-walled pod厚壁荚果
agric.thick-walled pod厚壁蒴果
tech.thin-walled pod薄荚
avia.tip pod翼尖外挂油箱
avia.tip pod翼尖吊舱
mil., air.def.transmitting pod发射机吊舱
tech.travel pod远程转场外挂油箱
avia.travel pod旅行吊舱
bot.true pod荚果
bot.true pod
avia.twin machine-gun pod双联机枪吊舱
desert.velvet pod mimosa怪柳花含羞草
avia.ventral pod腹仓
mining.water sensor pod水传感器箱
pest.contr.watery pod rot可可灰色果腐病 Monilia roteri
avia.weapon pod武器吊舱
tech.winch for pod控制盒绞车
agric.young-pod stage嫩荚期
agric.young-pod stage幼荚期