
Terms containing pile driver | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.automatic pile driver自动打桩机
met.automatic ram pile driver自动冲锤打桩机
eng.geol.automatic ram pile driver自動沖錘打樁機
eng.geol.automatic ram pile driver自動打樁機
tech.automatic ram pile driver自动锤击打桩机
archit.automatical ram pile driver自动冲锤打桩机
met.back stay of pile driver打桩架拉索
tech.batter leader pile driver斜桩打桩机
tech.batter leader pile driver有斜导架打桩机
met.batter leader pile driver斜导架打桩机
eng.geol.batter leader pile driver斜導架打樁機
eng.geol.batter leader pile driver打斜樁機
bridg.constr.batter leader pile driver斜导向架打桩机
bridg.constr.batter leader pile driver斜打打桩机
tech.batter leader pile driver斜桩机
eng.geol.bed frame of pile driver桩架座基
tech.bedframe of pile driver桩架基座
tech.bedframe of pile driver打桩架基座
tech.bell rope hand pile driver人工拉绳式打桩机
bridg.constr.bell rope hand pile driver人工拉索式打桩机
bridg.constr.bell rope hand pile driver拉绳打桩机
tech.bell rope hand pile driver人工打桩机
tech.bell rope hand pile driver拉绳式打桩机
eng.geol.boom support type pile driver支架式打桩机
construct.common pile driver人工〔落锤〕打桩机
bridg.constr.common pile driver落锤打桩机
tech.common pile driver人工打桩机
tech.compound vibratory action pile driver复振
bridg.constr.compressed air pile driver风动打桩锤
tech.compressed-air pile driver打桩气锤
tech.compressed-air pile driver风动打桩机
tech.compressed-air pile driver压缩空气打桩机
tech.concrete pile driver混凝土桩打桩机
tech.crane pile driver起重打桩机
eng.geol.crawler type pile driver履带式打桩机
tech.detonating ram pile driver爆炸撞锤打桩机
construct., tech.diesel pile driver柴油打桩机
eng.geol.diesel pile-driver柴油打桩机
bridg.constr.double-acting pile driver双动式打桩机
met.drop hammer pile driver落锤打桩机
eng.geol.drop hammer pile driver落锤式打桩机
eng.geol.drop hammer pile driver重力打桩机
tech.drop hammer pile driver落锤打桩机
hydroel.st.drop-hammer pile driver落锤式打桩机
shipb.drop-hammer pile-driver落锤打桩机
bridg.constr.electric pile driver电动打桩机
tech.electric sheet-pile driver电动板桩打桩机
tech.electrical sheet-pile driver电动板桩打桩机
hydroel.st.electromagnetic pile driver电磁扌丁桩机
bridg.constr.floating pile driver浮动式打桩机
eng.geol.floating pile driver打桩船
eng.geol.floating pile driver浮式打桩机
met.floating pile driver水上打桩机
nautic., tech.floating pile driver打桩船 (piler)
shipb.floating pile-driver打桩船
tech.Franki pile driver富兰基混凝土打桩机
tech.Goble pile-driver戈尔布打桩机
bridg.constr.hand pile driver人工打桩机
el.hand pile driver手动打桩机
railw.hydraulic pile driver压桩机
bridg.constr.hydraulic pile driver液压打桩机
tech.hydraulic pile driver水力打桩机
bridg.constr.impact pile driver冲击式打桩机
tech.impact-atomizing pile driver冲击一雾化打桩机
tech.instrumented pile driver装有仪器的试桩机
eng.geol.jack-up pile driver顶起式打桩机
tech.jetted pile-driver射水打桩机
tech.jetted pile-driver水冲打桩机
tech.kick-atomizing pile driver冲击雾化内燃打桩机
tech.kick-atomizing pile driver冲击喷射打桩机
tech.leader rotate type pile driver导架回转式打桩机
tech.light-duty pile driver轻荷载打桩机
tech.light-duty pile driver轻型打桩机
tech.manually operated pile driver人工打桩机
tech.marine pile driver打桩船
tech.midget pile driver微型打桩机
bridg.constr.monkey of pile driver打桩机桩锤
tech.multi ram hydraulic sheet pile driver多缸液压打板桩机
tech.Nasmith pile-driver汽锤打桩机
tech.Nasmith pile-driver内史密斯打桩机
eng.geol.Nasmyth pile-driver汽锤打桩机
tech.oblique pile driver斜桩打桩机
eng.geol.overhanging pile driver伸臂式打桩机
tech.overhanging pile driver悬臂打桩机
eng.geol.pendulum pile driver摆式打桩机
met.pendulum pile-driver摆式打桩机
bridg.constr.percussion type vibratory pile driver振动冲击沉桩机
tech.percussion-type vibratory pile driver振动冲击沉桩机
tech.pile driver桩架
hydroel.st.pile driver打桩机
tech.pile driver打桩工
tech.pile driver barge打桩船
tech.pile driver crane打桩起重机
bridg.constr.pile driver engine打桩机
bridg.constr.pile driver frame打桩机框架
eng.geol.pile driver hammer打桩锤
tech.pile driver hammer桩锤
tech.pile driver hose打桩机软管
eng.geol.pile driver lead打樁機導柱
eng.geol.pile driver lead打樁機導向柱
eng.geol.pile driver lead打桩机导向柱
bridg.constr.pile driver lead打桩机导柱
tech.pile driver lead打桩机导
nautic., tech.pile driver piler打桩船
bridg.constr.pile driver tower打桩机架
bridg.constr.pile driver tower打桩架
tech.pile driver tower打捆机架
bridg.constr.pile driver with automatic ram自动冲锤打桩机
tech.pneumatic pile driver风动打桩机
tech.pneumatic pile driver气动打桩机
tech.pontoon pile driver水上打桩机
bridg.constr.press-in pile driver压入式打桩机
bridg.constr.press-in pile driver压桩机
tech.press-in pile driver压人式打桩机
eng.geol.railway pile driver有轨打桩机
oilram pile driver冲锤打桩机
bridg.constr.ram steam pile driver汽锤打桩机
tech.resonant pile driver共振打桩机
tech.resonant type vibrating pile driver共振式沉桩机
el.sheeting pile driver打板桩机
railw.shocks pile driver冲击打桩机
bridg.constr.silent pile driver无声打桩机
tech.silent pile-driver无声打桩机
bridg.constr.single acting pile driver单动打桩机
tech.single vibratory action pile driver单振沉桩机
tech.single-acting compressed-air pile driver单动压缩空气打桩机
tech.single-acting pile driver单动式打桩机
tech.skid pile driver滑动打桩机
met.skid pile-driver滑动打桩机
tech.sonic pile driver声波打桩机
tech.sonic pile driver音频振动沉桩机
shipb.sonic pile-driver声波打桩机
shipb.sonic pile-driver repair声波打桩机修理
tech.sound pile driver声波打桩机
tech.steam pile driver蒸汽打管机
bridg.constr.steam pile driver蒸汽打桩机
tech.steam pile driver汽锤打桩机
tech.steam pile driver汽力打桩机
el.steam pile-driver蒸汽打桩机
eng.geol.swiveling pile driver旋转式打桩机
tech.swiveling pile driver旋转打桩机
tech.swiveling pile driver旋转打桩机
shipb.swiveling pile-driver转动式打桩机
tech.swivelling pile driver旋转打桩机
bridg.constr.thrust pile driver压桩机
tech.traveling pile driver移动式打桩机
eng.geol.travelling pile driver移动式打桩机
shipb.travelling pile-driver移动式打桩机
el.trial pile-driver试验打桩机
tech.trip pile driver松扣打桩机
UN, tech.truck, pile driver打桩机车
bridg.constr.universal pile driver万能打桩机
tech.universal pile driver通用打桩机
tech.variable frequency type pile driver变频式振动沉桩机
busin.vibrating pile driver震动打桩机
proj.manag.vibrating-pile driver振动打桩机
eng.geol.vibrating pile driver振动打桩机
tech.vibrating pile driver振动打桩机
tech.vibrating pile driver-extractor振动沉拔桩机
bridg.constr.vibrating pile-driver振动打桩机
shipb.vibrating pile-driver repair振动打桩机修理
eng.geol.vibration pile-driver振动打桩机
tech.vibration pile-driver extractor振动沉拔打桩机
busin.vibratory pile driver震动打桩机
hydroel.st.vibratory pile driver振动打桩机
tech.vibratory pile driver振动沉桩机
tech.vibro-pile driver振动式打桩机
bridg.constr.vibro-pile driver振动打桩机
tech.vibro-pile driver振动打桩锤
gen.vibro-pile driver震动打桩机
oilwater jet pile driver射水打桩机
tech.water-jet pile driver水射式沉桩机
bridg.constr.water-jet pile driver冲水打桩机
tech.water-jet pile driver水冲打桩机
tech.water-jet pile driver射水打桩机
bridg.constr.water-jet pile-driver射水打桩机
tech.water-jet pile-driver冲水打桩机
tech.water-jet pile-driver射水式打桩机
tech.water-jet pile-driver水冲打桩机