
Terms for subject Securities containing phases | all forms
accumulation phase进货阶段
accumulation phase积累阶段
bring down phase降低阶段
commitment letter phase承诺书阶段
consolidation phase盘整期
consolidation phase整理阶段
consolidation phase巩固阶段
correction phase of stock market股市调整期
corrective phase调整期
decline phase衰败期
decline phase蜕变期
downward phase下滑阶段
growth phase增长阶段
information phase资料收集阶段
maturity phase到期阶段
open phase of contract合约的开放阶段
phase in逐步到位
pre-investment phase预投资阶段
spending phase支付期
spending phase开销阶段
three-phase DDM三阶段股利贴现模型
three-phase model三段模型
trial and error phase实验和查错阶段