
Terms for subject Sports containing phases | all forms
acute phase急性期
adaptive phase适应阶段
adaptive phase适应期
anatomical adaptation phase解剖学适应阶段
associative phase联系阶段
atrial systolic phase房缩期
autonomous phase自动阶段
cephalic phase头相
cognitive phase认知阶段
concentric phase向心阶段
contraction phase收缩期
depressive phase下降阶段
diastole phase舒张期
downward phase下降阶段
eccentric phase离心阶段
ejection phase射血期
exhausting phase衰竭阶段
fatigue phase疲劳期
filling phase充盈相
follicular phase卵泡期
fractional concentration in dry gas phase干燥气中比例浓度
gastric phase胃期
hard training phase大运动量训练期
hypnotic phase催眠相
inhibiting phase抑制相
inspiratory phase吸气时相
intestinal phase肠期
isovolumic contraction phase等容收缩期
isovolumic relaxation phase等容舒张期
latent phase潜伏期
menstrual flow phase月经期
negative phase阴性期
negative phase负时相
ovulatory phase排卵期
paradoxical phase反常相
phase of accelerated growth生长加速期
phase of diastasis舒张后期
phase of maximum ejection快速射血期
phase of rapid filling快速充盈期
phase of reduced ejection减慢射血期
phase transition阶段过渡
positive phase阳性期
positive phase正时相
pre-adaptive phase适应前期
proliferating phase增殖期
protodiastolic phase舒张前期
recovery phase康复期
relative phase相对阶段
reversal phase反转时相
secretory phase分泌期
supernormal phase超常期
systolic phase心收缩期
tapering phase赛前减量阶段
tapering phase赛前减量期一
tapering phase训练减量期
training period, training phase训练期
training plan of phase阶段训练计划
twisting phase转体阶段
ultraparadoxical phase超反常相
warm-up phase准备活动阶段
warm-up phase准备阶段