
Terms for subject Commerce containing performance | all forms | exact matches only
assessment of performance性能评估
defective performance未完全履约
delay in performance履行延迟
delayed performance延迟的履行
doctrine of strict performance严格执行原则
economic performance indicator经济成果指标
formulate performance indicators列岀效益指标
general indicator of economic performance综合性经济效益指标
greatly improve economic performance大力提咼经济效益
guarantee performance保证合约履行
guaranteed performance有保证的性能
high performance良好性能
measurement of performance业务活动测评
neglect of economic performance忽视经济效果
non-performance of duty不履行义务
non-performance of obligation不履行债务
non-performance of obligation不履行责任
past performance以往经营业绩
peak performance最高生产能力
performance accounting经营实绩管理会计
performance analysis and control工效分析与管理
performance and cost evaluation性能与成本估计
performance appraisal scheme成绩评价方案
performance bond履行保证金 (中标后须交纳一般为投标金额的10%)
performance, dependability, cost操作性能,可靠性与成本
performance evaluation性能估算
performance figure完成数字
performance goal绩效目标
performance index of product technologies产品技术性能指标
performance indicator效能指标
performance level standards绩效水平标准
performance management specifications作业管理规则
performance obligation履行义务的债务
performance of contract合同的履行
performance of evaluation绩效评价实施
performance of obligation契约义务的履行
performance parameter绩效参数
performance problem products效能问题产品 (指买主关心产品的预期效能)
performance quality性能质量
performance quality履行质量
performance rating功效测定
performance report绩效检查报告
performance reporting绩效报告制
performance risk履约风险
performance standards成效标准
performance stock奖金股票
performance system实绩制度
performance target绩效目标
performance test性能测验
performance tolerance工作容差
performance variance绩效差异
place of contract performance合约履行地点
poor economic performance经济效益差
prediction of performance演绩预报
prediction of performance性能预测 (设想)
quality performance质量效能
quality performance质量执行情况
quantitative performance定量性能
quantitative performance数量特性
reference performance基准性能
specific performance具体执行
specific performance特别性能
standards and performance appraisal标准与执行评定
supervisor performance监管人员职能
The court dismissed the action by the buyer against the seller for losses for non-performance法院驳回买方提岀以不履约为由而提起的损失赔偿诉讼
The performance of the contract is rendered impossible by force majeure人力不可抗致使合同的履行成为不可能
The seller determined the performance of the contract卖方终止执行合同
total performance综合成绩