
Terms for subject Management containing performance | all forms | exact matches only
checking of planning performance计划执行情况检查
compulsory performance强制履行
delivery performance执行情况
field performance现场功能
higher-level role performance高层角色的表现
historical performance实绩资料法
individual performance个人表现
job performance工作完成
log of freight train performance货物列车性能日记
management performance管理绩效
manager performance & developments经理人和发展
measure of performance绩效成果的测定
measurement of performance绩效评价
measurement of performance业务活动的评价
monthly performance report工作业绩月报
normal performance正常表现
operational performance经营情况
past performance以往的成绩业绩
past performance standard过去业绩标准
performance appraisal成效鉴定
performance appraisal成效评价
performance criteria实施标准
performance fund经营基金
performance goals成效目的
performance goals完成目的
performance level完成程度
performance measurement工作完威测定
performance of an assigned job指定工作的完成
performance planning执行任务计划
performance planning绩效计划
performance rating考绩对企业员工的评定
performance report业绩报告
performance responsibility完成责任
performance responsibility成效责任
performance specification成效规范
performance specification完成规范
performance standard完成标准
performance standard成效标准
profit-performance evaluation利益业绩评价
records of performance经营成果报表
separation of planning from performance principle计划与作业分离之原理
service performance工作性能
standard and performance appraisal标准与绩效评定
standard performance标准作业程序
standards and performance appraisal标准与实绩评定
standards of performance绩效标准
target and performance目标与实绩
task performance工作表现
top performance最好性能
top performance最高效率
worker performance & attitude工人绩效与态度