
Terms for subject China containing performance | all forms | exact matches only
a public finance oversight system with real-time monitoring, comprehensive examination, feedback on improvement efforts and performance tracking实时监控、综合核查、整改反馈、跟踪问效的财政监督机制
a reporting system on job and anti-corruption performance述职述廉制度
academic performance学业成绩
appraise one's performance考核
assist deputies in their performance of functions as deputies协助支持代表执行代表职务
budget performance report预算执行情况报告
business performance经营业绩
charge for the performance履行费用
constitute the performance of their functions as deputies执行代表职务
criterion for appraisal of the performance考核标准
delay the performance拖延履行
demand for performance履行要求
enterprise performance企业效益
fire resistance performance防火性能
hinder deputies in the performance of their duties阻碍代表执行代表职务
improve the performance of the central government加强中央政权建设
in the independent performance of their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the law依法独立负责地履行职责
increase monitoring and analysis of the performance of the economy加强对国民经济运行情况的跟踪和分析
inhumane performance残忍表演
installment performance分期履行
metrological performance计量性能
mode of performance履行方式
performance assessment绩效考评
performance assistant履行辅助人
performance evaluation绩效考评
performance of a duty履行义务
performance of carriage of goods从事货物运输
performance of duties according to law依法执行职务
performance of functions执行职务
performance of judicial functions履行审判职责
performance of the duty of security management履行治安管理职责
performance of the labor contract劳动合同的履行
performance tracking跟踪问效
place of performance履行地点
prominent difficulties and problems affecting economic performance经济运行中的一些突出矛盾和问题
quality and performance质量和效益
remarkable performance突出表现
right of performance表演权
rules governing performance of duties执勤规则
safety performance of the project工程的安全性能
strong economic performance经济效益较好
support deputies in the performance of their duties支持代表执行代表职务
support deputies in their performance of functions as deputies协助支持代表执行代表职务
suspension of performance of functions as a deputy停止执行代表职务
test of the performance性能鉴定
the system of officials9 reporting on their work and anti-corruption performance述职述廉制度
the system of officials reporting on their work and anti-corruption performance述职述廉制度
the system of training functionaries and appraising their performance国家工作人员的培训和考核制度
time limit for the performance履行期限