
Terms for subject International trade containing percentage | all forms | exact matches only
average irrespective of percentage不论百分比的海损
composite percentage statement综合百分率决算表
corresponding percentage相应的百分比
cost plus a percentage fee contracts成本加一个百分数酬金合同
cost plus percentage fee contract成本加比例报酬合同
cost-plus-percentage-fee contract成本加比例报酬合同
depreciation changing percentage of cost less scrap余值变率折旧
depreciation fixed percentage of cost成本定率折旧
depreciation fixed percentage of diminishing value定率减值折旧
depreciation percentage of original cost原始成本定率折旧
fixed percentage basis固定百分率法
fixed percentage method定率折旧法
fixed percentage method定率百分率折旧法
fixed percentage of diminishing value method递减价值定率折旧法
irrespective of percentage全部赔偿
irrespective of percentage单独海损全赔无免赔率
irrespective of percentage不论损失如何
markon percentage加成率
mark-up percentage加成率
method of fixed percentage on cost按成本的固定百分比折旧法
payable irrespective of percentage不拘损失率大小照付
percentage change百分比变动
percentage comparisons百分率比较
percentage depletion耗减百分比
percentage depletion百分比耗减法
percentage depletion百分率耗减法
percentage of completion basis完成百分率基础计算成一法
percentage of damage损失的百分率
percentage of damaged goods残损率
percentage of reject拒收百分率
percentage of total占总款额的百分比
percentage of total outstanding amount占未偿还总额的百分比
percentage-of-completion method完工程度法
percentage point百分率的点
percentage quota system百分比定额制
percentage statement百分率比较表
percentage statement百分率表
service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比
W.A. irrespective of percentage单独海损不计免赔率