
Terms for subject Finances containing percentage | all forms | exact matches only
allowable percentage of cash overage or shortage长短款可容许误差率
annual percentage rate年利率
blanket percentage method总括定率法
chart of percentage comparisons百分率比较图
cost plus percentage method成本附加百分法
dedication percentage偿债专款比例
depreciation-percentage of original cost原始成本定率折旧
depreciation-percentage of original cost method原价定率折旧法
depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap余值变率折旧
depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap method余值变率折旧法
depreciation-charging percentage of cost less scrap method折旧-原值减残值百分法
depreciation-fixed percentage of cost成本定率折旧
depreciation-fixed percentage of cost method成本定率折旧法
depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value定率减值折旧
depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value method定率减值折旧法
discount percentage折价百分比
fixed percentage basis固定百分率法折旧用
fixed-percentage-of-declining-balance depreciation method余额递减定率折旧法
gross margin percentage毛利
gross margin percentage边际毛利百分率
haircut percentage扣减百分率
intercompany profit and changes in parents percentage of control结合公司间内部利益与母公司控制权成数之变化
interest as a percentage of net earning收益相当利息倍数
labour cost percentage method人工成本百分法
mark-on percentage加价百分率
material percentage method材料百分比法
notifiable percentage level须具报百分率水平
percentage balance sheet百分比资产负债表
percentage completion method工程完工比例法
percentage composition结构百分比
percentage figure百分率数字
percentage level百分率水平
percentage of completion basis degree-of-completion basis完工百分率制计算成本之一法
percentage of completion method工程完成百分比法
percentage of cost less scrap余值百分率
percentage of income method收益率法
percentage of net sales按销货收入净额百分比估计
percentage of outstanding loan method未偿贷款百分比法
percentage of reject拒收百分比
percentage of total appreciation method增值全额百分率法
percentage of total outstanding占未偿还总额的百分比
percentage of total outstanding amount未偿还总额百分比
percentage-of-accounts receivable method应收账款百分比法
percentage-of-accounts receivable method应收帐款百分数法
percentage-of-sales method销货额百分数法
percentage on original cost plan原始成本百分率法
percentage statement百分率报表
preferred dividend as a percentage of earnings优先股股利收益倍数
preferred dividend as a percentage of earnings优先股股利率
prescribed percentage指定百分比
raise the required deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points将存款准备金率上调0.5个百分点
specified percentage level指明百分率水平
trend percentage analysis of financial statements财务报表的趋势百分比分析