
Terms for subject Commerce containing percentage | all forms | exact matches only
cost plus-percentage-fee contract成本加比例报酬
cost-plus percentage fee成本加加成费
irrespective of percentage不论损失如何全部赔偿
percentage analysis百分比分析
percentage criterion百分率标准 (G. S. P. 普惠制关于商品原产国原料的规定标准)
percentage growth rate百分增率
percentage mark-up加成率
percentage of recovery回采率
percentage of unemployment失业率
percentage of utilization利用率
percentage quantity system出口限额百分率分配制
percentage recovery回采率
percentage statement百分比财务报表
percentage surcharge on total material and manpower inputs按全部材料和人力投入量的百分比计量的附加费用
to cover all loss and or damage however caused irrespective of percentage不论其程度如何
to cover all loss and or damage however caused irrespective of percentage承保不论何种原因所引起的一切灭失或损坏
W.A. irrespective of percentage单独海损全赔