
Terms for subject Agriculture containing percentage | all forms | exact matches only
absorption percentage吸收率指肥料
actual percentage of survival实际成活率
available percentage of seed种子可利用率
average percentage deviation平均百分数离差
average percentage distribution平均百分率分布
average percentage of shattering平均脱粒率
calving percentage母牛分娩率
carcass dressing percentage出肉量屠宰畜体经修整后包括骨头在内的肉重量百分数
cleaning loss percentage清选损失率
cocoon shell percentage茧层率
conventional heritability percentage通用遗传率
critical percentage临界百分率
cross percentage杂交率
crossing percentage杂交率
crossing-over percentage交换率
crossover percentage交换 百分
degumming loss percentage练减率{蚕}
disease percentage发病率
dressed carcass percentage出肉
dry matter percentage出干物质率
effective tiller percentage有效分蘖率
emergence percentage出苗率
equilibrium-moisture percentage平衡含水量
fertilization percentage受精率
filled-grain percentage饱满子粒率
fixed percentage method定率法
flour milling percentage出粉率
fruit set percentage结果率
fruit-bearing percentage结果率
germination percentage[种子]发芽率
ginning percentage轧花率
glassy percentage透明质率指种子
heritability percentage遗传力率
high percentage高比率
high percentage高百分率
hull percentage出壳率指稻谷
husk percentage豆荚出壳率
lesion area percentage病斑面积率
low effective tiller percentage有效分蘖率低
marketable tuber weight percentage上市块茎重率
marking percentage标记率
maximum crossing-over percentage最高交换率
maximum recombination percentage最高重组率
meat percentage纯肉率
meat percentage出肉率
meiotic percentage减数分裂率
milk-fat percentage乳脂率
milling percentage出精米率
milling percentage出粉率
natural crossing percentage with emasculation method去雄法测定天然杂交率
oil percentage出油率
oil percentage含油率
pebrine percentage in moth蚕蛾微粒子病率
percentage addition增加百分率
percentage articulation清晰度百分率
percentage articulation百分清晰度
percentage composition组成百分率
percentage content含有率
percentage content含量百分数
percentage data百分率数据
percentage dead死亡率
percentage frequency频率[百分数]
percentage increases增产 [百分]率
percentage increases增加[百分]率
percentage mortality死亡[百分]率
percentage obtainable cane sugar formulaPOCS 公式
percentage obtainable cane sugar formula可得蔗糖率公式
percentage of broken grain破粒率
percentage of brown rice糙米率
percentage of chaff出壳率禾谷类
percentage of cocoon shell weight茧层
percentage of crossing杂交率
percentage of damage破损率
percentage of damage损失率
percentage of decrease in silkworm number蚕数减少百分数
percentage of diseased leaves发病叶率
percentage of diseased leaves感病叶率
percentage of diseased leaves致病叶率
percentage of double cocoon双宫茧率
percentage of double cocooning silkworms同宫茧蚕率
percentage of dry matter干物质百分率
percentage of ear-bearing tiller成穗率
percentage of emergence现苗率
percentage of emergence出苗率
percentage of establishment of seedlings成苗率
percentage of fertile fruit坐果率
percentage of fertilized grains受精子粒率
percentage of freshing脱粒率
percentage of fruitful culm有效茎率
percentage of glassy kernel硬粒率
percentage of glassy kernel透明粒率
percentage of grain with no germination potential死子率
percentage of hull出壳率豆类
percentage of husk出皮率玉米苞皮
percentage of infested boll受害棉铃率
percentage of injured panicles伤穗率
percentage of injury受害率
percentage of milled rice白米率
percentage of missing larvae减蚕率
percentage of missing silkworm蚕数减少百分数
percentage of motile sperm精子存活率
percentage of mounted silk worms 簇率
percentage of natural crossing自然杂交率
percentage of possible sunshine可能日照百分率
percentage of probable error概差百分数
percentage of pupation化蛹率
percentage of purity纯洁率
percentage of purity纯度百分率
percentage of ripened grain子粒成熟率
percentage of ripening成熟率
percentage of seed germination种子发芽率
percentage of seed set结实率
percentage of seedling幼苗百分数
percentage of seedling出苗率
percentage of selection选择率
percentage of self-mounting silkworm自动上簇率{蚕}
percentage of setting结实率
percentage of shattering落粒率
percentage of starch in the seed种子含淀粉率
percentage of survival存活率
percentage of the number of fully ripened grain完熟子粒数百分率
percentage productivity method百分生产率法
percentage sterility不育率
plant percentage植株百分率
plant recovery percentage[植物]吸肥率
polishing percentage出米率
predicted percentage预测率
probit percentage kill概率子致死率
probit percentage kill几元致死率
recombination percentage重组百分率
reelability percentage解舒率
seed set percentage结实率
seed setting percentage结实率
seeding area percentage播种面积百分数
set percentage结实率
setting percentage结实率
shelling percentage脱壳率
shelling percentage脱荚率
soil moisture percentage on dried soil basis依据干土重的土壤含水率
soluble sodium percentage溶解钠百分率
sprouting percentage发芽率
sucrose percentage蔗糖率
sugar percentage出糖率
summation percentage累积百分率
survive percentage存活率
survive percentage成活率
using percentage使用率
varietal seed percentage品种种子百分率
void percentage空隙率
wilting percentage萎蔫含水率
yield percentage出产率
yielding percentage出产率