
Terms for subject Business containing percentage | all forms | exact matches only
accumulation percentage积累百分比
accumulation percentage积累率
accumulative percentage累积百分数
across-the-board percentage reduction以百分率计全面降价
advance received according to percentage of completion预收进度款
allowable percentage of cash average or shortage长短款公差率
annual percentage rate年百分率
annual percentage rate年百分比
as percentage of gross national product占国民生产总值的百分比
as percentage of total public expenditure占全部公共支出的百分比
assessment percentage估税率
at a percentage of按某百分数计算
average irrespective of percentage不计免赔率大小的海损
average percentage of growth平均增长百分率
average spread percentage平均利率差幅百分比
blanket percentage method统一百分法
chart of percentage comparisions百分率比较图
component percentage构成百分比
composite percentage statement综合百分率报表
constant percentage固定百分比增长模型
constant percentage method不变百分比
corresponding percentage相应百分比
cost reduction percentage of comparable products可比产品成本下降百分率
cost-plus-percentage fee成本加百分比费用
deduct a percentage提成
depreciation by fixed percentage of cost成本定率折旧
depreciation by percentage of original cost原始成本定率折旧
depreciation percentage of original cost原始成本定率折旧
depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap成本减余值变率折旧法
depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value定率减值折旧
depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value method递减定率折旧法
depreciation-method of fixed percentage of diminishing value递减价值定率折旧法
direct material cost percentage rate直接原料成本百分比
direct wage percentage ratio直接工资百分比率
director's percentage of profits董事分红比例
draw a percentage提成
error expressed as a percentage of the fiducial value置信值百分率误差
fixed percentage basis定率法
fixed percentage basis固定百分率法 (method)
fixed percentage of decreasing net value method定率递减净值法
fixed percentage of diminishing value method定率价值递减法
fixed percentage of interest定率利息
fixed percentage of interest固定利息率
fixed-percentage-on-declining balance method定率递减余额法
gross margin percentage销货毛利率
gross mark-on percentage总增加计价百分法
immediate appreciation percentage即时可懂度
income percentage of profit收入利润率
income percentage of revenue收入利润率
increased percentage增长百分比
irrespective of percentage不计免赔率
irrespective of percentage无免赔率
irrespective of percentage海运险无免赔率
labor cost percentage method人工成本百分法
levied as a percentage按百分比计征
limitation of the percentage百分比限度
makeup percentage加价百分比
margin percentage between wholesale and retail price批零差价率
mark up percentage加价率
mark up percentage加成率
markup percentage加成率
maximum deviation percentage极大偏差百分比
maximum percentage最大百分比
maximum percentage deviation of frequency weighted加权频数极大偏差百分比
met hod of discount fixed percentage on cost按成本固定百分比折旧法
method of fixed percentage on cost按成本固定百分比折旧法
net income retaining percentage on base year net income按年基数净收益计算的留成率
net income retaining percentage on net income increment按增长净收益计算的留成率
net mark-on percentage净增价百分率
net mark-on percentage净加息率
net mark-on percentage净增百分比
participating percentage interest分享百分比股利
payable irrespective of percentage保险不计损失率大小均照付
percentage achievement达成率
percentage allowance over standard time超过标准时间宽限百比率
percentage amount相对数量
percentage analysis百分比分析法
percentage bar graph百分比线条图
percentage completion method工程完工百分比法
percentage composition百分率组分
percentage curve百分比曲线
percentage depletion百分比折耗法
percentage distribution分配百分率
percentage growth rate百分增长率
percentage of account payable应付账款百分率
percentage of account receivable应收账款百分率
percentage of admixture杂质百分率
percentage of capital structure资本构成百分率
percentage of complement basis配套百分率制
percentage of completion basis完工百分率制
percentage of completion method完工百分率法
percentage of damaged goods货物残损率
percentage of moisture含水百分比
percentage of net sale销货净额百分率
percentage of process yield工序材料利用率
percentage of reject拒收率
percentage of sale approach销售百分率法
percentage of sales analysis销货百分率分析
percentage of spoilage and defective work废品率
percentage of the completion basis完成百分率制
percentage of the damage损坏百分率
percentage of the income method收益百分率法
percentage of the net sales销货收入净额百分率
percentage of the sale analysis销货百分率分析
percentage of the total outstanding占未偿还总额的百分比
percentage of the wear and tear折旧率
percentage of total appreciation method增值金额百分率法
percentage of total effective and noneffective development credit占已生效和未生效开发信贷总额的百分比
percentage of wear磨耗百分率
percentage of wear and tear损耗百分率
percentage on diminishing value plan百分率清偿计划
percentage on production labour method生产劳动百分率法
percentage on the original cost plan原始成本百分率法
percentage payment on technological transfer charge技术转让提成费百分率
Percentage Quantity System比例分配制
percentage quota百分定额
percentage quota system比例配额制
percentage rate百分率
percentage share百分率份数
percentage table百分率表
percentage variance百分方差
percentages of production capacity生产能力百分率
precise percentage of discount折扣精确数
ratio of income as a percentage of sales销售收益率
ratio of income as a percentage of sales销售利润收益
reserve percentage储备百分率
retained percentage from remaining balance of net income beyond fixed amount利润包干结余分成
retained percentage on excess profits beyond assigned amount利润包干超收分成
retained percentage on loss reduction beyond assigned amount亏损包干超收分成
retained portion from net income or percentage from loss beyond fixed amount留用包干利润或亏损分成
service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额百分比
service percentage维修率
service percentage使用百分率
target percentage百分率指标
trend percentage趋势百分比
W.A.irrespective of percentage单独海损不计免赔率
weighted average contribution margin percentage权平均贡献毛益率