
Terms for subject Technology containing percentage | all forms | exact matches only
absolute fine aggregate percentage绝对细骨料率
absolute fine aggregate percentage绝对含砂率
absolute fine aggregate percentage绝对细集料率
addition percentage附加百分比
additional percentage tax附加比例税
alloy of high percentage高合金
alloy of low percentage低合金
analytic percentage分析百分比
analytical percentage分析百分比
annual consumption at percentage消耗量占百分比
annual export at percentage出口量占百分比
annual mining output at percentage开采量占百分比
annual output concentration at percentage产量占百分比
annual percentage rate年百分利率
average percentage deviation平均百分离差
average percentage recovery of core平均岩芯采取率
base-saturation percentage盐基饱和率
base-saturation percentage阳离子吸附饱和度
beam modulation percentage束调制百分数
beam modulation percentage束调制度
brake percentage制动百分率
brake percentage制动比
braked weight percentage制动重力的百分率
chart of percentage comparison百分率比较图
component percentage分配百分比
concentration expressed in percentage by volume体积百分浓度
concentration expressed in percentage by weight重量百分浓度
condensate recovery percentage凝结水回收率
content percentage含量百分率
contraction percentage收缩百分率
contraction percentage of area截面收缩率
contraction percentage of area断面收缩率
cost reduction percentage of comparable products可比产品成本降低率
cost-and-percentage contracts成本加百分比合同
cost-plus-percentage contract成本加比例报酬合同
cost-plus-percentage contract成本加提成契约
cost-plus percentage fee成本加一定比例费用
cost-plus percentage-of-cost contracts成本加成本百分率合同
cumulative percentage累积率
cumulative percentage累计百分率
cumulative percentage passing累积过筛百分数
cumulative percentage passing sieve过筛累计百分率
cumulative percentage retained累积筛余百分数
cumulative weight percentage累计重量百分比
deduct a percentage from profit利润提成
depreciation method of fixed percentage on cost按成本的固定百分比折旧法
depreciation-percentage of original cost method原始成本定率折旧法
depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap method按成本减残值变率折旧法
depreciation-charging percentage of cost less scrap method折旧原值减残值百分法
depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value method折旧照递减值定率百分法
dirt percentage含杂率
dissipation percentage pore pressure孔隙压力消散百分数
distribution percentage分配百分率
dividend payout percentage股利支付率
effective percentage有效率
effective percentage modulation有效调制率
effective percentage modulation有效调制深度
equal percentage characteristic等百分比特性
error percentage误差百分率
error percentage误差百分数
extraction percentage提取率
factory percentage预制百分率
failure percentage装箱破损率
fixed percentage depreciation method定率折旧法
fixed percentage of a declining method定率递减法
fixed-percentage-on-declining balance depreciation method定率递减折旧法
frothing percentage发泡率
greening cover percentage绿化覆盖率
greening cover percentage绿色覆盖率
gross margin percentage毛利率
gross margin percentage毛损率
gross profit percentage毛利百分率
grounding percentage接地百分率
high percentage百分率很高
immediate appreciation percentage即时可懂百分比
inspection percentage抽检百分比
intermodulation distortion percentage互调失真百分比
irrespective of percentage不论损失程度
irrespective of percentage不论百分比是多少
irrespective of percentage不受损失百分比限制
labor cost percentage method人工成本百分比法
labour cost percentage method人工成本百分比法
loss soda ash percentage纯碱飞散率
lot-tolerance percentage defective容忍疵品比率
lowest percentage extractability最小可提取性百分率
make-up water percentage补水率
mark-down percentage标价减成率
market share at percentage销售量占百分比
marking percentage传号百分率
mark-on percentage标价加成率
mark-up percentage提价百分率
maximum percentage modulation最大调制度
maximum percentage recovery of core最高岩芯采取率
minimal percentage of reinforcement最低配筋率
minimum percentage by weight passing最小重量百分率
minor use of mineral commodities at percentage次要用量占百分比
modulation percentage以百分比计的调制深度
moisture percentage含水量百分比
moisture percentage含水量百分数
moisture volume percentage容积含水率
moisture weight percentage干重含水率
moisture weight percentage重量含水量
mol percentage克分子百分数
mortar percentage灰浆组分百分比
net mark-up percentage净增价百分率
number and percentage数量和百分比
optimum fine aggregate percentage最佳含砂率
optimum moisture percentage最适含水率
ore dressing recovery percentage选矿回收率
overlay percentage覆盖百分率
over-size percentage筛余百分率
percentage absolute humidity绝对湿度百分率
percentage absorptivity百分吸收系数
percentage addition百分数附加
percentage afforestation造林百分比
percentage agreement按百分比收费协议
percentage agreement按造价百分比付款合约
percentage agreement按总造价百分比计费的合约
percentage air void含气率
percentage allocation按百分比分摊
percentage allowance over-standard time超过标准时间的宽限百分率
percentage analysis method百分率分析法
percentage annual import进口量占百分比
percentage articulation传声百分清晰度
percentage balance sheet百分率资产负债表
percentage bar chart百分条图
percentage bar chart构成柱状图
percentage bar diagram百分条图
percentage bar graph百分比柱形图表
percentage basis百分比基准
percentage beam modulation束调制度
percentage berth occupancy泊位利用率
percentage between screens中间率 (相邻筛号之间的成分百分率)
percentage bridge百分法电桥
percentage bulking砂的湿胀率
percentage by volume容积浓度百分率
percentage by volume按体积计百分数
percentage by volume体积百分比
percentage by weight按重量计百分数
percentage by weight重量百分比 (率)
percentage cash flow资产股息率
percentage cash flow现金流量率
percentage chart百分率图
percentage circular chart百分圆图
percentage comparison百分率比较
percentage composition百分含量
percentage composition结构百分率
percentage composition成分百分比
percentage composition组成百分比
percentage concentration百分浓度
percentage concentration浓度百分率
percentage conductivity百分电导率
percentage consolidation固结率
percentage content value百分比含量值
percentage contract提成合同
percentage contract按百分比收费合同
percentage contract按总价百分比收费合同
percentage core recovery岩芯回采率
percentage core recovery岩芯获得率
percentage correction百分率校正
percentage curve分布曲线
percentage depletion百分率法折耗
percentage depletion百分率折耗
percentage depletion消耗百分比
percentage depletion allowance百分率折耗减免
percentage deviation百分偏差
percentage differential protection比率差动保护装置
percentage differential relay百分率差动继电器
percentage distribution相对分布
percentage dot map百分点地图
percentage elongation百分伸长率
percentage elongation伸长百分率
percentage error百分比误差
percentage error百分误差
percentage error相对误差
percentage extraction萃取百分
percentage extraction回采率
percentage fee按造价百分率付款
percentage fee百分比费用
percentage fee百分数补偿费用
percentage fee按总价百分比计费
percentage fibre extraction剥麻率
percentage fines细粒含量百分率
percentage fraction weight筛分颗粒组分重量百分数
percentage fraction weight筛分颗粒组分重量百分比
percentage fraction weight筛分粒径组分重量百分数
percentage fraction weight筛分粒径组分重量百分比
percentage frequency百分频率
percentage humidity饱和度含湿率和饱和含湿率之比
percentage humidity百分湿度
percentage humidity湿度百分率
percentage in weight重量百分数
percentage inclination坡度百分率
percentage inclination坡度率
percentage inclination倾斜率
percentage increase增产百分率
percentage increase百分数增加
percentage increase增长的百分数
percentage increase增长率
percentage line drop电路电压降百分数
percentage liquid phase液相百分数
percentage loading of mill球磨的填充系数
percentage loading of mill磨机填充率
percentage loss百分率损耗
percentage loss损失率
percentage map百分率图
percentage method百分法
percentage method百分率法
percentage modulation调制百分比
percentage of absentees to total staff in service缺勤率
percentage of accumulated sieve residues累计筛余百分率
percentage of accumulated sieve residues累计筛余百分数
percentage of accuracy精度百分率
percentage of accuracy准确度百分数
percentage of bed-expansion床膨胀率
percentage of bed-expansion膨胀率【给】
percentage of bright sunshine日照率日照时间对可照时间的百分比
percentage of bright sunshine日照率
percentage of broken grain谷粒破碎率
percentage of carbon碳的百分数
percentage of class A goods正品率
percentage of clean-up清舱量比重
percentage of coal thickness含煤系数
percentage of completion完工百分率
percentage of consolidation固结百分比
percentage of consolidation固结百分数
percentage of consolidation固结百分率
percentage of consolidation压缩百分率
percentage of content含量百分比
percentage of core recovery岩芯采收率
percentage of core recovery岩芯取样率
percentage of coverage覆盖率
percentage of damage损失的百分
percentage of damage破碎率
percentage of damaged house房屋损害率
percentage of damaged houses房屋损害率指因地震等原因使房屋受害的程度
percentage of defective goods次品百分率
percentage of direct transshipment直接换装比
percentage of direct transshipment直取比重
percentage of divided seam recovery分层采取率
percentage of double track total route kilometers双线占线路总里程的百分率
percentage of double tracks to total route kilometres铁路复线率
percentage of double tracks to total route kilometres铁路双线率
percentage of drag reduction减阻率
percentage of dust粉尘的百分率
percentage of electric sections to total route kilometers电化率
percentage of electrical sections to total route kilometers电化率
percentage of elongation伸展率
percentage of employees living with dependents职工带眷比
percentage of empty container空箱比重 (集装箱)
percentage of fine aggregate细集料百分率
percentage of fine sand细砂百分含量
percentage of fines细粉率
percentage of fines精粉率
percentage of fines细粉的百分率
percentage of forest cover森林覆被率
percentage of forest cover森林覆盖率
percentage of germination发芽率
percentage of glass玻璃质比率
percentage of grade坡度百分率
percentage of gravel砾石百分含量
percentage of green area百分比
percentage of green area百分率
percentage of higher-category reserves高级储量百分比
percentage of hollow filament空心率
percentage of humidity湿度百分率
percentage of humidity湿度百分数
percentage of hydrocarbons detected检测含烃百分比
percentage of idle time to utilization time闲置时间和利用时间百分比
percentage of inclination倾斜率
percentage of infections ascaris larva蛔虫幼虫感染率
percentage of land-covered forests森林覆盖率
percentage of liveweight growth增重率
percentage of loading of mill磨机硏磨体填充系数
percentage of locomotive under repair机车检修率
percentage of log correction计程仪改正率
percentage of machine-days on good condition机械台日完好率
percentage of mineral dilution矿物贫化率
percentage of moisture含湿率
percentage of moisture含水百分率
percentage of moisture湿度百分数
percentage of moisture湿度百分率
percentage of moisture含水率
percentage of moisture content含湿百分率
percentage of non-productive stay非生产性停泊所占比重
percentage of open area开孔百分数
percentage of opening筛孔面积百分率
percentage of oxygen saturation氧饱和百分率
percentage of oxygen saturation氧饱和率
percentage of pass总产品率
percentage of passenger seats utilization客座利用率
percentage of passenger seats utilization per car客车客座利用率
percentage of passenger seats utilization per train列车客座利用率
percentage of passing过筛百分率
percentage of passing过筛百分数
percentage of passing weight过筛重量百分率
percentage of passing weight过筛率
percentage of passing weight过筛重量通过率
percentage of perfectness of handling machinery装卸机械完好率
percentage of pole embrace极弧系数
percentage of politics restraint政治干预概率
percentage of porosity孔体积百分数
percentage of product品级率
percentage of products sent back for repair返修率
percentage of profit利益率
percentage of reinforcement含钢筋率
percentage of reinforcement钢筋百分比 (率)
percentage of root mean square amplitude均方根振幅百分比
percentage of runoff径流率
percentage of sales analysis销售百分比分析
percentage of sales analysis销售百分率分析
percentage of sales approach销售百分比法
percentage of sales forecasting method销售额百分比预测法
percentage of sales method销售百分比法
percentage of sand砂的百分含量
percentage of sand砂率
percentage of saturated dissolved oxygen溶解氧饱和百分率
percentage of saturated dissolved oxygen溶解氧饱和百分数
percentage of saturated water content含水率
percentage of sediment泥砂百分率
percentage of sediment含泥量
percentage of sediment泥砂含量
percentage of separate sieve residue分计筛余百分数
percentage of shale content含矸率
percentage of short-circuit impedance短路阻抗电压百分比
percentage of shot hole炮眼利用率 (depth in blasting)
percentage of simultaneous drainage同时排水百分率
percentage of simultaneous water demand同时给水百分率
percentage of sludge moisture content污泥含水量百分数
percentage of soil moisture content土壤含水率
percentage of storage库存率
percentage of storage存储率
percentage of storage蓄水度
percentage of success成活率
percentage of surplus suites建余比【建
percentage of the budgeted figure完成预算的百分比
percentage of thresh脱粒率
percentage of trucks货车率
percentage of unitization成组比重
percentage of unloaded car kilometers空车走行率
percentage of utility loss效用损失率
percentage of utilization of fixed assets固定资产利用率
percentage of vegetation植被百分数
percentage of vegetation植被覆盖百分率
percentage of wagon loading capacity utilized货车载重利用率
percentage of washing loss in aggregate骨料水洗流失率
percentage of water content含水率
percentage of wear磨耗百分
percentage of weight of salt to ice冰内加盐百分数
percentage of workable coal thickness可采含煤系数
percentage of worker's attending work工人出勤率
percentage-of-completion basis完工百分率制
percentage-of-completion inventory valuation完工百分率制的存货估计
percentage-of-completion method完工程度毛利计算法
percentage-of-completion method完工百分率法
percentage-of-mean-annual method多年平均值百分率法
percentage open area of screen筛孔面积百分率
percentage open area of screen筛的有效面积百分率
percentage overlap重叠百分比
percentage over-size curve粗料百分率曲线
percentage paid off付清百分率
percentage paid off付讫百分率
percentage passing通过百分率
percentage passing通过率
percentage passing screen过筛百分率
percentage passing screen过筛百分数
percentage pie chart百分比圆形图
percentage point百分点 (百分率中相当于1%的单位)
percentage precision百分精密度
percentage purity纯度百分率
percentage reactance百分电抗
percentage recovery of coal core煤芯采取率
percentage recovery of core岩芯采取率
percentage recovery of full hole全孔采取率
percentage recovery of ore core矿心采取率
percentage recovery of roundtrip回次采取率
percentage reduction去除百分数
percentage reduction in area断面收缩率
percentage reduction in area面积缩小率
percentage reduction of area截面缩小百分率
percentage reduction of diameter直径缩减率
percentage refusal density test百分比抗沉密实度试验
percentage registration百分比读数
percentage reinforcement配筋率
percentage relative humidity百分相对湿度
percentage relative humidity相对湿度百分率
percentage removal去除百分率
percentage rent按百分比计租金
percentage rent按承租人收入的百分比计租
percentage reserves备用率
percentage residue残余百分率
percentage restraint differential protection device比率约制式差动保护装置
percentage saturation饱和百分率
percentage saturation饱和百分数
percentage sieving过筛百分率
percentage sieving过筛百分数
percentage similarity相似率
percentage size pick-up上浆率
percentage speed variation速度变化率
percentage standard deviation百分标准偏差
percentage standard deviation百分均方偏差
percentage standard error百分标准误差
percentage statement百分率表 (比较表)
percentage subsidence沉降率
percentage support顶板面积支护率
percentage syllable articulation音节明晰度
percentage synchronization同步百分比
percentage tare百分比皮重
percentage tare皮重率
percentage test抽查
percentage test挑选试验
percentage testing百分率试验
percentage testing抽查
percentage testing挑选试验
percentage transmission for sample样品的百分透光率
percentage transmittance百分透过率
percentage transmittance百分透射率
percentage undersize curve筛下细料百分率曲线
percentage utilization利用率
percentage voids孔隙百分数
percentage voids空隙百分率
percentage weight of grading fraction粒径分级的重量百分率
permanent wilting percentage永久凋萎含水率
picture modulation percentage图像调制度
pigment percentage颜料份
plan of sandstone percentage砂岩百分比平面图
plasticity retention percentage塑性保持率
price markdown percentage价格降低率
principal use of mineral commodities at percentage主要用量占百分比
quick circulating percentage速动比率
rainfall percentage降雨百分率
reinforcement percentage配筋率
residual curve of energy percentage for low-frequency bandpass低通能量百分比剩余曲线
residual percentage剩余百分率
retained percentage留筛百分率筛余率
retained percentage筛留百分数
retained percentage筛留百分率
retained percentage残留百分率
retained percentage保留金百分比
ripple percentage脉动百分数
runoff percentage径流百分数
sand percentage含砂率
sand percentage细骨料含量
saturation percentage饱和百分数
saturation percentage饱和百分率
sediment delivery percentage排沙率
service percentage服务百分比
shear fracture percentage塑性断口百分率
shrinking percentage收缩百分比
sieve residue percentage筛上百分率
sizing percentage上浆率
sodium percentage含钠百分率
sodium percentage含钠百分数
soil containing a high percentage of rotted leaves含腐叶百分比高的土壤
soil water percentage土壤水百分率
soil water percentage土壤水分百分率
solid volume percentage实体积比率
soluble sodium percentage溶性钠百分率
steel percentage含钢筋率
strain percentage应变百分率
summation of percentage累计百分数
survival percentage of ascarid egg蛔虫卵存活率
suspension percentage悬浮率
suspension percentage悬浊率
the ore reserve at percentage拥有资源所占百分比
the percentage of crystalline phase结晶质比率
the percentage of daughter minerals子矿物比率
the percentage of gas phase气相比率
the percentage of iron-rich matter铁质比率
the percentage of liquid carbon dioxide液态二氧化碳比率
the percentage of liquid phase液相比率
trend percentage趋势百分率
truck percentage货车百分比
ultimate elongation percentage极限伸长率
undersize percentage筛下料百分率
undersize percentage of lump coal块煤下限率
use percentage使用率
variance percentage方差百分比
volume percentage体积百分数
volume percentage容积百分数
volume percentage体积百分比
volume percentage容积百分比
volume percentage容量百分比
volume percentage content体积百分含量
volume percentage of fiber纤维体积率
volume percentage of fibre纤维体积率
volumetric concentration percentage容积浓度百分率
volumetrical concentration percentage容积浓度百分率
wake percentage伴流系数
wake percentage伴流率
water percentage of soil土壤含水率
weight percentage重量百分比 (率)
weight percentage重量比
weight percentage重量百分数
weight percentage content重量百分含量
wilting percentage凋萎含水
wilting percentage枯萎百分数
with average irrespective of percentage不受免赔额限制的水渍险
yearly man sunshine percentage年均日照百分率
yearly mean sunshine percentage年总辐射量
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