
Terms for subject Project management containing payment | all forms | exact matches only
advance payment bond预付款担保
advance payment for contract合同预付款
advance payment security预付款保证
agreement for the payment of interest支付利息协议
application for payment支付申请
application for payment付款申请
ask for payment催付
balance of payment国际收支差额 (BOP)
balance of payments国际收支平衡表
balance of payments deficit国际收支逆差
balance of payments surplus国际收支顺差
centralized budgetary and payments system集中预算及支付制度
certificate for payment付款证明
certificate for payment付款证书
certificate of final payment最终支付证书
certificate of payment支付证书
certificate of payment of profits tax缴付利得税证明书
certify the payment开具支付证书
certify the payment为付款开具证明
complete payment按合同最后的支付
contract payment bond合同支付担保
contractor payment request承包商付款请求
contractor payment system承包商付款系统
cover of payments抵补支付款
date of payment缴付日期
deferred payment guarantee延期付款保函
deferred tax payment延缓缴纳的税款
delayed payment延误的支付
delayed payment拖期付款
direct debit authorization for payment of government rent缴纳地税直接付款授权书
dishonor by non-payment票据迟到拒绝付款
dishonor by non-payment退票
document against payment付款交单 (D/P)
down payment分期付款的初次付款
down payment首期付款
down payment guarantee定金保函
due date for payment应付款的日期
eligible termination payment合法的中止付款 (ETP)
enforcing payment强制执行付款规定
estimated contract payment预计的合同支付
evade payment of tax逃缴税款
evidence of payment付款证明
ex gratia payment优惠支付
ex gratia payment特惠金
ex gratia payment道义上的支付
ex gratia payment特惠津贴
final payment certificate design-build设计-建造最终支付证书
final payment certificate operation service运营服务最终支付证书
fixed price basis of payment按固定价格付款
free of payment settlement免付款交收
frequency of payment支付次数
grace of payment支付宽限
graduated payment累进偿付
gratuitous payment赏金
holding over of payment暂缓缴纳
illicit payment非法支付
income payment收益付款
inflow and outflow of balance of payments国际收支差额的变动
initial payment初期付款
initial payment期初付款
installment payment分期付款'
interest for delayed payment延迟付款利息
interest on late payments迟付款项的利息
interest payment allowance利息付款免税额
interim payment临时付款
late payment迟付
liability for payment of rates缴交差饷的法律责任
lump sum payment总价付款
measurement for payment为支付进行的计量
memorandum of payment缴款通知
milestone payment按里程碑付款
minimum amount of payment最低支付限额
mode of payment发薪办法
mode of payment付款办法
monthly interim payment certificate月中期付款证书
monthly interim payment certificate每月期中付款证书
net payment支出净额
notice of payment支付通知
notice of payment偿还通知
one-off payment单一笔款项
one-off payment一次过拨款
order for payment of money付款指令票据
overdue payment过期未付款
payment against provisional sums暂定金额的支付
payment and drawback requirement缴税及退税规定
payment bond支付担保
payment by measurement采用 计量支付
payment by transfer转账支付
payment conditions付款条件
payment deferred延期付款
payment for claims索赔金的文件
payment for claims索赔的支付
payment guarantee付款保函
payment in due course到期支付
payment in due course按期付款
Payment in foreign trade is often complicated对外贸易中的货款支付是非常复杂的
payment in kind bond实物支付债券
payment in lieu of notice代通知金
payment milestone支付里程碑
payment of advance预付款的支付
payment of duties纳税
payment of estate duty缴付遗产税
payment of freight at destination运费到付
payment of maintenance支付赡养费
payment of money付款
payment of tax缴付税项
payment on account赊账支付
payment on account作为部分付款暂付
payment on demand见索即付
payment on termination终止时的支付合同的
payment on termination合同终止时的付款
payment procedure付款程序
payment provisions支付条款
payment schedule支付进度表
payment schedule支付计划
payment term付款期
payment terms付款方式
payment to employer对雇 主的支付
payment to redeem赎款
payment to the consultant对咨询人的支付
payment to the consultant对咨询工程师的支付
payment withheld扣发支付款
payments to contractor对承包商的支付
periodic payment分期付款
periodical payment按期付款
post-cessation payment停业后的支出
pre-payment guarantee预付款保函
principal payment本金支付
principal payment date本金偿还日
progress payment进度付款
progressive payment按进度累进付款
qualify for payment有资格得到付款
real-time delivery versus payment即时货银交收
real-time payment versus payment即时汇款同时交收
receipts and payments account收支账户
recovery of late payment要求支付拖欠金额
redundancy payment裁员赔偿
redundancy payment裁员支出
regular payment定期支付
restitution of advance payment退还预付款
schedule payment按计划付款
security to the payment of money付款保证
settlement by payment付款结算
sight payment credit即期付款信用证
single payment compound amount factor一次支付的复本利和因子
single payment formulas一次支付公式
single payment present worth factor一次支付现值系数
Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?谈到付款方式、能否告诉我、你们这方面通常怎么做?
special payment特别付款
stage payment阶段付款
summary of receipts and payments as trustee受托人的收支撮要
suspend payment暂停付款
suspension of payment暂停付款
taxation payment税款
The tender price is the sum of all payments stated or expressed as a percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer投标价格是指应按一定比例以不同货币向投标者支付的款额
Well, perhaps we should talk about payment. If you worked with us, how much commission would you expect?嗯、我想我们该谈谈报酬了。如果你和我们合作、你希望得到多少佣金?
Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment本票上未记载付款地的、出票人的营业场所为付款地