
Terms for subject Securities containing payment | all forms | exact matches only
absolute payment无条件清偿
absolute payment完全支付
accounts of receipts and payments收支账目
advance payment提前付款
agreement for the payment of interest利息支付协议
amortization payment分期付款
amortization plan of payment分期摊销计划
annual payment每年付款
appropriation of payment按客户指定用途付款
ask for payment催款
at once payment即时付款
balance of payment国际收支平衡
balance of payment未付款金额
balance of payments approach收支平衡方法
balance of payments crisis收支危机
balance of payments on capital account资本账户收支余额
balance of payments on current account来往账户余额
balance of payments on current account经常账户项目差额
balloon payment到期本息大额还清
balloon payment末期本息大数付款
beforehand with one's payment预付款
beforehand with one's payment提前付款
behind in one's payment逾期付款
biennial payment bond两年期付息债券
bilateral payments agreement双方付款协定
bill for payment支付票据
bond due for payment到期偿还债券
break even lease payment盈亏临界租赁支付
break even payment rate盈亏临界支付率
cash payment on account现金偿还欠款
cash payment service fees现款支付服务费
cash payments journal现金支付日记账
certification payment付款保证书
cessation of payment终止支付
China National Automated Payment System中国自动支付系统
clean payment credit支票付款信用证
clean payment L/C支票付款信用证
clearing house automated payment system伦敦清算机构的自动支付系统
clearing house interbank payment system结算银行同业支付系统
clearing house interbank payment system银行同业票据清算支付系统
compensating payment补偿性报酬
compensation payment赔偿支付
compensation payment赔偿款项
compensatory payment补偿性付款
complete payment完整付款
constant payment mortgage偿还固定金额的抵押贷款
constant payment mortgage偿还固定金额式抵押贷款
contingent payment或有支付
continuously offered payment right持续提供支付权
contractual payment约定支出
contractual payment约定付款
contractual payment债务偿还
countermand of payment止付令
countermand of payment撤销支付的指令
countermand of payment支票 止付令
date of payment支付日
date of payment of dividend股利支付日
date of payment of dividend股息派发日
debt service payment偿还债务的开支
default in payment拖欠还款
default in payment不履行还款义务
default in payment欠款
deferred payment account延期付款账户
deferred payment annuity延期支付年金
deferred payment note延期付款票据
deferred payment option延期付款期权
deferred payment security延期支付证券
definite undertaking of payment确定性承诺付款
delay in payment未按时付款
delay in payment迟误付款
delayed payment推迟付款
delivery versus payment即付票据
delivery versus payment见票即付票据
delivery versus payment艮卩付票据
depreciation-equal-annual payment method年平均折旧法
discount payment债券发行时先行付息
discount payment贴现支付
discretionary bonus payment酌情支付的红利
disequilibrium of balance of payments支出不平衡
dishonour by non-payment由于付款不足而退票
dividend payment股利支付
dividend payment book股利支付登记簿
dividend payment sheet股息支付账单
document against payment bill交单付款汇票付款还抵押汇票
document on payment支付文件
documentary payment bill付款跟单汇票
documentary payment bill现付票据
documentary payment order跟单付示委托书
documents against payment付款交货
documents against payment见单付款
down payment预付金
down payment保证金
down payment首付
due date for payment应付款日
earnout contingency payments收益或有支付
earn-out payment scheme获利能力付款方案
easy payment轻松支付
electronic payment instruction网上收付款指示
electronic payment instruction电子支付款指示
electronic payment instruction电子支付指示
electronic payment system网上付款系统 (EPS)
electronic payment system电子支付系统 (EPS)
end-of-month payment月末支付
enforcing payment强制执行付款
erroneous payment错误付款
erroneous payment错误支付
evidence of payment支付证据
ex gratia payment优惠金
excess parachute payment超额伞型支付
expenditure for loan payment偿还贷款支出
fee payment费用支付
fixed payment loan固定给付的放款
fixed-payment mortgage固定支付抵押
fixed-rate payment固息支付
flexible payment mortgage弹性付款抵押
floating payment浮息支付
frequency of payments支付次数
frequency of payments支付频率
full two-way payments完全双向支付
future service payment未来的债务还本付息额
golden parachute payments金保护伞支付
good for payment有支付能力
graduate payment loan累进偿还贷款
graduated payment累进支付
graduated payment adjustable mortgage累进交付可调抵押
graduated payment adjustable mortgage累进支付可调抵押贷款
graduated payment mortgage累进支付抵押贷款
guarantee of due payment付款担保书
guarantee of due payment付款保证书
holding over of payment延期缴纳
holding over of payment延期付款
immediate payment即期支付
initial compensation payment初步赔偿支付
initial payment首次支付
intercorporate payment公司间支付
international balance of payment国际收支平衡表
international payment service国际支付服务
intraday marks payment obligations当日差额支付
Java Electronic Payment InitiativeJava 电子支付联盟
Java Electronic Payment Initiative Java电子支付联盟
late payment迟到付款
level payment plan平衡摊还计划
limited payment life有限的支付期限
limited two-ways payments有限双向支付
loan due for payment到期偿还贷款
low down payment mortgage低分期付款抵押贷款
low down payment mortgage低首付抵押贷款
lump sum payment整笔付款
lump sum payment一次性总付款
make an allowance of 10 percent for cash payment现款打九折
manner of payment交付方式
manufactured payment假设支付 (融券者向股票出借者支付的红利)
margin payment利润
margin payment差价
margin payment差额
margin payment保证金
margin payment押金
marks payment差额付款
method of payment付款方式
minimum payment最低偿付额
miscellaneous payments杂项支出
mode of payment付款方法
National Automated Payment System国家自动支付系统中国
National Automated Payment System国家自动支付系统
notice to suspend payment停止支付通知
one-off payment单笔付款
one-off payment一次性付款
optional payment bond有预付选择权的债券
optional payment bond可选择偿还方式的债券
order of payment of debts in bankruptcy破产债务清偿次序
other payment methods其他支付方法
outlay for debt payment偿债支出
payment and delivery transaction收付交易
payment bond支付保证书
payment by cash付现金
payment by instalment分期付款
payment by mistake误付
payment by remittance汇付
payment by remittance汇款付给
payment by transfer调款支付
payment capacity支付能力
payment countermanded停止付款
payment date股利发放日
payment date付款日
payment delay支付延期
payment document付款单据
payment domiciled定点付款
payment float付款浮动
payment for honour参与付款
payment for honour supra protest拒绝承兑汇票的付款
payment for order flow有偿委托服务券商代理委托时获取收人的方式
payment for order flow有偿订单服务
payment frequency mismatches支付频率不一致
payment gateway支付系统网关设施
payment in due course到期付款
payment in full of the subscription money for all shares全额交足购股款项
payment in kind用实物或服务支付
payment in kind securities实物分红证券
payment in kind securities实物利息证券
payment in part支付一部分
payment instruction付款指示
payment instruction支付指令
payment lag支付延迟
payment lag支付滞后
payment ledger支付分类账
payment netting净额交易支付
payment netting支付冲销
payment notice交款通知
payment of a note票据支付
payment of compensation赔偿支付
payment of debt偿债支付
payment of dividend分红
payment of interest支付利息
payment of shares支付股金
payment on deferred terms迟付
payment on demand按要求付款
payment on invoice按发票付款
payment on statement按账单付款
payment order付款指令
payment out of the compensation fund从赔偿基金拨款支付
payment out of the compensation fund用赔偿基金支付
payment ratio分配股息比率
payment ratio付款比例
payment receipt付款收据
payment stopped此票已止付
payment supraprotest参加付款
payment supraprotest汇票付款人拒绝付款后,第三方为保护出票人的信誉而参与承兑
payment to foreign investors向外国投资者付款
payment vs payment汇款即时交收
payment vs payment汇款同步结算
payment window还款窗口
payment window本金还款期
payments mechanism收支机制
payments pattern支付形式
payments pattern支付形态
payments surplus收支盈余
performance liquidated damage payment损害赔偿履约金
periodic interest payment定期的利息支付
periodic payment plan定期付款计划
permissible capital payment核准的资本付款额
place of payment票据付款地点
preauthorized payment预先授权支付
preferred right of payment优先接受偿付的权力
present for payment提示付款
present for payment凭单付款
presentment for payment支付提示
principal payments on junior debt次要债务本金偿还
progress billing/payment按进度付款
protect payments system保护付薪制度
protect payments system保护付款制度
questionable payment公司企业的贿赂金
rata payment分期付款
rate of payment to primary inputs最初投人支付率
real time delivery versus payment实时交割与结算 (DvP)
receipts and payments account现金出纳账户
receipts and payments account收支账
receive against payment收付
receive payment on the basis of one's share of the land土地人股分红
receiving payment接收付款
redundancy payment退职金
refinancing of debt service payments为偿付债务再筹资
remote payment远程支付
remote payment异地支付
reparation payment赔偿支付
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans对贷款还本付息
reschedule of payment重新安排付款期限
residual payment剩余支付款
residual payment余款
restricted payment限制支付
reward payment报酬
royalty payment专利支出
security for payment支付担保
semi-annual interest payment每半年支付利息一次
sequential payment顺序支付
sequential payment序列支付
series of payment or receipt分期付款或收款
settle a debt by payment偿清债务
sight payment见单付款
significant events that have influence on corporate bonds'repayment of principal and payment of interest出现影响公司债券还本付息的重大事件
single payment bond单一支付债券
skip-payment privilege跳跃支付特权
stop-payment notice止付通知书
substantially equal periodic payments重大等期支付
substantially equal periodic payments实质性等期支付
substitute payment代替付款
sundry payments非经营费用即期支付
sundry payments杂项即期付款
suspend payment无力清偿
suspend payment无力偿债
suspense payment暂停付款
suspension of payment无力支付
suspension of payment无力偿债
system of cash payment for shares股金支付制度
tender money in payment of a debt偿付债款
third party payment第三方付款
time fixed for payment固定支付日期
time payment debts定期偿还债券
token payment保证金
transfer of payment支付转移
two party payment双方付款
unauthorized payment未经授权的支付
unauthorized payment未被认可的支付
untimely payment risk不及时付款风险
upfront payment/fee预付费用
upfront premium payment一次性溢价支付
upfront premium payment一次清偿权利金
warrant for the payment of money付款令