
Terms for subject Finances containing payment | all forms | exact matches only
accept payment in renminbi接受人民币支付
accept renminbi as payment接受人民币支付
account of payments付款帐户
account of payments支岀账
account of payments支出帐户
account of payments and receipts收支表
account of receipts and payments收支表
active balance of payments国际收支黑字
active balance of payments国际收支盈余
additional payment ap追加付款
additional payment ap追加支付
additional payment plan of undertaking expense追加事业费用款计划
advance for payment of bond公司债券提前偿还
advance order of payment命令支付通知发信
advance payment预付款担保函
advance payment bond提前付款保证金
advance payment of bond公司债券提前偿还
advance payment of income tax预缴所得税
advance payment of premium预缴保
advanced payment预付款项
advanced payment预支款
adverse balance of payments国际收支逆差 (国际收支若收人小于支出,就是国际收支逆差,又称"国际收支赤字")
advice of payment汇票通知书
allowance payment津贴支付
anticipate payment先期付款
anticipated payment预付
applicant for payment托付人
arrears payment后付款
ask for payment催缴
ask for payment催付款
Association for Payment Clearing Services支付清算协会
automated payment system自动付费系统
automatic payment自动转帐
balance of external payment对外支付差额
balance of external payments对外支付余额
balance of international payment国际收支平衡表 (balance of payment)
balance of international payment国际支付差额 (balance of payment)
balance of international payments国际收支余额
balance of payments收支差额
balance of payments国际收支平衡
balance of payments收支平衡表
balance of payments adjustment国际收支调节
balance of payments adjustment process国际收支之调整程序
balance of payments deficit国际收支逆差 (若国际收支收人小于支出,就是国际收支逆差,又称"国际收支赤字")
balance of payments deficit or surplus屆际收支逆差或顺差
balance of payments facility国际收支援助基金
balance of payments position.国际收支状况
balance of payments sheet国际收支平衡表
balance of payments statement国际收支平衡表 (是按照复式簿记原理,以某一特定货币为计量单位,运用简明的表格形式总括地反映一经济体(一国或地区)在特定时期内与世界其他经济体间发生的全部经济交易)
balance of payments surplus国际收支顺差 (若国际收支收人大于支出,就是国际收支顺差,又称"国际收支黑字" "国际收支盈余")
balance of payments surplus国际收支顺差盈余
balance of receipts and payments of credit funds信贷收支差额
balance-of-payments on capital account国际收支资本收户
balloon payment最末期大笔还清
balloon payment飘浮式付款指分期付款中最后一笔大数额偿付数
balloon payment汽球式付款
bank credit receipts and payments银行信贷收支
bank payment methods银行支付方法
bank payment voucher银行存款付款凭证
basic balance of payments基本收支
behind with payments支付误期
behindhand with payments支付误期
below the line payments and receipts线下收支
bill dishonored by non-payment拒绝付款汇票
bonus payment红利支付
book of original documents for payments凭空证簿
book of original documents for payments付款原始凭证簿
book of original documents for payments原始支出
business transfer payment工商业转让支付额
capital for debt payment抵债资产
car loan payment支付汽车贷款
cash payment现付
cash payment journal现金支付日记账
cash payment on account偿还欠款
cash payment slip现金支付传票
cash payment slip现金支出传票
cash payment voucher现金支付凭单
cash payments book现金付出簿
cash payments journal现金付出日记簿
cash payments relating to other financing activities支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金
cash payments relating to other investing activities支付其他与投资活动有关的现金
cash payments relating to other operating activities支付其他与经营活动有关的现金
certificate of payment付款证明
certification of payment付款保证书
certified good payment保付
cessation of payment暂停支付
changing from profit delivery to tax payment利改税
check payment支票支付
Clearing House Automated Payments System清算所自动支付系统
Clearing House Inter-bank Payment System清算所银行间支付系统
collection payment托收
columnar cash payments journal多栏现金支出日记帐
compensatory payment补偿付款
compound interest with uniform payments and receipts每年增加定额之复利终值
contingent payments或有偿付款
contract for the payment of goods by installment分期付款买卖合同
contract of payment支付契约
control of cash payment现金管理
coupon payment债息支付
credit payment信用支付
credit receipt and payment信贷收支
credit receipts and payments信贷收支
creditors average payment days应付款平均结算天数
currency of payment交付账
current account balance-of-payment国际项目收支往来帐户
current payments经常性支付
daily payment日付款
date of payment发放日期
debt interest payment债务利息支付
debt service payment偿付债务开支
deferred payment迟付
deferred payment递延付款
deferred-payment annuity延付年金
deferred-payment letter of credit递延付款信用证
deferred-payment sale延期付款的销售
deficiency payment差额补贴
deficit in the balance of international payment国际收支逆差
demand for payment要求付款
depreciation-equal-annual payment平均年金折旧
depreciation-equal-annual payment method平均年金折旧法
direct payment直接发放
discretionary bonus payment自主决定的红利支付
disequilibrium of balance of payments国际收支不平衡
dividend payment book股息支付簿
dividend payment book股息支付本
dividend payment sheet股息支付表
document against payment of usance bill远期付款交单
documentary payment order凭单付款委托书
down payment分期付款第一次清算部分 (earnest)
down payment分期付款之定金 (earnest)
down payment头期付款 (earnest)
down payment定金 (earnest)
due date for payment付款到期日
efficiency of making payment支付效能
electronic bill presentment and payment电子票据兑换
electronic payment电子付款
electronic payment handler电子支付处理系统
electronic payment system电子付款系统
electronic payments systems电子支付系统
equal amount installment payment等额分期付款
equal-annual-payment depreciation method年金平均支付折旧法
equilibrium of receipts and payments of credit funds信贷收支平衡
European Payment Union欧洲支付联盟
ex gratia payment通融支付
expenditure for loan payments债款支出
extraordinary payment意外支出
favorable balance of international payments国际收支顺差
favorable balance of payments国际收支黑字
favorable balance of payments国际收支盈余
final payment决算
fine for delayed payment滞纳罚金
fine for delayed payment滞纳金
fiscal approach to balance of payments国际收支调节的财政分析法
flexible payment plan机动偿付计划
footage rate payment按进尺钻井付款
foreign exchange receipts and payments外汇收支
foreign payment国外支付
form of payment支付方式
free of payment免付款
free-of-payment delivery免付款交付
free-of-payment transfer instruction免付款转仓指示
fund destined for the payment of wages支付工资之预备基金
fund for payment支付基金
fund for payment of interest on government securities支付公债利息基金
funds destined for the payment of wages支付工资之预备基金
guarantee for refund of advance payment退款保函
guarantee of payment in advance预付定金保函
guaranteed payment保证给付
heavy payment巨额的支出
instalment payment a/c分期付款科目
instalment payment clause分期支付条款
instrument of international payment国际支付工具
instrument of payment支款单
interbank payment system银行同业支付系统
interest based on equal periodic payments照每期相等之付款额计息
interest on payment for purchase进货付款利息
interest payment allowance支付付息免税额
interest payment date计息日
interest payment period付息期间
international payment system国际支付制度
international payment transaction国际收支业务
international payments imbalance国际收支不平衡
intra-day marks payment obligations应付即日差额缴款
labour and material payment bonds劳动和材料付款保证金
large down payment大量现付
limited payment限期缴费
limited payment life policy限期缴纳人寿保险单
limited payment life policy定期缴费人寿保单
limited payment policy限期缴纳保险单
limited-payment whole life insurance限期缴费终身寿险
limited two-way payments有限双向支付
loan-closing payment贷款成交费用
lump-sum payment一次付清
lump-sum payment总付
maintain a balance between receipts and payments收支平衡
make payment beforehand提前付款
marks payment差额缴款
means of payment支付工具〔手段〕
medium of international payment国际支付手段
medium of payment支付手段
minimum number of annuity payment最少限度年金付款
mobile payment手机支付
modality of payment支付方式
monetary approach to balance of payments adjustment国际收支调整的货币分析法
monthly payment按月付款
monthly payment order月付款通知
monthly payment order月支付委托书
months after payment付款后……个月
months after payment支付后... 个月
multilateral payment settlement多边支付结算
multilateralization of payment支付多边化
National Automated Payment System国家自动支付系统
negative confirmation of payment消极付款确认
negotiated payment议付
no payment拒绝付款
non tax payments非税性负担的支付金额
non-commercial payment非贸易支出
notice of payment付款通知
notice of payment付款通知书
notice to suspend payment止付通知
notional share of debt service payment暂定偿还债务分摊的份额
off-the-book payment账外付款
on account payment暂付款
optional payment bond选择支付债券
other method of payment其它支付方法
outlay for debt payment偿还债务支出
outlay for loan payment偿还债务支出
overdue payment滞纳金
paperless electronic payment无纸化电子支付
partial payment of debt偿务部分付款
partial payment of debt部分支付债务
payment abroad国外付款
payment adjustment收支调整
payment after due date到期后支付
payment after due date到期后偿付
payment against arrival of document单到付款
payment against bond of indemnity凭保函付款
payment against credit凭信用证付款
payment against document凭单据付款
payment against document凭单付款
payment against document credit凭单信用证
payment against document through collection凭单据托收付款
payment against document through collection凭单托收付款
payment against documents credit凭单据信用证付款
payment against draft credit凭汇票信用证付款
payment against presentation of shipping documents凭运单付款
payment amount applied to principal贷款偿还
payment arrears拖欠付款
payment at fixed time定期付款
payment at full付清
payment at irregular intervals不定期支付
payment at maturity到期付款
payment at regular fixed time定期付款
payment at short date短期支付
payment authorization付款授权
payment balance发付差额
payment based on land shares土地报酬
payment by acceptance票据的承兑付款
payment by bill凭票据支付
payment by bill凭汇票付款 (draft)
payment by check用支票支付
payment by check支票付款
payment by confirmed and irrevocable L/C用保兑的不能撤销的信用证支付
payment by draft凭汇票支付
payment by installments分类摊付
payment by intervention通知调停付款
payment by intervention第三者参加付款
payment by L/C凭信用证付款
payment by letter of credit凭信用证付款
payment by remittance汇拨支付
payment by results超产奖按时计件超额有奖
payment by results scheme按成果支薪计划
payment by transfer拨付
payment charges付款手续费
payment countermanded止付
payment credit付款信用证
payment currency支付货币
payment date付款日期
payment …days after arrival of goods货到后若干日付款
payment default支付违约
payment deficit支付赤字
payment disequilibrium国际收支不平衡
payment document支出凭证
payment domiciled指定地付款
payment due on a non-banking day在银行休息日到期的付款
payment estimate付款预算
payment for honor supraprotest参加承兑支付
payment for honour参加付款
payment for honour名誉支付
payment for order flow有偿委托
payment forward预付货款
payment forward代收货款
payment from state-owned enterprises国营企业缴款
payment grace period付款宽限期
payment guarantee保付
payment in arrears拖欠款项
payment in cash付现 (for cash)
payment in commercial papers以商业票据支付
payment in dollar terms用美元支付
payment in full全额支付
payment in part部分支付
payment in subrogation代付
payment-in-kind securities实物分红证券
payment ledger支出分类帐
payment of a note票据之清偿
payment of a royalty采掘权使用费
payment of arrears拖欠款项
payment of balance支付余数
payment of balance付给尾数
payment of debts还债
payment of debts偿付债务
payment of dividend股息分派
payment of interest偿付利息
payment of interest and repayment of the principal还本付息
payment of international invisible trade国际无形贸易支付
payment of international trade国际贸易支付
payment of labor and material obligation材料的支付责任
payment of labor and material obligation劳务
payment of less than full hire支付不足额租金
payment of note票据支付
payment of overseas accounts国际记帐付款
payment of payroll工薪支付
payment of postage交付邮货
payment of principal本金支付
payment of private PO boxes rent缴纳邮政信箱租金
payment of shares股款缴付
payment of shares交付股款
payment of subscription缴付认缴股本
payment of tax缴纳税款
payment of technology transfer技术转让付款
payment of the premium支付保险费
payment of the premium支付股票升水
payment on a fixed day after sight见票后定期付款
payment on a receipt凭收据付款
payment on account赊账
payment on account付款项
payment on behalf of others代付款
payment on collection basis托收支付
payment on commercial credit商业信用支付
payment on credit记帐付费
payment on debt贷款偿还
payment on deferred terms延迟支付
payment on deferred terms延迟付款
payment on deferred terms延期付款
payment on letter of credit凭信用证付款
payment on long-term debt长期债务还本付息
payment on open account记帐交易
payment on open account赊帐
payment on the final due date在到期日付款
payment order支款凭证
payment order支付书
payment order支付委托书
payment ot a fixed future time在以后指定日期付款
payment pattern付款模式
payment period支付期
payment plan偿付方案
payment position国际收支状况
payment procedure支付手续
payment received付款收讫
payment refused拒付
payment restriction支付限制
payment schedule付款清单
payment schedule付款安排
payment side付方
payment slip现金支付传票
payment stopped停止付款
payment supraprotest汇票付款人拒绝承兑后,第三者为维持出票人信誉而作的参加承兑
payment under guarantee担保支付
payment under reserve有保留付款
payment undertaking支付承诺
payment upon arrival of document单到付款
payment with letter of credit用信用证付款
payment without prior to final acceptance of work工程最后验收前扣发工程款项
payments from state-owned enterprises国营企业缴款
payroll payments工资的付款
payroll payments工资支付额
planned payment计划付款
postponement of payment延期支付
postponement of payment付款延期
preferential payment优先支付
preferential payment优先偿付
pre-maturity payment到期前付款
prematurity payment到期前付款
prematurity payment未到期付款
presentation for payment付款提示
presented for payment凭单付款
private payment私人支付
production payment生产开支
progress payment分阶段付款
progress payment分段付款制
progress payments for each month每月按进度付出的工程款
prohibited of payment停止支付令
prohibition of payment停止支付令
promote basic balance of international payments促进国际收支基本平衡
protest for non-payment对拒绝付款提出抗辩
provisions as to payment付款规定
purchase of an interest by payment to one or more old partners付款于旧合伙人一人或多人的买入伙
purchase order payment-field实地采购支付缩写为EXP PO FL, 财务系统
purchasing payment购物款
receipt and payment statement收支对照表
receipts and payments account现金出纳账
receipts and payments account现金收支帐
receipts and payments document收支凭证
receipts and payments statement现金收支表 (receipts and disbursement statement)
receipts and payments statement收支对照表
recovery of late payment要求支付拖欠款
refusal of payment拒付
requisition for payment付款申请
requisition for payment申请付款书 (of money)
rescheduling of payment重新安排付款曰期
reserve for payment支付准备
rest of the payment尾欠
restitution of advance payment退回预付款
retained production payments留存生产支出
retroactive of payments补付
retroactive of payments款项追领
reverse payment反向支付
royalty payments使用费支付
royalty payments提成支付
sales discounts on customers partial payments顾客偿还部分帐款的销货折扣
savings payment储蓄付款
scale of payment工资等级
schedule of payment付款清单
series of payments or receipts分批连续收付款
share-based payment股份支付
single payment一次偿付
single-payment bond一次赎回债券
small payment小额支付
social security payment社会保障支付
statement of international balance of payment国际收支平衡表
statement of payment付款报告书
statement of payment付款报告单
statement of the balance of international payment国际收支平衡表
statistics of treasury receipt and payment国库收支统计
stop payment停止支付
stop-payment notice止付通知单
stop payment of a check支票的停止付款
stop-payment order止付命令
straight end payment到期全部偿付
subsequent payment分期缴付
substitution of tax payment for profit delivery利改税
subvention payments津贴支付
summary receipt and payment abstract book汇总收支摘要簿
surplus in the balance of payment国际收支的顺差
surplus in the balance of payments国际收支顺差
suspend payment无力支付
suspend payment宣布破产
suspend principal payments延缓本金偿付
suspense payment暂记付款
suspense payment account暂记付款账户
suspension of interest payment暂停支付利息
suspension of interest payment on bonds停止支付债券利息
suspension of payment停止支付
suspension of specie payment停止硬币支付
system of adjustment of the pension in payment支付中养恤金的调整办法
system of transfer payments转移支付制度
tax payment支付税款
tax payment documentation完税凭证
temporary payments暂付款项
tender money in payment of a debt付款还债
term of enforcement of royalty payment支付使用费期限
term of insurance payments保隆费偿还期
term of payment付款办法
term of payment付款条件
term of payment支付期限
terminal payment account离职付款帐户
theory of balance of payments国际收支论
theory of receipts and payments收支论
third-party payments第三方支付
time fixed for payment规定的支付期限
time fixed for payment支付日期
time for payment支付期限
time lag between the receipt of income and the payment of tax取得进款和交纳税款的时间间隔
time limit of payment支付期限
time limitation of personal income tax payment个人所得税缴纳期限
time of payment支付时间
trade and payments agreement贸易与支付协定
transfer payment转拨款项
transfer payment转让性付款
turnover of payment应付帐款周转率
type of payment付款种类
unconditional payment无条件支付
unfavorable balance of international payment国际支付逆差
unfavorable balance of payments支付逆差
unilateral payment单边支付
VAT payment return增值税纳税申报表
wage and salary payment工资与薪金支付
wage payment summary工资支出汇总表
warrant for the payment of money付款命令书
ways of making payments electronically电子付款方式
welfare payments福利金
withhold payment止付
withholding and tax payment affairs代缴税款情况
withholding and tax payment affairs代扣税款情况
zero-yuan first payment for apartments购房零首付
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