
Terms for subject Commerce containing payment | all forms | exact matches only
A 10% rebate is allowed for immediate payment立即付款可打九折
account of payment支岀账户
account of receipts and payments收支对照表
advanced payment预先付款
after payment type后付 〔后投币〕式
after payment type后支付式
aggregate payment支付总量
amortization of payment摊提款
anticipated payment提前偿付
Asian Payment Union亚洲清算联盟
available against payment价购 (与免费 (free of charge) 相对)
balance of international payment国际收支
balance of payment deficit国际收支逆差
balance of payment surplus国际收支顺差
balance of payments in foreign currencies外汇平衡
balance of payments position国际收支情况
balance of payments reporting system国际收支申报制 (国际货币基金组织)
Balance of Payments Yearbook国际收支年鉴
be accustomed to L/C payment习惯于信用证付款方式
be presented for payment凭单付款
be tardy in one's payments延迟付款
benefit payment保险费支出
billing for payment开具收款单
bond due for payment到期应付债券
bullet payment期末整付
capitalize the lump-sum payment or cost of technology将一次性付清的技术费或工艺费作为资本处理
cash payment journal现金支付簿
cash payments现付
CIF and war risk payment upon arrival到岸价加战争险在内条件,货到付款
clean payment L/C全部预支信用证
compensation payment for damage损害赔偿费
comply with the terms of payment遵守付款条款
counter-cyclical payment反周期支付缩写为CCP
countermand a payment撤回支付
coupon payment息票支付
credited payments债权人账款
credited payments应付款项
current payments经常开支
cut down payment扣款
decoupled payment脱钩支付
default of payment不履行支付义务
default of tax payment税款拖欠
deferred payment延迟付款
deficiency payment差额补贴 (在市场价格 (market price) 低于目标价格 (target price) 时,政府给予的价格补贴)
delay in payment支付延迟
delayed payment延迟的支付
Developing Countries Payment Union发展中国家支付同盟
discount 5% for cash payment现金付款打5%折扣
disequilibrium of balance of international payments国际收支失衡
distrain chattels for non-payment of rent不付租金而扣押动产
divided payments分期付款
documentary payment bill付款交单汇票
down payment分期付款首次款项
easy payment system分期付款购买制
E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险
elude payment逃避付款
enforced payment强制性支付
expectation payment预期支付
extension of payment延期支付
fixed direct area payment固定直接面积支付缩写为FDP
forced payment被迫支付
forced payment不得已的支付
forced payment强制的支付
forcible payment强制性支付
forms of payment for technology技术贸易支付方式 (包括:先付一笔款项后再按期提成 (a combination of lumpsum fee and running royalties), ― 次总算 (lump-sum fee),技术服务费 (payment for technical services), 按期提成 (running royalties))
fund for payment of principal and interest on external debts外债偿本付息基金
Generally speaking, we do not accept the payment terms by D/A一般地说,我们不接受承兑交单托收的支付条件
If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方式发运货物
illegal payment不合法支出
immediate cash payment即期现金支付
inform the acceptor of making payment通知承兑人支付货款
installment payment clause分期支付条款
installment payment terms分期支付条款
intercompany transfer payments联营公司间转账支付
Inter-European Payment Agreement泛欧支付协定
level of payment支付水平
lump-sum payment整批支付
make an allowance of 5% for cash payment现金付款5% 折扣优惠
make an appropriation for payment of debts拨一笔款项清偿债务
months after payment付款后…几个月
on deferred-payment terms按延期付款的方法
on payment terms of cash against documents按凭单付现条件
Our payment terms are L/C available by draft at sight我们的支付条款是即期汇票支付的信用证
Our terms of payment are confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight我方的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的、见票即付的信用证
overdue payment逾期支付
partial payment部分支付 (与全部支付 (full payment) 相对)
payment ability支付能力
payment after inspection检验后付款
payment against letter of indemnity凭保结书付款
payment against presentation of shipping documents凭单付款
payment against presentation of shipping documents凭提示货运单据付款
payment beforehand预付
payment bill付款汇票
payment by acceptance承兑支付
payment by cash付现
payment by instalments按工程施工进度分期支付款项
payment by remittance汇付 (包括:信汇 (mail transfer)、电汇 (telegraphic transfer)、票汇 (demand draft))
payment by remittance顺汇
payment capacity偿付能力
payment clause支付条件
payment clause支付条款 (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
payment... days after sight见票后…日付款
payment M days after sight见票后 M 日付款
payment 30 days after sight见票后30日付款
payment for insurance保险费支付
payment forward预付
Payment has been deferred until next month付款已延至下月
payment in advance预付现金
payment in goods实物支付
payment in lump sum一次付款
payment in specie硬币支付
payment instrument支付工具
payment of debts偿债
payment of interest and repayment of principal还本付息
payment of notes偿付票据
payment of overseas accounts国外账款支付
payment of price货款支付
payment of purchase price货款支付
payment of tax纳税
payment of technology transfer技术转让的支付方式
payment on account记账交易
payment on account分期摊还
payment on arrival of goods货到付款
payment on arrival of shipping documents货运单据到后付款
payment on demand要求即付
payment on invoice凭发票支付
payment on open account分期摊还
payment on receipt of goods收货付款
payment on terms按条件支付
payment order支付委托书 (指 debit advice 借项通知单)
payment order付款指示
payment pause英国工资冻结
payment period偿付期
payment received款项收讫
Payment shall be made against sight draft必须以即期汇票支付
payment slip支出凭单
payment terms支付条款 (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
payment to be made for the transfer of know-how专有技术转让偿付
payment to be made thirty days after date出票后三十日付款
payment to be made under a documentary credit按跟单信用证方式付款
payment under reserve保留式付款
payment upon arrival of goods货到付款
payment upon completion完成后付款
payment with order订货付款
payments adjustment支付调整
payments and receipts收支
payments balance国际收支
payments mechanism支付机制
periodic payment定期支付
pickup payment最后一笔大额支付
progress payment按工程施工进度分期支付款项
progressive payment按工程施工进度分期支付款项
progressive payment分期付款 (即按交货进度分期付款,最后一次货款于交货完成时付清,但前者则由买方先付一笔定金 (deposit),其大部分货款于交货后分若干次付清)
pursue tax payment追缴税款
quarterly payment按季支付
rate payment美国分期付款
ready payment现金支付
receipts and payments documents现金收支凭证
received payment款项收讫
received payment货款收讫
redundance payment冗余人员解雇费
Redundancy Payments Act 1965英国1965年多余人员解雇补助法
refuse to make payment拒绝付款
relocation payments重新安置费用支付
request for payment付款要求
requisition for payment付款申请书 (比 request for payment 付款要求)
rescheduling of payment重新安排付款期
retirement payment解职费
retirement payment解雇费
royalty payment提成费支付 (在许可证 (licensing) 贸易中,与总付 (lump sum payment) 相对)
seizure of goods on default of payment因不付款而扣押货物
series of payment分期分批付款
settlement of international payment国际支付清算
sight draft, documents against payment即期汇票,付款交单
single-payment loan一次偿付贷款
statement of balance of payments国际收支表
statement of the balance of international payments国际收支平衡表
stop payment notice止付通知
stop payment on a check止付支票
stop payment order止付指令
surcharge for overdue tax payment税款滞纳金
suspense payment暂记支付
suspense payments account暂记付款账户 (与暂记收款账户(suspense receipts account) 相对)
suspension of payment无力清偿
technology payment技术支付费用
terms of payment支付方式条件
terms of payment支付方式
terms of payment支付条款 (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C合同规定付款条件为即期信用证
The payment in arrear amounts to US $20,000拖欠款项达20,000 美元
The payment is prescribed to make by letter of credit at sight规定以即期信用证作为支付方式
The payment is to be made under a banker's documentary credit规定凭银行跟单信用证付款
The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date这笔汇款是支付迄今为止欠你方的佣金
The shipping documents are to be released against payment装运单据必须在付款时交付
They are haggling over terms of payment他们在对支付条款进行争论
time of payment支付期限
time payment account分期定期付款账户
transfer payment slip转账支付传票
transfer payments转让性支付
undercover payment贿赂
undercover payment暗中给的钱
We cannot accept payment on deferred terms我方不能接受延期付款条件
We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date兹附去800美元支票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的佣金
We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst兹收到你方20,000美元支票,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款
With reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight关于付款条件,我方只接受即期信用证
Your proposal is impracticable in terms of payment你方建议在支付条款上是行不通的