
Terms for subject Business containing path | all forms | exact matches only
activity along critical path关键线上工作
beyond-line-of-sight path超视距传播路径
bifurcated path各支路径
brachistochrone path最捷路〔航〕程
brachistochrone path捷线
career path升迁途径
clear path畅通渠道
continuous path system连续轨迹系统
conveyer for handing over a fixed path固定路线输送机
cost expansion path成本扩大线
cost expansion path费用扩大方式
covering path property覆盖道路性质
critical path要径
critical path统筹
critical path accounting关键工序线路会计
critical path analysis要径分析
critical path analysis统筹分析法
critical path analysis主要矛盾分析
critical path method关键工序路线法统计方法之一
critical path method scheduling关键路线程序
critical path methodology要径方法论
critical path network要径网络
critical path schedule要径进度表
critical path scheduling关键路线法
critical path scheduling要径编排法
critical path scheduling要径表
critical path system统筹法
critical path system要径法
critical path system关键路线法
critical path technique统筹技术
critical path technique要径编排法
critical path technique关键路线技术
deviant path偏差途径
distribution path销售途径
expansion path in production生产扩充路线
expenditure expansion path支出扩张途径
flow augmenting path流量增扩路径
geometry of paths路线几何
growth path增长路线
high angle path高角轨道
information path信息路由
major path主渠道
major path主要途径
optimal growth path最优增长途径
optional path任选路径
output expansion path产出扩大途径
path equations道路方程
path to equilibrium平衡增长轨道
price-consumption path价格—消费途径
retrograde path equations后退方程组
search path搜索途径
search path of an index索引查找途径
semi-critical path半关键路线
semi-critical path半临界路线
shortest path model最短路径模式
slack critical path松弛路线
speech path network语言通话网络
speech path switching element语言通话开关元件
steady-state growth path稳态增长路径
stochastic path随机路径
stochastic path problem随机路径问题
surplus path剩余路线
total slack of critical path关键路线总松弛时间