
Terms for subject Football containing pass | all forms | exact matches only
back heel pass脚后跟传球
back pass向后传球
back pass转身传球
back-heel pass脚后跟传球
backward pass回传
bread and butter pass稳妥的传球
brisk pass快速传球
brisk pass敏捷的传球
brisk pass快球
button hook pass绊勾形传球
chip pass蹭传
choice pass选择传球
clear pass精确的传球
clear pass准确传球
clear pass精确传球
close game with long forward pass长传密集进攻法
close pass近传
close pass短传
continuous pass连续过人
cross pass传中球
cross pass横传
crossover back-heel pass交叉步脚后跟传球
crossover instep pass脚背传球后交叉步
crossover instep pass后交叉步脚背传球
deep pass渗透传球
deep pass深传
deflected pass偏斜传球
deflection pass偏斜传球
deliver a long pass for the overlapping fullback将球长传给居后插上进攻的后卫
deliver a through pass穿透性传球
deliver a through pass渗透性传球
diagonal pass斜线传球
diagonal pass对角线传球
double pass来回传球
double pass二过一
dribbled pass带球过人
fancy pass妙传
feint a push pass做一个推传的假动作
first-time pass直接传球
first-time pass一次传球
flank pass边线传球
flat pass横向传球
flick pass敲传
flick pass用脚外侧敲传
flick pass with the outside edge of the foot脚外侧轻拨传球
flick-jab pass搓切传球
forward pass直传
forward pass向前传球
gather firmly hit pass接大力传球
give-and-go wall pass踢墙式二过一
ground pass地滚传球
ground pass滚地传球
ground pass地面传球
heel pass脚跟传球
heel-volley flick pass脚后跟勾挑传球
heel-volley flick pass脚跟钩挑传球
high lobbing pass高吊传球
high pass凌空传球
high pass传高球
high pass空中传球
hook pass勾形脚法传球
hook pass勾式铲球
hook pass弧形传球
hook pass钩形脚法传球
hook pass倒勾传球
indirect pass间接传球
inside-of-the-foot push pass脚内侧推传
intention to pass传球意图
lateral pass横传
lateral pass侧面传球
lead pass领前传球
light pass轻传
lobbed pass高吊传球
long crossfield pass长传
make a pass传球
one two pass二过一
one-touch pass直接传球
one-touch pass一次传球
open pass自由传球
open pass向空当传球
pass a ball传球
pass along the ground滚地传球
pass along the ground地面传球
pass back向后传
pass back回传
Pass backward向后传!
pass forward直传
pass forward向前传
pass forward向前传球
pass in the air传空中球
pass in the air传高球
pass in the air空中传球
pass into space传球到空挡
pass on the ground传地滚球
pass over the goal line越过球门线
pass the ball转交
pass the ball传球
pass up the middle沿中路往前传球
pass with the inside of foot脚弓传球
pass with the inside of the foot足弓内侧传球
pass with the inside of the foot脚弓传球
pass with the outside of foot外脚背传球
pass with the outside of the foot外脚背传球
pass with the toe-end脚尖传球
pass work传球功夫
pick up a pass接传球
pinpoint pass到位的传球
play a wall pass墙式二过一
pluck a pass抢断传球
pluck a pass截球
pluck a pass断球
pluck a pass抢断球
precision pass准确传球
precision pass精确传球
push pass推球
push pass推动式传球
push pass推传
receive a pass接传球
return pass向后传
return pass回传
reverse pass向反方向传球
reverse pass反向传球
rolling pass地滚传球
rolling pass地面传球
setup pass预定好了的传球
setup pass助攻传球
setup pass有配合的传球
setup pass有默契的传球
setup pass计划传球
short pass近传
soft pass轻传
soft pass软传
soft pass轻敲传球
sole-of-the-foot pass脚底拉球
sole-of-the-foot pass脚掌传球
spot pass到位的传球
spot pass传球到位
square pass横向转移传球
steep forward pass左脚直传
steep forward pass大脚直传
take a pass传球
take a pass运球
take a pass接传球
take the pass接球
through pass渗透性传球
through pass传空当
through pass通过空挡传球
through pass穿越
trap pass停传
triangle pass三角形传球
volley pass传高球
volley pass空中传球
wall pass踢墙式传球
wall pass墙传
wall pass combination墙式 2 过 1配合
well-placed pass到位的传球