
Terms for subject General containing painting | all forms | exact matches only
bare and acid resisting paint防水耐酸油漆涂料
boot-top paint水残涂料船用的
boottopping paint水线漆
Gem art painting is made through a kind of super high craft, which is made of Burma natural ruby, sapphire, emerald, garnet, olivine, agate, crystal, and many kinds of natural gem or precious metal materials宝石艺术画是通过一种极高的工艺制成的,由缅甸天然红宝石、蓝宝石、翡翠、石榴石、橄榄石、玛瑙、水晶,以及各种天然宝石或珍贵金属材料构成
give the door two coats of paint把门涂上两层油漆
Hobbyists also paint pictures, attend concerts and plays, and perform on musical instruments有爱好的人还作画、听音乐会、欣赏戏剧、演奏乐器
Industrial Paint & Powder工业涂料与粉末
Journal of Paint Technology油漆技术杂志
Modem Paint & Coatings现代油漆与涂料
National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association全国涂料油漆业协会
National Spray Painting and Finishing Association全国喷漆涂饰业协会
Paint and Varnish Production油漆与清漆制造美国杂志名
paint from nature写生
paint M in把 M 画于图中
paint in bright colours赞扬〔贬抑〕
paint in bright colours用鲜艳〔晦暗〕的颜色描绘
paint in dark colours赞扬〔贬抑〕
paint in dark colours用鲜艳〔晦暗〕的颜色描绘
paint in oils画油画
paint it red把…弄得引人注目
paint it red把某事描绘成骇人听闻的样子
paint M out用颜料〔油漆〕涂去M
Paint Research Institute涂料研究所 (美)
Paint & Resin International国际油漆与树脂
paint the lily画蛇添足
paint, varnish and lacquer涂料、清漆和漆
secco painting灰泥壁画画法
temper paints with oil调油彩
Wet Paint油漆未干
We've got different kinds of typical Chinese arts and crafts, such as cloisonne, lacquerware, jadeware, bamboo carvings and China painting我们这儿有许多不同种类的经典中国工艺品,比如景泰蓝、瓷器、漆器、玉器、竹器和中国画