
Terms for subject General containing out-of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
aircraft out of commission for maintenance〔正〕在修〔理的〕飞机
aircraft out of commission for parts缺配件停飞飞机
be built out ofM 用 M 做〔构〕成
be frightened out of one's wits吓呆了
be out of出于
be 15 meters out of离 N (N, 15 米)
be out of a job失业
be out of cash没有现款
be out of condition保存〔养〕得不好
be out of condition不合用
be out of condition不良
be out of condition to不宜于 (+ inf.)
be out of condition to不堪 (+ inf.)
be out of condition to不能够 (+ inf.)
be out of countenance局促不安
be out of countenance惊惶失措
be out of countenance失色
be out of court没有理由
be out of court不值得注意
be out of court被驳回
be out of one's depth非…所能理解
be out of one's depth为…力所不及
be out of one's depth在深不着底的地方
be out of one's domain非其所长
be out of earshot of...在听不见…的声音的地方
be out of fashion过时了
be out of fashion不流行了
be out of gear机器开不动
be out of gear失调
be out of gear事情推不动
be out of gear有毛病
be out of gear齿轮脱开
be out of gunshot在射程之外
be out of luck倒霉
be out of office下台
be out of office在野
be out of office去职
be out of patience withM 对 M 不能再忍受
be out of the perpendicular倾斜
be lost out of sight从视场内跑掉
be lost out of sight看不见
be out of step withM 与M不同步 (步调不一致)
be out of the common run不普通
be out of the common run不同凡响
be out of the common run不平常
be out of the swim不合潮流
be out of touch withM 不了解M情况
be out of touch withM 和M失去联系
be out of touch withM 不同 M〔与 M 脱离〕 接触
be out of trim未准备好
be out of trim不整齐
be out of trim情形不好
be out of trim有毛病
be out of tune withM 与 M 不协调
be out of tune withM 不适合 M
be out of upright
be out of upright偏斜
be out of use不再使用
be out of use作废
be out of use被废弃不用
be out of use没有人用
be out of vogue不流行
be out of whack运转失常
be out of one's wits神经错乱
be out of one's wits不知所措
be well out of安然摆脱
beat the stuffing out ofM 驳倒M
beat the stuffing out ofM 打掉M的傲气
bend M out of the straight by使 M 产生 N 的挠度 (N)
bid out of rotation越序叫牌
bounce out of跳〔冲〕出
bounce out of脱口而出
break get out of a habit打破革除 一种习惯
break out of摆脱束缚等
break out of step withM 失步
break out of step withM 与M变得不同步
burst out of用力解脱
burst out of长得过大或过胖而不适于
burst out of冲出
call out of turn越序叫牌
cancel four out of that fraction用四来约这个分数
carve M out of用N雕刻M (N)
choose M out of从 N 中挑选 M (N)
clip sth. out of从…剪取某物
come out of由…产生
come out of是…的结果
come out of出于
come out of从…出来
come out of the blue爆出冷门
come out of the blue意外地出现
Could you make out a certificate of the theft?能给我这起偷盗事件的证明吗?
crowd out of过于拥挤使不能容纳
cut sb. out of all feather使某人黯然失色
cut-out of fuel pump燃油泵停止工作
dash out of从…冲出
David stood on the deck of the huge cruise ship at dawn, looking out over the ocean as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun大卫站在巨大游轮的甲板上迎接着黎明到来,他眺望着大海,尽量避免目光与耀眼的太阳直接接触
deliver M out of救 M 脱离 N (N)
design M out of设计时把M 从N中排除掉 (N)
design M out of设计时克服〔排除〕N中的M (N)
develop out of...从…发展〔演变〕而
dip M out of自N中汲M (N)
double out of rotation越序加倍
drive... out of…把…从…赶〔排〕出
express M out of从 N 中挤〔压榨〕出 M (N)
fall out of失掉
fall out of脱离
fall out of不再
fall out of从…掉下来
fall out of放弃
fall out of逐渐停止
fall out of step异步
fall out of step去同
fall out of step withM 失步
fall out of step withM 与M变得不同步
fall out of use逐渐作废〔被废弃〕
fall out of use开始不再被采
far out of远不是这样
far out of远远超出
fashion M out of用 N 制成 M (N)
feel out of things感到自己没份
feel out of things感到格格不人
fling out ofM 冲出M
fling out ofM 从M 冲出
flush out of从隐蔽处驱逐出去
fool M out of骗取M的N (N)
force M out of把M从N中压出 (N)
force M out of迫使M脱离N〔从N中出来〕 (N)
frighten sb. out of doing sth.用恐吓手段迫使某人做〔不做〕某事
from out ofM 从M之中里面出来
get out ofM 离〔脱〕开M
get out ofM 从M 取〔得,弄,逸〕出
get out of a spin摆脱螺旋状态
get out of a spin由螺旋改出
get out of bed起床
get out of control再不能操纵
get out of control失去控制
get out of shape走样
get out of shape变形
get out of sight看不见了
get out of step withM 失步
get out of step withM 与M变得不同步
get out of the way解决掉
get out of the way除去
get out of the way收拾
get out of the way避〔让〕开
get out of use已不再使用
get out of use逐渐被废弃
get out of use逐渐作废
get out of use开始不再被采
get the best out of发挥…最大功效
get the best out of最有效地使用
get the most out of发挥…最大功效
get the most out of最有效地使用
get the utmost out of发挥…最大功效
get the utmost out of最有效地使用
go out of one's way to + inf.不怕麻烦地去做
go out of one's way to特意 (+ inf.)
go out of one's way to故意 (+ inf.)
grow out ofM 停止做M
grow out ofM 抛弃M
grow out ofM 变得不适合于M
grow out ofM 由M产生〔形成,生长出来,发展而来〕
he backed the car out of the garage他把汽车倒退着开进〔开出〕 车库
He brought the basin of sterilized instruments to the worktable and took them out of the water with a pair of cold tweezers, still without hurrying经过了高温消毒的仪器都盛在一个盆里,他把这个盆端上工作台,用冰冷的镊子从热水里夹出工具,动作还是不慌又不忙
He closed out his line of sports cars?他抛售了他的那些跑车
He rinsed the teapot out under the tap to get rid of the tea-leaves他在水龙头下面冲洗茶壶,以便把茶叶冲掉
I may grow old there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons我可能会在那里一直到老,待卷起的裤脚穿破,在品味咖啡中享受生命
If something is out of your reach, you can ask politely for someone to pass it to you如果你够不到食物,可以请别人帮你把菜传过来
in and out of clouds阴间晴
in nine cases out of ten十之八九
in season and out of season不拘任何时间
in season and out of season老是
in season and out of season一年到头
in season and out of season不断
in season and out of season始终
It's out of my price range超出我的预算
keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device手要避开
keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device使用任何切割机时
keep out of the way使避开
keep the worst of the sun's heat out把太阳的大部分热量挡在外面
"keyword out of context""文外关键词"〔索引〕 (index)
knock M out of把 M 从 N 中击〔激发〕出 (N)
knock the stuffing out ofM 驳倒M
knock the stuffing out ofM 打掉M的傲气
lead out of turn越序攻牌
lead out of wrong hand错误手攻牌
lean out of...斜伸出…
let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密
let the sawdust out ofM 剥去〔揭穿〕M的画皮
lift... out of the rut使…摆脱常规〔旧习惯〕
make a box out of plywood用胶合板做个盒子
make out of whole cloth凭空捏造
May I take something out of it? There's an overcoat I can carry by hand我能拿些东西出来吗?我有一件可以手拿的大衣
men out of occupation失业者
naphtha takes out spots of oil挥发油能去油渍
Never take me to a horror film again. I was scared out of my wits以后再也不要带我去看恐怖电影,我简直被吓得魂不附体
nine times out of ten十之八九
nine times out of ten几乎每次
ninety-nine out of a hundred几乎全部
ninety-nine out of a hundred百分之九十九
ninety-nine times out of a hundred十之八九
ninety-nine times out of a hundred几乎每次
No, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary没有,而且我没有做什么不正常的
offer no way out of没有提供摆脱…的方法
OK, I hailed a cab at the market and asked the driver to take me to my hotel. But when I arrived at my hotel, he asked me for 100 dollars, or else he wouldn't let me out of the car好的,我在超市叫了辆出租车回酒店。到所住旅店时,他跟我要100美元,不然就不让我下车
one instance out of many许多例子当中的一个
One of my light bulbs is burnt out我的一只灯泡烧坏了
M out ofN 中取M (N)
be out of accord与…不一致不调和 (with)
out of bounds越轨 (限)
out of bounds禁止人内
out of bounds出线
out of bread失业
out of bread无职业
out of character不适〔符〕合
out of character不适当的
out of character不符合自己的个性等
out of character不相称
be, go, fall out of one's cognizance不受…管辖的
be, go, fall out of one's cognizance认识不到的
out of countenance失措
out of countenance
out of curiosity好奇地
out of curiosity在好奇心驱使下
out of curiosity为好奇心所驱使
out of despair出于绝塑
out of doors露天
out of doors在外
out of doors户〔野,室〕外
out of doors在〔到〕户外
out of one's element外行
out of one's element不擅长
out of one's element在…活动范围之外
out of fashion老式的
out of fashion过时的
out of fear由于恐惧
be out of function不起作用
out of gear脱开传动
out of gear失常
out of gear切断的
out of gear有毛病
out of gear齿轮脱开
out of gear出了毛病
out of gear不灵
out of habit出于习惯
out of harm's way安全无事
out of hours在上班时间之外
out of hours未在上班时间
out of it没有份
out of it跟不土
out of it消息不确实的
out of it弄〔搞,猜〕错
out of it错误的
out of it…不牵连在内的
out of it与…无关的
out of it不在内
out of joint不协调的
out of joint混乱的
out of joint脱榫的
out of joint脱节的
out of measure
out of measure过度
out of measure
out of measure非常
out of number无法计算
out of number无数的
out of position站错位
out of position不适当〔不正确〕的位置
out of position错位
out of position不在适当〔应有〕位置
out of position方位错误
out of practice荒疏
out of practice缺乏〔久不〕练习
out of print press绝版出版物的一版全部卖掉
out of print绝版的
out of print卖光 (press)
out of print已售完 (press)
be out of range在范围以内〔外〕
out of one's range在知识范围以外
out of one's range不能
out of one's range能力达不到的
be out of range在范围之外
out of range溢出
out of range越界
out of range在射程以外
out of the reach难以接近
out of one's reach为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
out of one's reach超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
out of the reach不能达到
out of the reach够不着的
out of the reach力所不及
out of reason无故
out of reason毫无理由
out of recognition不能辨认
out of regard for出于对… 的重视〔考虑〕
be out of all relation to和…极不相称
be out of all relation to和…完全不符 (毫无关系)
out of season失去时机
out of season不合时令的
out of season过时
out of season不当令的
out of season过时
out of season过季
be out of sorts身体不舒服
be out of sorts不齐全的
be out of sympathy withM 不同意M
out of sympathy withM 因同情M (而)
out of sympathy withM 对M没有同感
out of sympathy withM 不同情M
be out of sympathy withM 和M不一致
be out of sympathy withM 不赞同〔成〕M
out of synchronizm不同步
out of synchronizm失步
out of the ball park出场
out of the ball park出界
out of the blue突然地
out of the common不平常〔凡〕
out of the common road of逸出…的常规
out of the common road of远离
out of the common run不同凡响的
out of the midst of从…当中
out of the ordinary例外的
out of the ordinary非凡的
out of the ordinary乎寻常的
out of the ordinary非常的
out of the ordinary不正常
out of the picture不重要
out of the picture在本题以外的
out of the picture不相干
out of the picture不合适
be out of the question毫无可能
be out of the question绝对做不到
be out of the question不足道的
be out of the question不值得考虑
out of the question做不到的
out of the question毫无可能的
out of the running没获胜希望
out of the running不参赛
out of the saddle免职
out of the saddle下台
out of the saddle落〔下〕马
out of the sluice springs an inexhaustible supply of water水从水闸中源源涌出
out of the sphere ofM 出乎M范围之外
out of the straight歪〔弯〕着
out of the usual run不同凡响的
out of the way避〔离〕开
out of the way使不妨碍
out of the way
out of the way不便的
out of the way不恰当的
out of the way异常的
out of the way离开正道
out of the way异常
out of the way罕见的
out of the way少有的
out of the way偏僻的
out of the way向旁边
out of the way不寻常的
out of the way奇特的
out of the way以便不成为障碍
out-of-the-blue cue-bid意外扣叫
pass out of mind被忘却
pass out of turn越序不叫
phase-out of some R&D work停止某些研制工作
phase-out of some research and development work停止某些研制工作
play out of turn越序打牌
pounding out of lubricant润滑油自润滑点挤出
price one's goods out of the market厂商定价过高漫天要价以致减少没有销路
price oneself out of the market厂商定价过高漫天要价以致减少没有销路
puck out of sight看不见球
pump information out of从N处探出消息 (N)
pump the water out of the tank用泵把水从水箱抽出
quote a remark out of its context脱离上下文〔掐头去尾〕引用一句话
quote a remark out of its context断章取义
radar out of commission for parts雷达〔因〕零件损坏〔而停止工作〕
reason M out of劝 M 不要
reason M out of说服M使放弃N (N)
redouble out of rotation越序再加倍
ruling out of the book按条文处理
saw boards out of a log把大木材锯成木板
screw M out of自N 中把M挤〔榨〕出 (N)
screw M out of从N中把M拧下来 (N)
serve out of turn发球次序错误
serve out of turn不按次序发球
sink out of sight沉没不见
slip out ofM 从 M 中滑脱〔滑掉,滑过〕
snatch out of the fire使转败为胜
snatch out of the fire把…从危险中抢救出来
sneak out ofM 偷偷地逃避M
Sorry, the cash register system is out of order. Please follow me to another checkout很抱歉,收银机系统出现故障,我带您去另外一个收银台买单
squeeze M out of把M由N 中挤出 (N)
stem out ofM …发生是由于 M 引起的
stem out ofM 产生〔起源,归因〕于 M
stem out ofM 出身于 M
stem out ofM 由M发生〔产生,引起〕
swindle N out ofM 骗取M的N
swindle M out of骗取M的N (N)
take a bend out of使动物过度疲劳而安静下来
take a bend out of使弯曲物恢复平直
take M out of从N中取出〔除去〕 M (N)
take the shine out ofM 使M黯然无光〔失色〕
take the wind out of one's sail〔用先发制人手段〕出其不意击败
take the wind out of one's sails先发制人而占某人的上风
take the wind out of one's the sails of〔用先发制人手段〕出其不意击败
talk... out of...说得…放弃〔停止〕…
tear the vitals out of a subject抓住问题的核心
temporary out of service暂时停止工作
temporary out of stock暂无库存
temporary out of stock暂时缺货
That statue is sculpted out of clay这座像是泥塑的
The company is closing out their entire supply of men's clothing这家公司正在削价出售所有男装
The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffee beans, ground them, put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product柜台服务员用勺子舀岀少许苏门答腊咖啡豆,磨成粉,倒入滴滤式咖啡壶的滤格,浇下热水,冲一杯咖啡供我品尝
The fruits I like are out of season in winter我喜欢的水果冬天就过季了
The phone seems to be out of order电话好像出故障了
the screw has worked out of the joint螺钉从接头处脱出来了
The sit-down has run out of chocolate shake那家快餐店的巧克力奶昔卖完了
The telephone is out of order电话机坏了
This bracelet is made of platinum, beaten out by hand这只手镯是用白金,完全靠手工捶打而成的
This is an area of peace and tranquility. It is expected that people keep their voices down out of respect for those who are meditating这是静区。出于尊重冥想的人,大家都会把声音放低
throw M out of gear妨碍M的正常进行
throw M out of gear使M陷于停顿
throw M out of gear使M失调
throw M out of gear把M的齿轮脱开
throw M out of gear妨碍…的正常进行
throw M out of gear使M同齿轮传动装置脱开
throw-out of mesh脱离啮合
throw M out of order使M失调〔出毛病,发生故障,产生混乱〕
throw M out of order使M产生混乱〔发生故障,出毛病,失调〕
times out of number重复地
times out of number反复地
times out of number数不清的
times out of number无数次地
times out of number屡次
times out of number无数次
travel out of the record离开议题
travel out of the record扯到题外
turn out a heat of steel炼出一炉钢
turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand弄巧成拙
turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand手法不高明
vanish out of sight消失不见
we must find out which of these screws has worked loose我们必须査明这些螺丝中是哪一个松了
weave M out of用 N 织〔编〕M (N)
whip a fault out of sb.鞭打某人使之改过
wriggle out of a difficulty千方百计摆脱困难
wring M out of勒索N的M (N)
wring M out of把 N 中的M绞〔拧〕出来 (N)
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