
Terms for subject Economy containing out | all forms | exact matches only
a more-out-than-in method出多入少法
Advertising costs have cancel led out the sales revenue广告费用抵消了销售收入
after pay out偿还成本所得
aggregate fund in-and-out flow奖金岀入总额
all sold out售完
all sold out无货
amount shipped out所发出数量
amount shipped out发出数量
an out-of-stock commodity脱销商品
annual stock-out cost年缺货成本
assets out of accounts账户以外资产
average out平均计算
back out反悔 (of)
back out of the contract背弃合同义务
bad money drives good money out of circulation良币被劣币挤出流通领域
bad money drives out good money劣币驱逐良币
be out of crop未耕种
be out of crop没有种庄稼
be out of stock卖光
be out of stock没有现货〔库存〕
be out of the red无亏损
be out of the red无赤字
be out of the red消灭赤字
be out on bail交保释金获得保释
be sick of going out on business对出差感到厌倦
bear out证明 (a theory, 理论)
Because your threat of cancellation is unjustified, you are still obliged to carry out the agreement因为你方撤约的威胁毫无道理,你方仍必须执行协议
blank out使无效
blow out轮胎突然爆烈
blow out石油喷发
blow out空气、蒸气等突然冒出
blow out吹熄
bond made out in dollar美元债务
Both sides reached a settlement out of court双方已在法院外私下作了了结
bottom out止跌回升
bottom out走出谷底
branch out在业务等方面扩充范围
branch out长出枝条
break out展示
break out卸下船舱的
break out倒空 (容器)
break out打开
cancel out销掉
capital out of budget预算外资金
carry out落实
carry out a contract履行合同
carry out a tour of inspection巡视
carry out a tour of inspection出去视察
carve d-out production payment分割的生产付款
carve out one's way开辟道路
casting out nines去九法 (验算)
check out购货时的结账
check out检査
churn out粗制滥造
churn out大量生产
circular drop out线路失灵
close out由于企业关闭而抛售商品
close out sale停止销售
come out in defense辩护
come out of有…结果
come out of the red开始赚钱
come out of the red获利
come out of the red扭转亏损
content leaking out内货外泄
content running out内货漏出
contracting-out system承包制
count out清点
credit paid out directly to suppliers直接付给供应商的信贷
crowding out私营部门开支缩减引起政府支出增加
day sales out-standing ratio日销售未收款比率
defrayment Out of the treasury国库支出
Despite our efforts, we cannot discover the reason why the steel tube was out of shape尽管作了努力,我们无法査明钢管变形的原因
detailed check-out详细检査
die out停止
direct out-of-pocket expenditures直接付现支出
discounted bail-out period贴现交保期
dish out出笼
distribute bonuses out of profits按利润分发奖金
early retirement buy out买断工龄提前退休
edit out在编辑或剪辑过程中删除
equipment receipt-out设备交换单 (in)
expenditure out budget超出预算的支出
expenditure out budget预算外支出
expenditure out of budget超出预算的支出
fade-out measures逐步减少外资股权措施
figure out at合计
figure out at总共
fill out填好
financier a person out of his money骗人金钱
find a way out找出路
fitting out basin装配水域
fork out支付
fork out支出
fork out交出
free in and out包括装卸费在内的运费 (船方不负担装卸费用)
free in and out船方不负担装卸费
free in and out and stowed船方不负担装卸及理舱费用
free in and out and stowed船方不负担装卸、理舱费
free in and out and taxes船方不负担装卸费用和税款
free in and out and trimmed船方不负担装卸及理舱
free in and out freight rate船方不负担装卸费的运费率
free in and out of ship对装卸货不负责任
free in and out of ship船方不负责装、卸船
free in and out of trucks不负担卸卡车
free in and out of trucks不负担装卸货车卡车费用
free in and out, stowed and trimmed船方不负担装卸、 理舵及平舵费用
free in and out stowed and trimmed船方不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费
free in, out and stowed船方不负担装卸及平仓费用
free in, out stowed and trimmed船方不负担装卸、平仓及理仓费用
free out船方不负担卸货费
free out船方不负担卸货费用 (FO)
free out包括卸货费在内的运费 (船方不负担卸货费用)
free-in-and-out trimmed船方不负担装卸、平舵费用
free-in-and-out trimmed船方不负担装卸、平舱费
freeze out排挤 (competition, 对手)
freeze out在竞争中逐出 (competition)
freeze sb. out by competition用竞争逐去
furnish out完备
furnish out补足
furnish out补充
garbage in, garbage out进错出错
get out of还清 (debt, 债务)
get out of hand摆脱控制
get out of the red不再亏空
hand out施舍
He should pay for out-of-pocket costs such as his telephone and cable expenses他应支付电话和电报之类的杂项开支
highest-in, first-out高入先出
highest-in first-out hifo高入先出法
hire out by the day按日计算出租
holding out欺诈行为
I copied the company statements at night and sent out the next morning我在晚上抄了公司的报表,第二天上午送出去
If we find out any false statements in your report of business, we will stop providing loans如果发现你方在业务报告中弄虚作假,我们将立即停止贷款
If your work turns out to be satisfactory, the agreement can be renewed on expiry如你方经营业务令人满意,协议期满后可续订
illegal strike and lock-out法罢工和关闭工厂
in and out短期清算
in and out证券的短线买卖
in and out items往返转账的项目
in and out of season始终
in and out of season一年到头
in and out of the market钱来去迅速
in and out of the market同一天中又买又卖
in and out rates进出差异费率
in and out trader以获得短期价差为目的的证券投机商
In fact, the attorney carries out whatsoever is expedient for the case事实上,该律师的做法是,什么对案件有利就去执行什么
in nine eases out of ten十之八九
In order to settle this question, we will send a representative to carry out the inspection为解决这一问题,我方将派代表前去进行检査
Insurance here shall be taken out under our open policy此地保险应根据我方预约保险规定办理
iron out differences消除分歧
It's out of question that you should get the necessary import licence from the authorities毫无疑问,你须从行政当局取得必需的进口许可证
keep out of (debt, 借债)
keyword out of context关键字在上下文外
keyword out of context index±下文外关键字索引
knock out agreement拍卖时不岀价的秘密协定
last in, first out后进先出
last in, first out后入先出法 (库存估价方法)
last in first out后进先出
last in first out method存货后进先出法
last in last out存货后进后出法
last in, last out后进后出
lay out a schedule of shipment安排出运时间
let out a secret泄秘
level out平稳
level out拉平
line out划线标明
live out出外帮工
living out system出外帮工制
lose out亏本
lose out输掉
lot out goods in parcels将货物分成包件
made out in中英文书写 (Chinese and English)
made out to填写成我方抬头 (our order)
make out书写 (a document, 文件)
make out (a sum, 一笔款)
make out (an account, a cheque, 账、支票)
make out a document in duplicate把文件誉写一式两份
management buy-out高级管理人员买下子公司全部股票以收购子公司产权或管理权
management buy out管理权购进
map out拟定 (a plan, 计划)
map out a schedule of shipment安排出运时间
marginal propensity to spend out of income所得边际支出倾向
mark out划分出
mark out规划
market out-clause承销证券合同的中止条款
media out lines价质略图
method of charging out报销方法
method of first in, first out先进先出法
method of last in, first out后进先出法
minor projects squeeze out major ones以小挤大
miss out on得不到期待中的东西 (sth.)
miss out on未得到某物 (sth.)
more-out than-in method出多入少
mustering-out pay退职金
mustering-out pay转业费
mustering-out pay退伍金
mustering-out pay退伍金,退职金
netting out取净值
next in first-out method次入先出法
not taken out不扣除
not taken out不扣除【抵充】
Now the increase in supply is out of proportion to that in demand现在,供需两方面增长的比例失调
open out展现
open out打开
open out直言
open out开辟
open out表明
open out揭示
open out开发
open out畅谈
open out展开
opt out口语宣布放弃选择 (权)
Our company is carrying out a market survey to determine what products come up to customer' needs我公司正在进行一项市场调査,以便确定什么产品符合顾客的需要
out in accounts账上的差错
out measures逐步减少外资股权措施
out moded放弃了的
out moded过时了的
out of accord with同…不一致
out of action有故障的
out of action失效
the salary offered out of all proportion to所付薪金所从事的工作极不相称 (the work involved)
out of balance去平
out of bond出关栈
out of business破产
out of compliance for违反
out of compliance with违反
out of copyright不受版权法保护
out of count不计其数
out of crop未耕种
out of fund缺乏资金
out of harm's way在安全的地方
out of line不相合
out of office失业
out of order次序混乱
out of pocket expenses实际的花费
out of pocket expenses现金〔实际〕支付
out of print已售完的
out of print已绝版的
out of print绝版
out of printing绝版
authority, reliability, etc. out of question权威性、可靠性等毫无疑问
Out of question, the goods will be shipped in time毫无疑问,这批货会及时装运的
out of range超出范围
styles, sizes out of their range of款式、尺寸不属超出他们的产品范围 (products)
out of range value超范围值
out of range value超量值
out of service不能工作的
out of square不规则
out of stock已不在贮存中
out of stock已脱销
out of store耗尽
Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use我们从利润中留出一万美元保留款作为机动
holidays, delay out of the question推迟办不到
holidays, delay out of the question休假不可能
out of the way不碍人
out of the way不挡道
out of the wood脱离险境
out of the wood脱险
out of the wood脱离危险
out of the wood克服困难
out of the wood出森林
out of the woods脱离险境
out of the woods脱险
out of the woods克服困难
out of the woods脱离危险
out of the woods出森林
out of truth不准确
out of work无工可做
out of work失业
out-of-court settlement不经法院私下解决问题
out-of-pocket costs付现成本
out-of-pocket costs实付成本
out-of-pocket costs实际费用
out-of-pocket costs现金支付的成本
out-of-pocket expense现金支出
out-of-pocket expenses付现费用
out-of-pocket expenses实际现金支出
out-of-pocket expenses实际现金支出
out-of-pocket outlays实际现金支出
out-of-specification piece与技术条件不符的样品
out-of-stock commodity脱销商品
out to out全长
out to out全宽
out to out总时
out trigger外伸框架吊运车
packing materials lent out出借包装物料
packing materials rented out出租包装物料
paid out花费
paid out流出
Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects合伙公司在对任何项目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名
Party A shall inform party B of any change in carrying out the contract, and vice甲方在执行该合同中发生任何变动应通知乙方,反之亦然
pay out period投资回收期 (payback period)
pay-back or pay-out period rate of return method, pay out period资金回收期法或偿还期报酬法
phase out逐步停止生产
Please sound them out and tell us what their intension is请试探一下他们的意见,并告诉我们他们的打算
point of make-out计收入水准的起点
point of make-out计算收入的起点
point of making-out计算收入的起点
power out put输出功率
price one's goods out of the market漫天讨价以致减少销路
pricing out of the market高出市价
promissory note made out to bearer来人票据
proper out-set主要切割组
prove out证明是合适的 (或令人满意的)
put out money at interest收息
put out money at interest放债
put out money at in interest收息放债
put work, a project, etc. out to contract给人承包
put work, a project, etc. out to contract工作、 工程等包出去
put out... to lease出租…
put the warehouse, quay, etc. out to lease出租 (仓库、码头等)
putting out system代产包销制
putting out system包销生产制度
quantities and varieties of the basic supplies to be brought into or out of物资调入调出的种类和数量
quantities and varieties of the basic supplies to brought into or out of物资调出调入量
quest out找出
rain out因下雨取水中断
realize out of the consignment变卖奇售货物
reason the manufacturer out of说服制造商 消除 (his suspicion, 疑虑)
receive and pay out money or bills出纳现金或票据
rights arising out of the bill票据引起的权利
roll out作业程序说明书
roll out推出新项目
Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instruments into and out of China"对外汇、贵重金属和外汇票证等进出国境的管理施行细则"
ruling out win-lose克制得失
run out售尽 (of)
run out告罄
run out用完
run out满期 (of)
run out花光 (of)
scheme out制订 (a program, plan, 一项计划、方案)
scissor out a paragraph from a newspaper从报上剪下一段 (新闻)
score out删掉
score out划去
score out 3 clauses from the contract从合同中删去 (三项条款)
screw money out of the people榨取人民钱财
send out发送 (a letter of invitation for Guangzhou Fair, 广交会请柬)
send out a questionnaire发放调査表
send out a warning signal发出警告信号
settlement out of court庭外调解
settlement out of court和解
settlement out of court非经法院解决
settlement out of court私下解决 (争端)
share out…among...间平分
shout out one's orders大声发出命令
shut out退装
shut out退关
shut out cargo退关货
sigh out叹息地说
single sb. out for special training挑选出某人加以特殊训练
single out the best from the good好中选优
smell out气味外散
smooth out the misunderstandings消除误解
smuggle goods out of a port走私商品出港
sort out挑出 (those of the largest size, 其中最大的)
spell out清楚地说明
spell out讲清楚
spread out the payment on the loan over six months把现款分六个月摊还
squeeze out surplus榨取剩余价值
start out着手进行
start out起程
stay out在户外
stay out呆到…的结束
stay out罢工
stick out for坚持索取 (excessive price, 高价)
straighten out financial affairs财务整顿
stretch out the contract拖长合同期限
strike out勾销
strike out冲压出
strike out敲出
strike out做出
study out拟定
study out解决
study out设计
study out研究出
Such national publicity is absolutely necessary and will be carried out next month at the cost of the company此种全国性的宣传绝对必要,且于下月进行,费用由公司承担
take out剔出
take out a patent for得到…的专利权
take sth. out of pledge赎回某物
take out of service报废
Takeover tests should be carried out by the contractor according to the provisions herein根据此处开列的条款,应由承包商完成接管验收
taking out of service列入报废
tear out拔出 (a fuse, 保险丝)
The agreement of the joint venture should spell out the benefits, rights and duties of both parties合资公司的协议应明确说明双方的利润、权利和责任
The agreement won't be carried out until its invalid portion eliminated此协议在其无效部分消除以后,方可实施
The bill was written out by the accountant此账单是由会计开出的
The boss was out of the country老板到国外去了
The circular we sent out offers 15% discount我们发出的广告传单上提供的折扣为15%
The committee set out to investigate irregularities in share dealings该委员会着手调査股票交易中的不正当行为
The company has incurred heavy costs to carry out the project这家公司为实现这项计划已投入了大量费用
The company paid duty and took goods out of bond该公司交纳关税后提出海关扣押的货物
The consignee turned out to be of good credit and business standing代销人确实为商业信誉良好的人
the defrayment out of the treasury国库支出
The market for clothes out of fashion is very difficult at present式样过时的服装目前在市场上很难销售
the out-of-pocket cost直接费用
the out-of-pocket cost付现成本
the out-of-pocket cost实际成本
the out-of-pocket cost现金支付成本
The owner is looking to get cash out of the firm at favorable tax rates业主想以优惠税率从公司提取现金
The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司
The passengers had to wait the storm out at the airport旅客们只得在机场等待暴风雨过去
The prior obligation must be carried out in advance of others先于一切的义务,必须优先履行
The project has been put out to tender for a week该工程已招标一个星期
The quantity works out to 3000 pieces数量共计为 3000件
The steel works turns out 500 tons of steel a day该钢厂每天产钢500吨
the wearing out of assets资产损耗
The workers shall carry out the chief engineers instructions and directions on any matter touching the works工人必须执行总工程师发出的任何涉及该工程事宜的命令和指示
They are putting out a series of prime-time commercials他们正在电视的黄金时间里播送一系列的广告
They took out a patent for a new type of instrument last month上个月他们得到了一种新型仪器的专利权
thin out减少
thirty-and-out pension30年以上工龄的养老金
This item goes out of stock at the moment but will come back into stock in a month这种货现无存货,一个月后有货
This pair of trousers should let out half an inch at the waist这条裤子的腰身应该再放出半英寸
This sales plan might prove abortive but it is worth trying out这个销售计划也许不能成功,但仍值得一试
throw M out of使 M 失去〔离开〕N (N)
to be played out破产
trace out拟定 (a sales plan, 销售计划)
try out试用 (several makes of cars before making a final choice, 几种式样的汽车,再决定买哪一种)
turn out生产 (machines, 机器)
Usually for a small project, the owner will carry out a feasibility study, meanwhile, the owner may invite some specialists to help通常对于小项目,业主要进行可行性研究,同时业主也可能邀请一些专家协助
void out支撑住
void out出色
void out突出
void out a crisis度过危机
wait out等到…结束
wash out飞机因故障降落
wash out冲去
wash out失败
wash out洗掉
We advanced the request not presuming upon our long association, but out of necessity我们提出这个要求,并不是利用双方多年交往关系,而是出于需要
We asked them to find out at what time the train was due我们请他们打听火车什么时候到达
We believe the commission has been figured out in error我们相信佣金算错了
We do not see the object of sending you the cuttings at present when we are out of stock目前没有现货,我们不明白给你方寄剪样有什么作用
We earnestly hope that the extension of 30 days will help you out of your present embarrassment我们真诚希望30天展期有助于你摆脱当前困境
We fit ted out the office with computers我们给办公室配备计算机
We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened必须指出,装船前我们仔细检査了货物,因此不可能会发生货损
We must immediately set out to settle this matter, which has been hanging fire for one year or we will suffer even greater loss我们必须立即着手解决拖了一年之久之事,否则我们的损失更大
We regret to inform you that our stock has run out我们遗憾地通知你方存货已售完
We shall work out the interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the total amount of lending capital我方可按借出资本总数每年5%的利率来计息
We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered我方订货发运时,我们会及时得到他们的通知
wear out使耗尽
wear out克服
wear out使疲乏
wear out消瘦
wearing out of assets资产耗损
weigh out (出)
wipe out抹去 (an account, 账目)
wipe out the deficit消除赤字
work out市场疲软
work out精心计划
work out枯竭
work out努力获致
work out a solution for the problem给问题找答案
work out a solution of the problem给问题找答案
work out a solution to the problem给问题找答案
work out the final state accounts编成国家决算
worn-out equipment磨损设备
write out开出 (支票)
You can single out any item for acceptance among the three cargoes for remedy你可从这三批货中任选接受一项作为补偿
You may buy in or sell out shares at the current prices你可以按市价买进或卖出股票
Your action of taking that computer out of the country is not lawful你把那台计算机运出境外是不合法的
Your unemployment insurance will inure immediately after your being out of work你的失业保险在你失去工作以后立即生效
zero out拨零找接线员
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