
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing oscillation | all forms | exact matches only
aeolian oscillation风成振动
aeolian oscillation风振
amplitude of oscillation摆幅
beam oscillation梁的振动
bridge oscillation桥梁颤振
bridge oscillation桥梁摆振
bridge oscillation桥梁振动
centre of oscillation振动中心
centre of oscillation摆动中心
damped oscillation阻尼振动
earthquake oscillation mode地震震型
inertia oscillation惯性振动
irregular oscillation不规则振动
isochronic oscillation等时振动
nonlinear oscillation非线性振动
oscillation damping振动阻尼
oscillation frequency摆动频率
oscillation mode振型
oscillation of main current主流摆动
phugoid oscillation浮沉振荡
range of oscillation摆幅
residual oscillation残余振动
response of rocking oscillation摇振反应
rocking oscillation摇摆振动
self oscillation自振荡
self oscillation自振
self-excited oscillation自激振荡
simple oscillation简谐运动
to-and-fro oscillation来回摆动
vortex-excited oscillation涡流激振
wind oscillation风振