
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing oscillation | all forms | exact matches only
angular oscillation角摆动
aqueous oscillation ripple mark浪成波痕
axis of oscillation摆动轴线
back oscillation返回振荡
back oscillation反波振荡
bubble oscillation气泡振荡
bubble oscillation frequency气泡振荡频率
clamped oscillation阻尼振荡
climatic oscillation气候变动
convergent oscillation衰减振荡
duration of oscillation振荡周期
duration of oscillation振荡持续时间
earth tide oscillation固体潮振荡
electric oscillation电振荡
electromagnetic oscillation电磁振荡
flow oscillation排量波动
free oscillation of the earth地球自由振荡
general oscillation普遍振荡
harmonic oscillation谐振荡
internode of oscillation振荡波腹
interrupted oscillation间歇振荡
mode of oscillation振荡模式
oscillation centre摆动中心
oscillation circuit振荡回路
oscillation circuit振荡电路
oscillation constant振荡常数
oscillation crank lever摆动曲柄杆
oscillation cross ripple mark振荡干涉波痕
oscillation effect振荡效应
oscillation force振荡力
oscillation ripple对称波痕
oscillation ripple振荡波痕
oscillation ripple摆动波痕
oscillation theory颤动说
periodic oscillation周期振动
periodic oscillation周期振荡
persistent oscillation等幅振荡
plasma oscillation等离子振动
seismic oscillation地震振动
seismic oscillation地震颤动
self-sustained oscillation自激振荡
simple harmonic oscillation简谐振动
sine-wave oscillation正弦振荡
steady periodic oscillation稳态周期振荡
synchronized oscillation同步振动
synchronized oscillation同步振荡
vortex excited oscillation涡激振动