
Terms for subject Economy containing organisation | all forms
a form of business organization业务组织形式
a functionalized organization职能化组织
a non-official organization民间组织
a non-profit organization非营利组织
a well-developed sales organization健全的推销组织
African Petroleum Organization非洲石油组织
Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation非一亚【亚非】经济合作组织
alteration of company's organization公司内部的变更
American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organization美国劳工联合会一产业工会联合会 (劳联一产联)
An association of promoters has been constituted for the organization of a joint venture company成立了一个筹组合资公司的发起人团体
an organization and method analysis组织和方法分析
an organization commission编制委员会
Andean Pact Organization安第斯条约组织又称安第斯集团,其成员国为:拉丁美洲的秘鲁、委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、玻利维亚
Andean Pact Organization安第斯条约组织
Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries阿拉伯石油输出国组织
Arabian Standard & Measurement Organization阿拉伯标准与计量组织
arbitration organization仲裁机构
As a non-profit-making organization you are exempt from taxation作为非营利机构,你方可以免除纳税
Asia-Africa Organization on Economic Cooperation亚非经济合作组织
aspect of industrial organization工业组织的特性
associative organization伙伴组织
associative organization联合机构
auxiliary organization附属团体 (机构)
charitable organization慈善机构
charity organization慈善机关
charity organization work慈善组织事业
China's Economic and Trade Organizations部分中国经济贸易机构
C.I.O. Congress of Industrial Organization产业工会联合会
clearing organization of commodity exchange商品交易所的清算组织
commercial organization商业部门
Conference of Chartering and Shipowning Organization租船和船东组织公会
Congress of Industrial Organizations产业工会联合会
Congress of Industrial Organizations产联产业工会联合会 (美)
consumer organization消费者组织
consumer’s organization消费者组织
co-operative organization合作组织
corporation's organization expense公司开办费用
creditor debtor organization信贷组织
departmental financial organization部门财力组织
Development Center of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作与发展组织的开发中心
distribution organization分配组织
divisionalized organization分部组织
divisionalized organization部门化事业组织
dynamic organization chart动态性组织图
economic research organization经济研究机构
economics of industrial organization工业组织经济学
eligible organization符合取得减税条件的组织
employer’s organization行业协会
employer’s organization雇主组织
European Organization for Quality Control欧洲质量控制组织
European Organization for Testing and Certification欧洲检测和鉴定组织、欧洲检验与认证组织
European Patent Organization欧洲专利组织
farm organization农场组织
Federal of Economic Organization日本经济团体联合会经团联
Federation of Economic Organizations日本经济团体联合会
field procurement organization现场采购组织
fiscal organization财政组织
flat organization企业中的单层管理组织
UN Food and Agriculture Organization联合国粮食与农业组织 (FAO)
Food and Agriculture Organization联合国粮农组织
Food and Agriculture Organization联合国粮食与农业组织
foreign trade organization外贸机构
form of enterprise organization企业组织形式
free-form organization structure自由形式的组织结构
function type organization职能型组织方式
functional organization职能领导制
globe wide mixed organization全球性混合组织
grain stockpiling organizations粮食储备机构
His company is only a front for a drugs organization他的公司只是一个毒品贩卖组织的掩护机构
industrial organization产业组织
inter-government Maritime Consultative Organization政府间海事协商组织
International Commodity Organization国际商品组织
International Communications Satellite Organization国际通信卫星组织 (Intelsat)
International Economic and Trade Organizations部分国际经济贸易机构
International Organization国际组织 (IOs or IN-TORGs)
International Standard Organization container国际标准化组织集装箱
International Standard Organization/Technical Committee国际标准化组织技术委员会
International Standardization Organization/Recommendation国际标准化组织推荐标准
international trade union organization国际工会组织
Japan External Trade Organization日本对外出口贸易振兴会
Japan External Trade Organization日本外贸组织
Japan External Trade Organization日本外贸振兴会
large company organization大公司组织
law of business organization企业组织法
line and staff organization各做负责和参谋体制
line and staff type of sales organization各级负责与职员负责混合式销售组织
line organization垂直部门式组织
managerial organization经营管理组织
Manufactured Imports Promotion Organization日本制成品进口促进组织
Many commercial organizations have been formed已经组成了许多商业团体
merger of the joint venture with other economic organization合资企业与其他经济组织的合并
NATO is the abbreviation of North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNATO 是北大西洋公约组织的缩写
non-governmental organizations非政府组织机构
non-resident organization非居民机构
organization and management组织和管理
organization by职能式、区域型组织 (function, location)
organization by stage of manufacture按制造阶段型组织
organization by stage of manufacture按制造阶段组织
organization chart系统图
organization cost written off摊销的开办费
organization costs written off开办费的摊销
organization development practitioner组织发展工作者
organization development practitioner发展工作者
organization expenses筹备费
Organization for Asian Economic Cooperation亚洲经济合作组织
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作与开发组织
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development欧洲经济合作与发展组织
Organization for European Econ omic Cooperation欧洲经济合作组织
Organization for European Economic Cooperation Petroleum Emergency Group欧洲经济合作组织石油应急小组
organization man大公司内听话的成员
Organization of Central American States中美洲国家组织
organization of internal audit内部审计组织
Organization of the Islamic Conference伊斯兰国家会议组织
organization plan企业等的组织结构图
organization's compactness机构精干
organization structure组织结构
organization tax组织费
organization theory组织学
organization unit组织单位
organizations charged with building the key construction projects重点建设单位
People’s organization团体
Petroleum Industry National Training Organization石油工业国家培训组织
Petroleum Industry Response Organization石油工业服务组织
principles of industrial organization工业组织原理
productive organization生产组织
Project Management Organization项目管理组织
quality control organization质量检査机构 (division, 部门)
quality control organization质量控制机构
raw material producer's organizations原料生产国组织
regulations governing the organization组织条例
Saudi Arabian Standards Organization沙特阿拉伯标准化组织
semi-cooperative organization半合作组织
southern petroleum organization伊拉克南部石油组织
state organization for oil project伊拉克国家石油项目规划机构
state pricing organization国家物价机关
state trading organization国营贸易组织
the accountancy organization核算组织
the law of Investments of Resources of Foreign Persons in Domestic Organizations of Associated Labour外国人对国内联合劳动组织投资法
The merchandise can be delivered to the service organization on consignment商品可以交给服务公司作为寄售
The organization founded shall continue for a period of six years这个新建立的组织将持续存在6 年
The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约
the rating organization制定费率的机构
the staff and line organization职责与部门交叉管理法
trade organization商业体制
type of business organization企业组织的类别
umbrella organization综合组织
umbrella organization伞式组织
work organization业务组织
World Economic Organization世界经济组织