
Terms containing open water | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.cooling water-treatment of open circulating system敞开式循环系统冷却水处理
tech.first open water开冻日
tech.first open water初次解冻日
tech.first open water第一解冻日
busin.first open water shipping解冻后首航水中含少于1/10的冰块
interntl.trade.first open water化冻初期
interntl.trade.first open water首航
logist.first open water解冻后首次派船
econ.first open water首航 (日)
econ.first open water解冻后初次开航
commer.first open water开封首航
tech.first open water不负担港口解冻之风险
tech.first open water开封初期
bridg.constr.flow of water in open channels and pipes明渠及管道水流
tech.hot-water open circuit diving suit开式回路热水潜水服
swim.men's open water 10km男子10公里
swim.men's open water 10km男子10公里公开水域
el.open circuit water直流水
el.open circuit water开式回路水
nautic., tech.open cooling water system开式冷却水系统
tech.open flume water turbine开式水轮机
tech.open loop domestic water heater民用开环太阳能热水器
tech.open system of hot water supply敞开式热水供应系统
tech.open system of hot water supply开式热水供应系统
tech.open system of recirculated cooling water敞开式循环冷却水系统
tech.open system of recirculated cooling water开式循环冷却系统
tech.open type feed water heater开放式给水加热器
refrig.open type feed water heater开式给水加热器
refrig.open type water film cooling tower敞开水膜式冷却塔
oilopen water无冰水面
oilopen water开敞水域
hydrol.open water开阔水面
w.polo.open water无人区
w.polo.open water室外游泳池
hydroel.st.open water开敞水面
w.polo.open water露天水面
swim.open water天然水域
hydrol.open water开放水面
hydrol.open water地表水面
hydrol.open water明流水
tech.open water开旷水面
earth.sc.open water无封冻水面
agric., meteorol.open water融冰口
oilopen water地表水
tech.open water无屏蔽水域
tech.open water未封冻水面
tech.open water开阔海面
tech.open water-cooling tower敞开式冷却塔
tech.open water-cooling tower敞式水冷塔
oilopen water-cooling tower敞式凉水塔
ecol.open water-cooling tower敞式冷却塔
tech.open water heater敞口沸水器
tech.open water heater敞口开水器
oilopen water injection system开式注水系统
geogr.open water lagoon开放泻湖
nautic., tech.open water propeller efficiency螺旋桨敞水效率
tech.open water rating明流-水位流量关系
tech.open water return开式回水
tech.open water surface开阔水面
swim.open water swimming天然水域游泳
tech.open water tank开式水箱
tech.open water test敞水试验
eng.geol.open-loop surface water system开环式地表水循环系统
tech.open-type hot-water heat-supply network开式热水热网
expl.open-water unconfined charges开放水域药包
nautic., tech.open-water propeller test螺旋桨敞水试验
nautic., tech.open-water test敞水试验箱
nautic., tech.open-water test boat敞水试验箱
tech.treatment of open circulation cooling water开敞式再循环冷却水处理
swim.women's open water 10km女子 10公里公开水域