
Terms containing on top | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MSAlways on Top最上層顯示 (A user interface element that causes the application window to always be displayed over other open windows on the computer, even when it does not have focus)
swim.climb up on top of the water浮到水面
bridg.constr.cofferdam set on top of open caisson井顶围堰
bridg.constr.cofferdam set on top of well井顶围堰
sport.come out on top赛赢
sport.come out on top比赢
sport.come out on top名列前茅
met.cracks on top surface顶面裂纹
tech.crown bar on arch top拱顶带钩托梁
tech.deposited on top of clay layers沉积于黏土层面上的
tech.deposited on top of sand layers沉积于砂层面上的
geol.depositional topography on top of reef岩礁顶部的沉积地形
tech.ditch on top of wall of portal洞门墙顶水沟
busin.do not load stock on top勿放顶上
chem.Do not stake on top勿放顶上
logist.do not stow on top勿放顶上
el.epitaxial on top structure顶[上表]层外延结构
nautic., tech.felt under septum plates on top of hull bottom船底上隔板下的毛毡
avia.flat on top顶平
dart.get on top警告镖手 精神集中
dart.get on top警告镖手精神集中
gen.I notice that a piece of glass on the top of the table is broken. Do you know how it happened?我发现桌上一块玻璃碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?
proj.manag.It is in the correct mode by using it to change channels on your set-top box请使用它遥控器来更改机顶盒上的频道以确保其处于正确模式
rugb.jump on top of a ruck跳到拉克顶上
oilload on top顶部装油法
textileload on top最大负载
textileload on top最大负荷
tech.load on top顶装法
tech.load on top油脚不清装油法
oilload on top system从顶部装载系统
tech.load on top system油脚不清装油制度
oil, transp.load-on-top从顶部装载
bridg.constr.loads acted on the top of bridge and culvert桥涵顶上荷载
textileloops on the top服装缺陷
tech.luggage rail on top车顶的行李框栏杆
gen.nest one on top of another把一个套〔码〕在另一个的顶上
sport.on top占上风
gen.on top在顶上
avia.on top云上的
avia.on top在顶部
sport.on top占优势
gen.on top成功
wrest.on top在上面
wrest.on top在上面跪撑摔
auto.on top开足马力
auto.on top全速地
auto.on top居首位
auto.on top在上边
auto.on top领先
auto.on top以高速档
gen.on top以高速挡
gen.on top云层顶上
gen.on top form运动员竞技状态良好
gen.on top form能发挥自己的水平
gen.on top form精神健旺
gen.on the top of紧接着
gen.on the top of在…的上面
gen.on the top of除…外
gen.on the top of加之
gen.on the top of在…附近
gen.on the top of还有
gen.on the top of加在…之上
gen.on top of上面
sport.on top of game技压群雄
avia.on top position在顶上位置
el.on top position indicator顶部位置指示器
avia.on top position indicator在顶上位置指示器
gen.one on top of another一个叠一个
gen.one on top of another一层压一层
telecom.on-top box顶置盒
telecom.on-top box电视机上附加的机顶盒
textileon-top skirt上层裙用于欧洲民族风格的多层裙设计
tech.overburden on top slab顶板覆土
met.paving on battery top焦炉碳化室顶面砖
met.paving on the battery top焦炉炭化室顶面砖
cosmet.Put adequate amount on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, spread gently from top to bottom with finger tips, and pat evenly取适量点于前额、鼻子、两颊、下巴等部位,用指尖由上而下地涂匀整个脸部和颈部,轻轻拍打均匀即可
skydive.roll on top of a loop殷麦曼反转
skydive.roll on top of a loop殷麦曼特技飞行半筋斗反转
skydive.roll on top of a loop半筋斗反转
railw.station building on the top of the railway线正上式站房线上式站房
nucl.pow.tension structure on top of the CRDMS驱动机构顶部拉紧装置
expl.The major causes of flyrock are inadequate burden, inadequate stemming length, drilling inaccuracy, excessive powder factor,unfavorable geological conditions open joints, weak seams and cavities, inappropriate delay timing and sequence, inaccuracy of delays, back break and loose rock on top of the bench飞石产生的主要原因包括抵抗线不足、炮泥长度不够、钻孔不精确、单位炸药消耗量过多、地质条件不利露天节理、矿层不稳固和空穴、延时定时和序列不当、延时不精确、发生反向爆破、以及台阶上部岩石松散等
tech.top-gear speed on gradient上坡时的高挡行驶速度
gen.up on top潜艇原地上浮
avia.VFR on top云上目视飞行