
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing on the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gauge change "on the fly"【压】 动态厚度变换
gauge change "on-the fly"动态厚度变换
national symposium on the theory of metallurgical technology全国冶金工艺理论学术会议
on the basis of...以… 为依据 【基础】
on-the-spot experiment现场试验
on-the-spot operation demonstration现场操作示范
on-the-spot report现场汇报
on-the-spot sample analysis现场分析
on-the-spot sample analysis【钢】 炉前试样分析
on-the-spot sample analysis炉前分析
paving on the battery top焦炉炭化室顶面砖
put on the blast开始送风
put on the blast高炉开始送风
put on the blast开炉
put on the blast【铁】 高炉开炉
wind-up on the roll缠辊
zone of slippage on the delivery side【压】 前滑区
zone of slippage on the entry side【压】 后滑区