
Terms for subject Securities containing on the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture中外合资经营企业会计规则
amount capitalized on the free script issue拨人资本账作红股派发的数额
board of directors' final say on the financial institutions' operating capability对金融机构经营能力董事会有最后的决定权
broker on the London Stock Exchange伦敦证券交易所经纪人
buy low on the dips, sell high on the peaks低买高卖
buy on the offer按要价购买
call on the guarantee担保责任
call on the guarantee担保偿还
cash collection on behalf of the third part为第三方代收现金服务
clean on the print无中介交易无需经纪商作为委托人的交易
close on the terms根据已定条款成交
collective investment schemes on the internet互联网上集体投资计划
company on the basis of shares from its employees职工集资人股的公司
criminal liability on the provision of false information提供虚假信息的刑事责任
cross on the board相互指令
cross on the board交叉盘
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则
drag on the expansion of securities market阻碍证券市场的发展
drawing down on the deposit account提取存款
enhance and improve the supervision on securities and futures加强和改善证券期货监管工作
enhancing the strike on behaviors breaking laws or regulations in securities trade强化打击证券交易违法违规行为的力度
exchange of liability on the bill免除票据/汇票的责任
fiscal pressure on the central bank财政向央行施压 (over monetary policy)
fiscal pressure on the central bank财政挤银行 (over monetary policy)
gain on the sale of securities A/C证券出售账户收益
Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引
hold on the statutory trust法定信托方式持有
honor the draft on presentation付款赎单
honor the draft on presentation交单付款
information disclosed on the exchange website交易所网站披露的信息
interest on the general government debt普通公债利息
Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法
liabilities of failing institutions loaded on the backs of taxpayers倒闭的机构负债现在已经落到纳税人的肩上
limit or market on the close order限价或市价收盘委托
limit or market on the close order限价或市价收盘订单
list on the exchanges证券交易所挂牌名单
listed on the stock market股市上挂牌
long on the basis基差持有
membership or a seat on the exchange交易所成员或席位
negotiable on the stock exchange可在股票交易所交易的
on the close market order按收盘市价指令
on the close order收市委托
on the close order收盘价报价
on the close order按收盘指令
on the money实价期权买人或卖出期权的执行价与基础证券市价相等
on the money实价
on the opening limit order根据开盘限价指令
on the opening market order按开盘市价指令
on the opening order按开市订单
on the opening order按开盘指令
on the run issues正在进行的发行
on the sidelines场外观望市场不确定,暂缓投资
on the spot inquiry根据实地调查
on the spot loan即时贷款
on the spot loan按临时贷款方式
on the spot visit根据到现场查看 (监管机构)
on the take受贿
on the take伺机谋利
on the take敲竹杠
on the tape行情显示
on the upswing居高不下 (股价)
on the upswing高位持续
one hour trading suspension on the disclosure day在披露日暂停交易一小时
on-the-run bond热门债券off-the-run bond 冷门债券
on-the-run treasuries新发行国债
on-the-run treasuries发行中的短期国债
on-the-run treasury issues挂牌国库券
on-the-run treasury issues正在发行的国库券
open buying on the internet开放式网络交易
open buying on the internet开放式网络买人
open depending on the floor场内开放交易所内
open on the print大额批发交易挂牌
option on the max最大型期权
option on the min最小型期权
overshooting on the downside过度下跌
pressure on the money market货币市场压力
project on the use of plain language上市文件简洁语言计划
Provisional Regulations on the Administration of Qualifications of Senior Management of Securities Institutions证券机构高管人员任职资格管理暂行办法
pull the plug on the market撤销底价
quantitative limit on the increase in bank lending银行贷款增加额的限制
quotation on the market行市
rally on the favorable news因利好消息上涨
receive payment on the basis of one's share of the land土地人股分红
Regulations on the Listing of Fund基金上市规则深圳证券交易所
Regulations on the Supervision and Management of the State-Owned Enterprises国有企业监督管理条例
Regulations on the Trading and Settlement of B-shares B股交易结算业务规则
regulator asleep on the job监管者玩忽职守
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans对贷款还本付息
securities listed on the Exchange证券交易所上市证券
sell on the good news见好就卖
sell on the good news利好出售
special limitations on the tax credit for capital gains and losses资本损益税收抵免特别限额
statement on changes in the financial position财务变动表
subsidiary company of a corporation listed on the stock market上市公司的子公司
trading on the perimeter周边交易 交易量超过交易厅交易商的负荷时,移到周边专业交易区完成的交易
weighing on the index拖累股指走低