
Terms for subject Space containing on the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
adjustment on the target对目标的射击修正
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology科学技术应用咨询委员会 (联合国)
Advisory Committee on the International Space Station国际空间站咨询委员会
astronomical and space techniques for research on the atmosphere天文和航天技术应用于大气的研究 (美国华盛顿大学的计划)
astronomical and space techniques for research on the atmosphere天文和航天技术应用于大气的研究 (美国华盛顿大学计划)
commercial on the shelf商用现货
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space和平利用外层空间委员会
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space联合国和平利用外层空间委员会 (COPUOS)
communications-on-the-halt驻中通 (战术卫星通信的一种方式)
communications-on-the-move动中通 (战术卫星通信的一种方式)
communications-on-the-pause停中通 (战术卫星通信的一种方式)
error on the safe side偏于安全的误差
floatation test on the sea海上漂浮试验
International Commission on the Meteorology of the Upper Atmosphere国际高层大气气象学委员会
landing on the earth着陆地球
loading on the Mars着陆火星
loading on the moon着陆月球
loading on the Venus着陆金星
officer on the waiting order待命军官
on the fly alignment空中对准
on-board computer in-the-loop test航天器]地计算机连试
on-board computer in-the-loop test星[
on-the-deck超低空 (飞行)
on-the-deck掠地 (飞行)
on-the-deck flying超低空飞行
on-the-deck flying掠地飞行
on-the-duck altitude超低空高度
on-the-duck altitude掠地飞行高度
on-the-duck flight超低空飞行
on-the-duck flight掠地飞行
on-the-duck penetration掠地突防
on-the-duck penetration超低空突防
on-the fly在飞的
on-the-ground experiment地面实验
on-the job training在职培训 (尤指维修人员的)
on-the-spot surveying plan现场勘察计划
on-the-windshield display平视显示仪
recovery on the sea海上回收
retarget on the ground地面重新瞄准目标
soft landing on the earth地球软着陆
soft landing on the Mars火星软着陆
soft landing on the moon月球软着陆
soft landing on the Venus金星软着陆
United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space联合国探索与和平利用外层空间会议