
Terms for subject Technology containing on the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
accident on the job工伤事故
accounting on the accrual basis应收应付制
accounting on the accrual basis权责发生制
accounting on the cash basis现金收付制
accounting on the cash basis现金付会计制
accounting on the cash basis收付实现制
accumulative total on the sieve percent筛上累计百分数
Advisory Committee on Pollution of the Sea海上污染咨询委员会
air-on-the-run system车辆在行驶中调整轮胎气压的设备
alteration on entries in the register变更
angle of tangent on the arch axis拱轴切线角
angle on the bow舷角
approximation on the average一次近似
Are there any weak steel areas on the mould?模具有没有薄钢位?
bargain on the spot现款交易
be to deal with on the spot现场解决
bed on the grate算上物料层
bigger on the hoof长的比较高大
bleach on the green草地曝晒漂白
blistering on the stone石块爆破
blowing on the monkey渣口喷火
bonuses issued on the basis of a general voicing评奖
boring on the rake在倾斜地上钻孔
broad on the beam左右舷角90°
broad on the bow前八字方向
broad on the quarter左右舷角135°
broad on the quarter后八字方向
broad on/off the bow左右舷角45°
bubble on the wire夹丝上的气泡
building time on the stocks船台周期
buy on the installment plan用分期付款办法购买
buy on the nod赊购
buy sth. on the never-never分期付款购买某物
by or on behalf of the ship's owner由或代表船东签发
caisson built on bank and floated to the site浮式沉井
calculated on the basis of their original price按原价计算
calculated on the comparable basis按可比口径计算
carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of non-parallel train working diagram非平行运行图的区间通过能力
carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of parallel train working diagram平行运行图的区间通过能力
cash on the bank现款
cash on the mail即寄现款
chain on the beam锚链在正横
chain on the bow锚链在首舷方向
chain on the quarter锚链在尾舷方向
checking up on the projects under construction清理再建项目
check-up on the financial work财务检查
circulation on the earth在地球上循环
classification on the age of neotectonism新构造作用的时间分类
classification on the influence影响地域分类
classification on the movement character运动特点分类
classification on the movement direction运动方向分类
classification on the movement intensity运动强度分类
classification on the movement mode运动方式分类
classification on the movement result运动结果分类
classification on the movement velocity运动速度分类
classification on the occurring location发生位置分类
comments on the contracts签署意见
Commission on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods危险货物运输委员会
composition on the plane平面上组合
composition on the plane-section平剖面组合
composition on the section剖面上组合
computation of wagon turn round time on the basis of correlating time spent时间相关法
computation of wagon turn round time on the basis of correlating with number of serviceable wagons车辆相关法
consultation on the basis of equality平等协商
Convention on the Continental Shelf大陆架公约
Convention on the High Sea公海公约
Convention on the Immunity of State-owned Vessel国有船舶豁免权公约
Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports国际海港制度公约
Convention on the Territorial Sea, the Contiguous zone领海与毗邻区公约
corner on the market市场垄断
corner on the market市场疲软
courtyard with building on the four sides四合院
critical points on the ring fabrication支承环的制造要点
Cutting quality depends on the material surface situation, cutting speed and material thickness切割质量取决于材料表面情况、切割速度及材料厚度
date on which the claim become due应履行债务日期
Declaration on the Protection of the Atmosphere保护大气宣言
deficit on the books账面赤字
delivered on board the ship交到船上
delivery on the spot现场交货
demarcate on the ground实地定界
depending on the city and serving the city依托城市、服务城市
depending on the condition of the soil取决于土壤的情况
derivative on the left左〔右〕导数 (微商)
derivative on the left左导数
derivative on the right左〔右〕导数 (微商)
derivative on the right右导数
Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则
Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则
diagram on the plane of the celestial equator时间图
diagram on the plane of the celestial equator时系图
diagram on the plane of the celestial equator天赤道平面图
diagram on the plane of the celestial meridian子午线平面图
diagram on the plane of the equinoctial时系图
diagram on thee plane of the equator赤道平面图
double circuit lines on the same tower同塔双回线
double the angle on the bow船首倍角法
doubling the angle on the bow倍增机头方位角
drilling on the bottom纯钻进
drilling on the bottom孔底钻进
drilling on the rake倾斜钻探
driven on the butt与次解理垂交掘进
driven on the face与主解理垂交掘进
driven on the rake倾斜打入
driving on the rake倾斜打桩
driving on the rake倾斜掘进
driving on the right side右侧行车
dune on the march推进的沙丘
dust fused on the clinker熔融在熟料上的粉尘
dynamics on the track轨道上的动力学
effect of the dredging works on the environment and on maritime safety疏浚工程对环境与海上安全的影响
entertainment on the expense account由企业开支的招待费
environmental education on the job在育
erection on the site安装在工地上
error on the side of safety安全性的计算误差
everything on the earth地面上的每样东西
examination on-the-spot就地诊验
exceptions noted on the bill of lading提单批注 (的免责事项)
exchange of liability on the bill免除汇票上的责任
fine on the bow很靠近船首方向
flattened both on the outer surface内外表面都略呈扁平形
free from damage on the machined surface机加工面无损伤
garden on the Yangtze Delta江南园林
geodesy on the ellipsoid椭球面大地测量学
goods on the way在途货物
graphic illustration of the carrying capacity in various sections on a single-track district单线区段的区间通过能力
graphical illustration of the carrying capacity in various sections on a single-track district单线区段的区间通过能力
group of experts on the scientific aspects of marine pollution海洋污染科学专家组
He had the jeweler engrave his name on the back of the watch他请珠宝匠把他的名字刻在手表背面
head-on the spillway溢流堰顶水头
high torque on the drill string钻杆柱受高扭矩负荷
hold on the chain带住锚链
hold on the land保持与陆地接触
identifying on the ground外业判读
impact on the quality of the water and the air对水质和空气质量的影响
Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则
Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则
indirect effect on the deflection垂线偏差间接效应
injury suffered on the job工伤
integrated index of the anthropogenic load on river河流人为负荷综合指数
interest on the principal本金的利息
International Conferences on Engineering in the Ocean Environment国际海洋环境工程会议
International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties国际干预公海油污染事件公约
joint group of expert on the scientific aspects of marine pollution海洋污染问题联合专家小组
joints of the body on the whole百节
keep a tab on the expenses记录各项费用
keep on the go维持运转
keep on the transit保持在叠标线上
lagging on the tide retardation潮汐迟滞
lagging on the tide retardation潮时落后 (每天迟约49分钟)
land on which the enterprise are situated企业占用的土地
Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of cultural relies中华人民共和国文物保护法
Law of the People's Republic of China on Wild Animal Protection中华人民共和国野生动物保护法
lay-on the line筹足 (款项)
lift-on the sea海上起吊
lift-on the water水上起吊
lighten the burden on enterprises减轻企业负担
limit on the left左极限
limit on the right右极限
linear operations on the sample data样本数据线性运算
listing on the exchange在交易所登记
listing on the exchange在交易所挂牌
load on the wheel轮上负荷
loading on the berth船在泊位装货中
locomotive kilometers on the road机车沿线走行公里
lower limit on the right右下限
manganese nodules on the ocean floor洋底锰结核
manganese-iron-copper deposit on the modern ocean floor现代海洋底部铁锰铜矿床
matter rate on the sieve筛上物料率
maximum of regular waves occurring on the preliminary tremor初期微震最大波
medical examination on the spot surveillance就地诊验
moment acting on the flange for gasket seating凸缘预紧弯矩
moment acting on the flange for gasket seating法兰预紧弯矩
monitoring of uplift pressure on the dam坝基扬压力观测
normal gravity on the earth spheropotential正常地球位面上的正常重力
notice of the number of passengers on train乘车人数通知单
oil spill on the sea海上漏油
on the balance两讫
on the barrel head付现
on the beam正横
on the beam正横方向
on the beam well单独抽油井
on the berth在船位
on the bow在船首舷处
on the bow在首舷方向
on the drawing board设计中的
on the ebb正在退潮
on the field basis根据现场资料
on the ground监督员 (俚语)
on the ground监视人
on the higher grazing在较高的放牧场上
on the hook钢筋整理工
on the house免费的
on the low hills在较低的山底
be on the market在市场上
be on the market可买到
be on the market正待出售
on the move dumping不停车卸载
on the move dumping连续卸载
on the payroll被雇佣
on the port bows在左舷船道
on the port quarter在左舷船侧后半部
on the pressure side高压侧
on the pretext of假托
on the quarter在船尾
on the quarter在尾舷方向
on the rack按同心圆摆放金刚石
to be on the safe side谨慎的
to be on the safe side妥加准备以防万一
be on the safe side安全
be on the safe side可靠
be on the safe side稳当
to be on the safe side不冒险的
to be on the safe side安全的
be on the safe side万无一失
to be on the safe side为了万无一失
on the same land在同块地上
on the shelf废弃的
on the stocks筹备中
on the track在轨道上
on the verge of bankruptcy濒临破产的边缘
on the way发射准备完毕
on the way to在途中
on the way to将要完成
on the way to在进行中
on the weather beam在上风正横方向
on the whole大体上
One of the men picked up a spare tire and brought it down on his head, knocking him out那些人中的一个拿起一个备用轮胎砸在他的头上,他当时就昏了过去
on-the-air monitor主监察器
on-the-bottom gravimeter海底重力仪
on-the-bottom sea gravimeter海中重力仪
on-the-fly modification动态修改
on-the-fly reassignment动态再分配
on-the-go adjustment不停车调整
on-the-go adjustment不停机调试
on-the-go adjustment运行中调节
on-the-ground non-traveling centering地面式非移动式脚手架
on-the-ground non-travelling centering地面式非移动式脚手架
on-the-ground survey地面测量
on-the-job accident岗位事故
on-the-job accident现场事故
on-the-job assembly现场装配
on-the-job assembly现场组装
on-the-job calibration作业中校正
on-the-job condition现场操作条件
on-the-job dependability现场使用可靠性
on-the-job forming现场支模
on-the-job forming现场模架
on-the-job forming现场立模
on-the-job professional training在职专业训练
on-the-job professional training专业人员在职培训
on-the-job service unit现场服务车
on-the-job test技术训练
on-the-job test业务训练
on-the-job training岗上培训
on-the-job training技术训练
on-the-job training业务训练
on-the-job travel speed现场行驶速度
on-the-line printer高速行线打印机
on-the-open order开盘订单
on-the-road mixer就地拌和机
on-the-road mixer路上拌和机
on-the-site experiment现场实验
on-the-site inquiry现地调査
on-the-site labor工地劳动力
on-the-site labour工地劳动力
on-the-spot administration现场管理
on-the-spot appraisal现场鉴定
on-the-spot audit就地审计
on-the-spot collection现场收购
on-the-spot control就地监督
on-the-spot determination现场测定
on-the-spot disposal就地处理
on-the-spot experiment现场实验
on-the-spot inquiry实地调査
on-the-spot inspection实地考察
on-the-spot investigation现场勘察
on-the-spot meeting现场会 (议)
on-the-spot processing就地加工
on-the-spot training就地培训
on-the-spot transfer of surplus labor force就地转移劳动力
on-the-spot turning就地转弯
Paint one color at a time onto the surface of the mould and allow it to harden before moving on to the next color在模具表面着一种颜色,并让其在着下一种颜色前变硬
panel on meteorology of the stratospheric and mesosphere平流层和中层气象学小组
panel on meteorology of the stratospherical and mesosphere平流层和中层气象学小组
pass on the port side从左舷通过
pass on the starboard side从右舷通过
pay on the spot现付
payable on the installment分期付款
peripteral hexastyle temple with fourteen columns on the flanks两侧翼有14根柱的周柱六角式庙宇
peripteral octastyle temple with seventeen columns on the flanks两侧翼有17根柱的周柱八角式庙宇
pinnacle on the sea海中岩峰
platform on the crest of hump峰顶平台【铁】
pockets on the cover of the work书卡袋
point of reflection on the curve曲线的反弯点
pressing on the tyre轮箍压装
pressure on the bit钻头负荷
pressure on the bit钻进时的钻头压力
pressure on the bosh炉腰压力
pressure on the guideway导轨压力
pressure on the subgrade路基面压力
products become hot on the market热门货 (品)
proportional limit on the compressive strength inclined to the grain斜向木纹抗压比例限度
put goods on sale with the prices clearly marked明码售货
put on the blast开动鼓风
put on the blast开风
put the ring on her量规检査钻头直径
put the sludge on before cultivate耕地前施上淤泥
putting on the stocks上墩
rainbow on the flush pit沉淀池中彩色油花
rate of return on the use of foreign capital使用外资收益率
rated people on the train列车定员
receive payment on the basis of their shares of the land土地入股分红
reception points on the earth地球上的接收站
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration for Prevention of Pollution in Sea Areas by Vessels中华人民共和国防止船舶污染海域管理条例
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Wastes Dumping to Ocean中华人民共和国海洋倾废管理条例
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration Penalty against Public Security中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治条例
Regulations on Administration of Environmental Protection Standards of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国环境保护标准管理条例
reinforcement on the reverse side反面补强
report on the amount of work工程进行情况报告
report on the process of work工程进行情况报告
restrictions on the parameters参数约束
resultant tool force on the tool flank后刀面上的合力
retained material on the sieve筛上剩余物料
Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment国际科联环境问题科学委员会
seaplane alights lands on the water水上飞机降落在水面
semi-range of the tide at port on a day of mean equinoctial springs港口潮高系数
shooting on-the-free多自由面爆破
side draft on the drawbar作用在挂钩上的横力
slack-water on the ebb枯潮平流
slack-water on the ebb落潮平流
slack-water on the ebb退潮时的静止水位
slack-water on the flood满潮平流
slack-water on the flood涨潮憩流
slack-water on the flood涨潮平流
slack-water on the flood涨潮时的静止水位
soil analysis on-the-spot简易土壤分析
speculation on the rise and fall of the market市场上的买空卖空
split the price difference on 50% basis差价对半分
steaming with the sea on the bow偏浪航行
straight stroke on the fore hand左右斜钉板条成…状
structure built on the axial principle按轴向原理建成的建筑物 (指长的建筑物)
Subcommission on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods危险货物运输分委员会
submarine mineralization on the east pacific rise东太平洋洋隆海底成矿作用
super-elevation of the floor surface of a bridge on a horizontal curve平曲线桥面的超高
survey on the sea海上调査
switch on the steering wheel操向轮开关
tax on the above-norm bonus超限额奖金税
tax on the write-up资产重估增值税
taxes on the possession of resources资源占有税
technical regulation on the design of sampling program采样方案设计技术规范
technical regulation on the design of sampling programme采样方案设计技术规范
terracing of the land on the slopes坡地梯田化
the committee on technical cooperation技术合作委员会
the effect on gravity field影响重力场因素
the framework of theory on site-dimensions规模框架理论
the Interim Regulations on the Fuel Oil Tax燃油税暂行条例
the negative unit on negative unit负地形单元上的负单元
the negative unit on positive unit正地形单元上的负单元
the positive unit on negative unit负地形单元上的正单元
the positive unit on positive unit正地形单元上的正单元
the regulations on financial supervision财政监督条例
the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education科教兴国战略
third party charges on the consultant第三方对咨询人的收费
throw on the rope开动提升卷筒
tile papered on the back砖背贴纸瓷砖
tile papered on the front砖面贴纸瓷砖
to be changed depending on the site随场地更换
to be changed depending on the weather随气候更换
trading on the equity借款扩大资本
training on the job在职训练
training on the job岗位培训
transportation on the site施工输
transportation on the site
trap on the migration line在运移路线上的圈闭
tubular conduits on the surface明设电线管
twist-off on the bottom钻头切削部分损坏 (因压力过大或转速过高的)
two-sets of turnouts facing each other and laid on the same side the original track同侧对向道岔
two-sets of turnouts trailing each other and laid on the same side the original track同侧顺向道岔
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea联合国海洋公约
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation联合国原子辐射影响科学委员会
up-and-down pull on the drawbar上下推动牵引钩
value of goods on the way在途货物价值
volume of water discharging on the ebb tide退潮水量
volume of water entering on the flood tide进潮量
volume of water entering on the flood tide涨潮水量
water depth on the end launching way滑道末端水深
wave deflector on the quay码头胸墙
welded on the bottom of vessels焊在容器底上的
white paper on the environment环境白皮书
zone of slippage on the entry side后滑区