
Terms for subject Economy containing oil gas | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Action Council for Coordinated Oil and Gas Research and Development美国石油天然气研究开发协调行动委员会
AEC Oil & Gas加拿大阿尔伯塔能源股份有限公司油气
Albert Energy Co. Ltd. Oil & Gas加拿大阿尔伯塔能源股份有限公司油气
Arab oil & gas阿拉伯石油与天然气
Asian Pacific Oil and Gas Congress亚太地区石油天然气会议
Brunei Oil and Gas Agency文莱石油天然气局
Canada Oil and Gas Lands Administration加拿大油气工业用地管理局
Canadian Industrial Gas and Oil加拿大工业用天然气和石油
Canadian Oil and Gas Land Agent加拿大陆上油气署
Canadian Oil and Gas Property Expense加拿大油气资产费用
Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas加拿大太平洋石油与天然气公司
China Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Exploitation Corporation中国石油天然气勘探开发公司
Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act美国联邦陆上油气资源租赁改革法案
foreign oil and gas extraction inc ome国外油气开采所得收入
General Department of Oil and Gas越南石油天然气管理总局
Holland Oil & Gas荷兰石油天然气公司
Interstate Oil and gas Compact Committee美国州际石油天然气契约委员会
Kuwait Oil Company Gas Project科威特石油公司天然气项目
marine gas oil船用粗柴油
Medusa Oil & Gas Ltd.米达萨石油天然气股份有限公司
Middle East Oil and Gas Conference中东石油天然气会议
Moscow International Oil & Gas Exhibition莫斯科国际石油天然气展览会
Office of Oil and Gas美国内务部原油和天然气局
Oil and Gas Consultative International, Inc.国际石油天然气咨询公司
Oil and Gas Industry Task Force油气工业特别工作组
oil and gas lease油气租约
oil and gas payment油气权益支付
oil and gas payments to foreign countries对外国的油气付款
oil and gas pipelines输油输气管道
Oil and Gas Producers油气生产商组织
Oil and Gas Projects and Supplies Office石油天然气项目供应处
oil and natural gas fields油气田
Sakhalin Oil & Gas Projects俄罗斯萨哈林油气开采项目
simplified oil and gas accounting system简化的石油天然气会计系统