
Terms containing oil field | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.analytic data of oil field water油田水分析数据
tech.analytical data of oil field water油田水分析数据
earth.sc.Anglo-Ecuadorian Oil Fields Ltd.英-厄油田有限公司
tech.anticlinal oil-gas field背斜油气田
tech.bar graph shoeing chemical composition of oil field water油田水化学组成直方图
oilblock oil field断块油田
oilblock-faulted oil field块断油田
desert.Buqaiq Oil Field布盖格油田 (沙特阿拉伯)
tech.burial dome oil-gas field潜伏隆起油气田
tech.burial hill oil-gas field潜山油气田
oilburied-ridge oil field潜山油田
tech.chemical composition of oil field water油田水化学组成
comp.name.Chevron Oil Field Research Company美国雪弗龙油田研究公司
tech.classification of oil and gas field油气田分类
tech.classification of oil field water according its salinity油田水按盐度分类
tech.combinational burial hill oil-gas field复合潜山油气田
tech.combinational oil-gas field复合油气田
tech.combinational reef type oil-gas field复合礁型油气田
busin.commercial oil gas field商业性油气田
tech.complex anticlinal oil-gas field复杂背斜油气田
oilcost of matching constructions of oil field development油田配套工程费用
ecol.depleted oil field废弃油田
tech.development geology of oil-gas field油气田开发地质
tech.distribution of oil and gas field油气田分布
tech.distribution of oil and gas field by depth油气田的深度分布
tech.distribution of oil and gas field by geologic age油气田的时代分布
tech.distribution of oil and gas field by geological age油气田的时代分布
tech.distribution of oil and gas field by lithology of reservoir油气田的储集层岩性分布
tech.distribution of oil and gas field by position in basin油气田在盆地中位置的分布
steel.drill pipe for oil field石油钻探杆
dril.English oil field unit油田常用英制单位
interntl.trade.enhanced oil recovery field demonstration提高石油回采能力的现场试验
mining.enhanced oil recovery field reports提高原油采收率现场报告
oilexploration of oil and gas field油气田勘探
tech.fault-block oil-gas field断块油气田
mining.field oil water contact油田油水接触面
oilgeology of oil and gas field油气田地质学
tech.giant oil field巨型油田
oilgiant oil-gas field特大油气田
oilhighly saline oil field brine高含盐油田卤水
tech.high-viscosity crude oil field高黏度油气田
tech.hydrochemical map for oil field油田水化学图
tech.hydrochemistry profile for oil field油田水化学剖面图
tech.hydrogeologic map for oil field油田水文地质图
tech.hydrogeologic survey of oil field油田水文地质调查
tech.hydrogeological map for oil field油田水文地质图
tech.hydrogeological survey of oil field油田水文地质调查
oilhydrogeology of oil and gas field油气田水文地质学
oilintegrated development program of oil field油田开发总体规划
tech.isotopic composition of oil field water油田水同位素组成
tech.large oil field大油田
tech.lithologic oil-gas field岩性油气田
tech.lithological oil-gas field岩性油气田
tech.map of oil field concession油田开采权图
tech.middle oil field中油田
tech.monoclinal oil-gas field单斜油气田
tech.non-economic oil field无经济价值油田
tech.occurrence of oil field water油田水产状
oiloffshore oil field海底油田
oiloffshore oil field海上油田
tech.offshore oil field近海油田
oiloil and gas field油气田
tech.oil and gas field exploitation油田和气田开发
geol.oil and gas field study油气田研究
geol.Oil and Gas Integrated Field File美国能源信息局油气综合现场档案
econ.oil and natural gas fields油气田
hydroel.st.oil field油田
oiloil field油矿
agric.oil field油田指石油产地
oiloil field automation油田自动化
tech.oil field automation油田作业自动化
tech.oil field bit油井钻头
tech.oil field body石油野外钻探车车身
textileoil field boots油田鞋
tech.oil field brine油田卤水
dril.oil field brine油矿区盐水
tech.oil field brine油田水
tech.oil field brine油田盐水
tech.oil field casing油井套管
tech.oil field cementing油井灌浆
chem.oil field chemicals油田化学品
oiloil field chemicals油田化学品
oiloil field construction procedure油田建设程序
dril.oil field development油田开发
tech.oil field emulsion矿场石油乳化液
tech.oil field emulsion油田乳化油
tech.oil field emulsion矿场乳化油
tech.oil field equipment油田设备
auto.oil field gas石油油田气
tech.oil field gas油田气
econ.Oil Field Hauliers Association美国油田物资承运商协会
mech.oil field machinery and equipment油田机械和设备
oiloil field machinery and equipment油田机械设备
geophys.oil field manager油田管理器 (软件)
econ.oil field manager油田经理
tech.oil field model电解模型
tech.oil field model油田模型
tech.oil field oil-bearing wastewater油田含油废水
oiloil field pit liner油田土池衬里
oiloil field power supply network油田供电网
oiloil field production capacity油田产能
tech.oil field pump油田泵
econ.oil field rental油田租金
tech.oil field rotary油井转盘
tech.oil field rotary bit石油井用旋转钻头
tech.oil field rotary bit油井旋转钻头
tech.oil field separator油气分离器
econ.Oil Field Service and Supply油田服务与供应公司
auto.oil field special vehicle油田专项作业车
oiloil field straddling a boundary跨界油田
tech.oil field tank油田储[贮]罐
tech.oil field waste油田废水 (water)
ecol.oil field waste油田废水
tech.oil field waste water treatment油田废水处理
desert.oil field water油田水
oiloil field water technology油田水处理工艺
oiloil-field brine油田盐水
oiloil-field brine油田水
oiloil-field brines矿水
oiloil-field brines钻井时进人井内的油田盐水
oiloil-field water油田水
oiloil-gas field油气田
tech.oil-gas field accumulation and other unit油气田油气聚集带及其他油气聚集单元
tech.oil-gas field complex组合油气田
oiloil-gas field development油气田开发
oiloil-gas field surface engineering油气田地面工程
tech.oil-gas field water油气田水
tech.oil-gas fields group of dome穹隆油气田群
tech.onshore oil field海滨油田
tech.other classification of oil field water油田水其他分类
tech.pH-value of oil field water油田水酸碱度
tech.physical parameter of oil field water油田水物理参数
tech.physical property of oil field water油田水物理性质
steel.pipe for oil field石油套管
oilpractical oil field unit油田实用单位
econ.rate of decrease in the output of oil fields油田综合递减率
tech.reef type oil-gas field礁型油气田
oilrejuvenation of oil field油田产油能力恢复
tech.remote-sensing applications for oil-gas field prospecting遥感油气勘查应用
tech.salt-dome oil-gas field盐丘油气田
interntl.trade.seabed oil field海底油田
oilshoestring oil field带状油田
comp.name.SINOPEC Shengli Oil Field Bureau中国石化集团胜利油田管理局
tech.size of oil and gas field油气田规模
tech.small oil field小油田
tech.source of oil field water油田水来源
tech.special analysis data of oil field water油田水专项分析数据
tech.specific electrical conductance of oil field water油田水导电率
tech.specific gravity of oil field water油田水比重
geol.standard stratigraphy of Niigata oil field日本新泻油田标准地层
tech.stratigraphic oil field地层油层
tech.stratigraphic oil field地层油田
tech.stratigraphic oil-gas field地层型油气田
tech.stratigraphical oil field地层油层
tech.stratigraphical oil field地层油田
tech.stratigraphical oil-gas field地层型油气田
oilstructural oil field构造油田
tech.structural oil-gas field构造型油气田
oilsubmarine oil field海底油田
tech.subsea oil field reactor海底油田反应堆
tech.super-giant oil field超级油田
tech.synclinal oil-gas field向斜油气田
tech.thrust fold oil-gas field逆掩褶皱油气田
tech.type of oil field water油田水类型
oiluncompartmentalized oil field整装油田
tech.unconformable oil-gas field不整合油气田
tech.usage analytic data of oil field water油田水常规分析数据
tech.usage analytical data of oil field water油田水常规分析数据
tech.viscosity of oil field water油田水黏度
tech.world giant oil and gas field世界巨型油气田