
Terms containing oil burner | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
oilair atomizing oil burner喷气雾化燃油器
shipb.air atomizing oil burner喷气雾化油燃烧器
spaceatomizing oil burner喷雾燃油器
tech.atomizing-type oil burner喷雾式油燃烧器
tech.ball flame oil burner球形火焰撚油器
mech.British Oil Burner Manufacturers' Association英国燃油器制造商协会
gen.British Oil Burner Manufacturers' Association英国燃油器制造业协会
tech.burner fuel oil灯用燃料油
tech.burner oil喷射燃料
oilburner oil灯用煤油
tech.burner oil燃烧油
chem.combination gas and oil burner油气联合烧嘴
tech.combination gas and oil burner油气联合燃烧器
met.combination gas-oil burner油气混合烧嘴
met.combination gas-oil burner油气混合燃烧器
busin.commercial burner oil商用燃油
tech.commercial burner oil工业用燃烧油
tech.conversion oil-fired burner煤油点火的转化燃烧器
nautic., tech.crude oil burner试油燃烧器
navig.crude oil supersea test burner海上原油测试燃烧器
refrig.domestic oil burner家用油燃烧器
tech.dual-flow oil burner双流式油喷燃器
tech.external mix oil burner外混式油喷燃器
dril.fuel oil burner燃油喷灯
oilfuel oil burner燃料油燃烧器
chem.fuel oil burner燃料油喷嘴
textilegun oil burner枪式喷油燃烧器
tech.gun type oil burner喷枪式燃油器
tech.gun-type oil burner枪式油燃器
tech.gun-type oil burner枪式油燃炉
shipb.heavy oil boiler-burner重油锅炉燃烧器
met.heavy oil burner重油喷嘴
met.heavy oil burner重油烧嘴
met.heavy oil burner重油燃烧器
tech.high-pressure oil burner高压燃油炉
tech.high-pressure oil burner高压油
refrig.low-pressure gun type oil burner低压枪式油燃烧器
tech.machine oil burner机械喷油燃烧器
tech.mechanical atomizing oil burner机械雾化油料燃烧器
auto.oil burner喷灯
spaceoil burner燃油器
oiloil burner原油燃烧器
oiloil burner燃油喷嘴
el.oil burner油喷嘴
auto.oil burner【口语】柴油机
met.oil burner烧油烧嘴
met.oil burner重油烧嘴
auto.oil burner耗油量过大的发动机旧车
chem.oil burner油烧嘴
tech.oil burner烧油船
tech.oil burner汽灯
tech.oil burner燃油炉
tech.oil burner油灯
tech.oil burner油燃烧器
tech.oil burner油炉
avia.oil burner滑油燃烧器
tech.oil firing burner油燃烧器
tech.oil fuel burner燃油燃烧器
tech.oil-burning burner烧油的燃烧器
met.oil-fired burner重油烧嘴
met.oil-fired burner烧油烧嘴
tech.oil-fired burner油燃烧器
tech.oil-pressure atomizing burner油压雾化喷然器
tech.oil-pressure burner油压燃烧器
tech.oil-pressure burner油压烧嘴
met.oxy-oil burner氧气-油混合燃烧器 (平炉炉顶用的)
tech.pressure atomizing oil burner压力雾化油烧嘴
tech.pressure oil burner压力喷油燃烧器
nautic., tech.rotary mechanical atomizing oil burner旋转式燃烧器
tech.rotary oil burner旋转式油烧嘴
tech.rotary oil burner旋转燃油器
tech.rotary oil burner旋转式燃油器
tech.rotary oil burner旋转石油喷灯
tech.rotary oil burner燃油炉
nautic., tech.rotary oil burner旋转式燃烧器
oilrotary-cup oil burner旋转喷注燃油器
chem.steam atomizing oil burner蒸汽雾化油烧嘴
tech.steam atomizing oil burner蒸汽雾化型油喷燃器
tech.steam atomizing oil burner蒸汽雾化油燃烧器
tech.steam atomizing oil burner蒸汽油雾燃烧炉