
Terms for subject Economy containing off | all forms | exact matches only
a dollar off the price比标价便宜一元
a tear-off ribbon拆封带
a working-off process销除法
a writing-off process销除法
an off-board market交易以外市场
an off-board price交易以外价格
an off-budget year非编制预算年度
an off-design behaviour未预计的工作规范
an off-design condition违反计算数据的假设
an off-design condition未预计的条件
an off-farm income农场外所得
an off-farm rural development非农事农村发展
an off-grade product等外品
an off-grade product等外产品
an off-hire certificate停租证书
an off-hire clause停租条款
an off-hire survey退租检验
an off-the-books loan账外借款
an off-the-statement account表外账户
Any revocation or return of goods, set off or counterclaim shall be reported to the head office遇有任何取消订货或退货,划账或反索赔的情况,应向总公司报告
back-off system补偿系统【制度】
be off point不配给的
be off the payroll已被解雇
Because of the severe storm of the last few days we had to put off the shipment for three days由于前几天的大风暴,我们不得不将装船日期推迟3 天
break off a forbidden zone打破禁区
break off an engagement作废
breakdown or off-hire clause故障条款或船舶停租条款
capital construction expenditure pending write-off upon approval待核销基建支出
claim set-off against each other相互抵消的债权
combined roll-on roll-off, lift-on lift-off container vessel滚装吊装两用集装箱船
cooling-off law撤销合同条例
cooling-off period缓冲期
cut-off date期限
cut-off limit截止限制
cut-off point取决点
cut-off point停止供应点
cut-off point舍弃点
cut-off point分界点
cut-off procedure截结程序
cut-off rate极限率
cut-off rate停止投资率
cut-off rate舍取率
cut-off rate of return最低预期回报率
cut off with a shilling实际断绝继承关系
direct charge off method直接冲销法
direct write-off method for uncollectible呆账直接销账法
drift off course迷航
estimate review and sign off sheet估算评论和签字栏
game pay-off matrix博弈决胜矩阵
get a rake-off for introducing因介绍一笔新交易而获取佣金 (the new business)
get a rake-off on公司拍卖中得到回扣 (all the company's sales)
get off one's hand货物脱手
hand-off policy不干预政策
hand s-off policy不干涉政策
He felt obliged to call off the agreement他觉得必须取消该协议
He invented a device for screwing lids off jars他发明了一个把瓶盖拧开的小器械
He knocked £5 off the price他从价格中扣除5镑
If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
inventory cut-off date盘存截止日期
lift on and lift off containership吊上吊下集装箱船
lift on and lift off shipment起重机装卸法
lift on and lift off shipment吊上吊下装卸
lift on and lift off shipment吊装
live off capital靠资本之外生活
loss by run-off of soil水土流失
2000 miles off the shore离岸 2000 英里
off-balance sheet activities不列入资产负债表的活动
off board market交易所外市场
off board security场外交易证券
off day休假日
off-design condition违反计算数据的假设
off-design condition未预计的条件
off grade等外货
off-hand随便地 (off handedly)
off-hand没有准备地 (off handedly)
off-line batch processing system线外整批处理系统
off normal偏离
off normal不正常的
off setting record抵销记录
go 或 be off the rails越轨
go 或 be off the rails离开正道
go 或 be off the rails出轨
off the record不得引用或发表 (地)
off the record非正式的 (地)
off the shelf现货供应
off the stocks已发送的
off the stocks已完成的
off the stocks已下水的
off the trail比喻离题
off the trail失去踪迹
off the trail离题
off the trail出轨
off the trail找不到踪迹
off-the-books deal黑市交易
off-the-books deal账外交易
off-the-books deal秘密交易
off-the-books quotation黑市价格
off-the-books quotation秘密交易价格
off time非操作时间
off topic与项目无关表示与股票行市牌无关的信息
off year水果等的小年
one-off disposal一次性处理
"one off" production加工定做 (货)
other expenses pending write-off upon approval应核销其他支出
pass off the patent假冒他人专利
pay off a score付清账款
pay off one's creditors偿清债务
pay off foreign debts ahead of schedule提前全部偿还外债
pay off in the lump sum一次付清
pay off matrix报酬母体
pay off method for capital investments资本投资回收年数法
pay off the mortgage归还抵押贷款
reliability-cost trade-off analysis可靠性与费用权衡分析
remove leading packages wash acid corrosive off with water移开玻璃包件并用水洗除酸 (或腐蚀物)
risk return trade-off function风险与收益比较函数
risk-return trade-off studies风险-收益比较研究
round off difference删去尾数后差额
round off error修正舍入误差
run-off coefficient径流系数
run off election决定性选举
set off receipts against以收入抵作 (expenditures, 支出)
set off receipts against expenditures以收入抵作支出
shake off dependence on摆脱对... 的依赖
shake off the control of foreign capital摆脱外国资本的控制
shirk off work upon others把工作推给别人做
specific charge-off method错账逐项扣除法
split-off equilibrium费用分配点 (指半成品到成品的加工费)
take off in economic development经济发展的起飞
take-off of the economy经济起飞
take-off period起飞时期
take off period起飞时期
take-off point起飞点
take off the embargo解禁
take 20% off the price减价20%
take off the seal开〔启〕封
take off the seal拆封
take off the seal启封
The arrival of you L/C failed, we have to put off delivery因你方信用证未到,我方不得不推迟发货
The company decided to lay off some workers due to redundancy由于人员过剩,公司决定解雇一些工人
the off-balance sheet financing资产负债表外筹资
the off-balance sheet financing资产负债表外融资
the off-board security场外交易证
the off-budget entity预算外单位
the off-the-books property账外财产
The profits of our company have level led off over the last few years过去几年以来,我公司的利润稳定不变
The secretary cut off the receipt along the line shown by the row of dots秘书沿虚线将收据裁下来
the sell-off date清仓日期
the take-off into self-sustained growth进入持续成长的起飞
the warranty off authority代理人的越权行为
the write-off of intangibles无形资产价值的销除
This sum of money will clear off the loan due这笔钱将清偿所欠贷款
trade-off analysis交替损益分析
trade-off analysis平衡相抵分析
trade-off decision折衷方案
trade-off model移用模式
trade-off risk and rate of return风险与报酬率比较
trading-off resources权衡资.源
trigger off a sharp advance in price引起价格急剧上涨
trim off ... % from the price减价百分之…
verify and write off circulating核销流动资金
warranty off authority代理人的越权行为
We are fighting off the challenge from our competitors我们正在反击同行的挑战
We shall remit you an amount of £ 2365 to clear off the outstanding balance我方将汇给你方2365英镑,清偿所欠余数
well-off household富裕家庭
wiping off a debt还清债务
work off a debt算出
work off a debt消耗完
work off a debt采掘完 (矿)
work off a debt设计出
work off a debt作岀
write off a bad debt注销一笔账
write off expenditures by installment摊提 费用
write-off period注销期
write-off quantity得到补偿的最低生产量
write off uncollectible account冲销坏账
write off uncollectibles销除收不回的账目