
Terms containing north | all forms | exact matches only
geol.Abstracts of North American Geology北美地质文摘
gen.Arctic Institute of North America北美洲北极研究所美,加
geol.Arctic Institute of North American美国北美极地研究所
comp.name.Asia North America Eastbound Rate Agreement亚洲北美东向运价协定
tech.average astronomic north pole平均天文北极
tech.average astronomical north pole平均天文北极
gen.Beijing North Star Real Estate Corporationназв.комп. 北辰房地产公司
geol.Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America美国北美以外地质学题录与索引
geol.Bibliography of North American Geology美国北美地质学文献目录
gen.British North America英属北美洲指加拿大
geol.Central North Atlantic Ocean中北大西洋
gen.China North Industries Corporation Exhibition and Promotion Divisionназв.комп. 中国北方工业公司展览广告部
avia.China North Industries Group Corporation中国兵器工业集团公司
gen.Commander-in-Chief, North American Air Defense北美防空总司令
ecol.Conference of North Atlantic Fisheries Ministers北大西洋渔业部长大会
avia.construction north建筑北
geol.Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North American Project北美地层单元对比项目
desert.crape myrtle of the north七子花
geol.Decade of North American Geology Project北美十年地质调査项目
shipb.deflection north wind偏北风
avia.Degree North北纬度数
avia.degrees north北纬度数
avia.design north设计北
gen.difference North级坐标差
tech.due north正北
tech.east by north朝东偏北
tech.east by north东偏北
desert.east north east东东北 (ENE)
geol.eastern North America北美东部
tech.European-north American nautiloid region欧洲一北美鹦鹉螺地理大区
geol.European North Atlantic Margine欧洲北部大西洋边缘
geol.from north line从北线
geol.geographic north地理北
tech.geographical north地理北
tech.geomagnetic north pole position地磁北极位置
tech.glacial sheet of north America北美大陆冰盖
tech.glacial sheet of north-mid-Europe欧洲中北部大陆冰盖
securit.going north价格上涨因为地图上北为上方
tech.greatest north latitude最大北黄纬
desert.Green Belt Project of North Africa北非绿色带规划
tech.grid north网格北 (向)
geol.grid north坐标【网格】北
tech.gyrocompass north陀螺罗北
gen.in the north ofM 在 M 的北部
desert.Indo-North African desert floristic subregion印度-北非植物亚区
geol.initial north departure初始北偏差
gen.International Commission for North-West Atlantic Fisheries国际西北大西洋渔业委员会
geol.Investigation on Quaternary Marine Paleoenvironment of Western North Pacific太平洋西北地区第四纪海洋古环境研究
nautic., tech.Joint north sea wave project北海联合海浪计划
ecol.joint north sea wave project JONSWAP spectrum北海联合计划波谱
desert.large North African gerbil北非小沙鼠
tech.magnetic north磁北
tech.magnetic north磁北
tech.magnetic north line磁北方线
avia.magnetic North pole磁北极
desert.Mars four North-Polar Sand Sea火星北极四大沙海 (火星北极有四个大沙漠,面积分别为 11 万 km²、50 万 km²、47 万 km² 和 33 万 km²,合计达141万km²)
tech.mean astronomical north pole平均天文北极
comp.name.Mobil North Sea Ltd.莫比尔北海有限公司
shipb.Nampo Harbor, North Korea朝鲜南浦港
comp.name.NORINCO China North Industry Corporation中国北方工业公司
tech.normal north正北
gen.North-About Route北方近岸冰间航道
comp.name.North Absheron Operating Co.北阿布谢朗作业公司
gen.North Adams State College北亚当斯州立学院
comp.name.North Aegean Petroleum Company北爱琴海石油公司
desert.North Africa北非 (本书词汇所列固沙植物所涉及的北非,包括摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚、突尼斯、利比亚和埃及)
geol.North Africa北非
geol.North Africa gas北非天然气
desert.North Africa Semidesert北非半荒漠 (指撒哈拉北部的半荒漠,多为厚层石膏土,主要建群植物有草白蒿 (Artemisia herba-alba Asso.)、阿尔法草 (Stipa tenacissima L.)、塞纳格草 (Lygeum spartum L.)及节节木属 (Arthrophytum) 的一些种)
geol.North African北非
tech.North African architecture北非建筑
desert.North African desert hedgehog北非漠猬
desert.North African gerbil北非沙鼠 (撒哈拉沙漠)
desert.North African sengi北非象鼩 (撒哈拉沙漠)
tech.north aisle北侧通道
tech.north aisle北走廊 (教堂)
geol.North Alaska美国北阿拉斯加地区
geol.North America n北美
tech.North America北美洲
gen.North America北美〔洲〕
geol.North America Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature北美地层学术语委员会
nautic., tech.North America free trade agreement北美自由贸易协定
fisheryNorth America - inland waters北美洲-内陆水域
tech.north America paleoclimate epoch北美古气
desert.North America violet北美堇菜
tech.north America-Eurasia separation北美大陆与欧亚大陆分离
gen.North American北美〔洲〕的
avia.North American Aerospace Defense Commands北美航空航天防御司令部
avia.North American Air Defense北美防空司令部
avia.North American Air Defense Combat Operations Center北美防空联合司令部作战指挥中心美国、加拿大
gen.North American Air Defense Command北美防空司令部美、加联合的
gen.North American Air Defense Command北美防空司令部北美大陆美国、加拿大联合防空司令部,1982 年首字母缩略语更名为 North American Aerospace Defense Command
gen.North American Air Defense Command北美防空司令部
avia.North American Air Defense Commands北美防空司令部
tech.North American anti-cyclone北美高压
desert.North American anticyclone北美反气旋
tech.North American architecture北美洲建筑
avia.North American Aviation, Inc北美航空公司
gen.North American Aviation, Inc.北美航空公司
gen.North American Aviation Science Center北美航空科学中心
tech.north American bivalve province北美双壳类地理区
tech.north American brachiopod realm北美腕足动物地理区系
biol.North American calceolaria北美薄包花 (Calceolaria verticillata,玄参科)
gen.North American Carbon, Inc.北美碳素公司
tech.north American carbonates belt margin and intraclastic belt北美碳酸岩带邻缘和内碎屑带
sport.North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association北美、中美洲和加勒比田径联合会
sport.North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association北美洲、中美洲和加勒比海田径联合会 (NACAC)
geol.North American Central Plains北美中部平原
tech.north American coral realm北美珊瑚地理区系
geol.North American Council on Geostatistics北美地质统计委员会
avia.North American data recorder北美数据记录器
desert.North American datum北美大地基准面
avia.North American datum北美数据
desert.North American deserts北美洲荒漠
energ.ind.North American Electric Reliability Council北美电力可靠性协会
desert.North American high北美高压
tech.North American Lake Management Society北美湖泊管理协会
desert.North American monsoon北美季风
sport.North American Natural Bodybuilding Association北美自然健美协会
tech.north American nautiloid region北美鹦鹉螺地理大区
tech.North American Nebula北美洲星云
tech.North American plate北美板块
ecol.North American Plate北美洲板块
tech.north American platform北美地台
desert.North American porcupine美洲豪猪 (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
desert.North American prairie floristic subregion北美草原植物亚区
tech.north American realm北美区系
geol.North American Regional Gas model北美地区天然气模型
avia.North American research group on management北美管理研究小组
avia.North American Rockwell Corporation北美罗克韦尔公司
gen.North-American Rockwell Micro Electronics Co.北美洛克威尔微型电子设备公司
avia.North American Route北美航线
avia.North American Routes北美航路
securit.North American Security Administrators Association北美证券管理人协会
securit.North American Security Administrators Association北美证券管理者协会
geol.North American shales北美页岩
sport.North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity北美运动心理学会
avia.North American Supply Council北美供应委员会
avia.North American telephone system北美电话系统
fisheryNorth American type purse seiner北美类型围网船
desert.North American zone北美地带
geol.North Anatolia master fault北安那托利亚大断层
sport.North and Central America北美和中美洲
tech.north-and-south line坐标纵线
geol.North Aoba basin北奥巴盆地
tech.north arrow指北箭头
geol.North Atlantic Area北大西洋地区
shipb.North Atlantic Alliance北大西洋联盟
tech.North Atlantic bottom water北大西洋底层水
avia.North Atlantic Council北大西洋公约理事会
avia.North Atlantic Council北大西洋理事会
tech.North Atlantic current北大西洋海流
ecol.North Atlantic Deep WaterNADW北大西洋深层水
tech.North Atlantic Deepwater Oil Terminal北大西洋深水油港
desert.North Atlantic drift北大西洋洋流
desert.North Atlantic flow北大西洋暖流
gen.North Atlantic Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区协定
desert.North Atlantic high北大西洋高压
desert.North Atlantic massif北大西洋地块
tech.North Atlantic Ocean北大西洋
tech.North Atlantic Ocean Station北大西洋海洋观测站
gen.North Atlantic Ocean Station北大西洋气象站
desert.North Atlantic oscillation北大西洋涛动
tech.north Atlantic realm北大西洋区系
avia.North Atlantic relay communication system北大西洋中继通信系统
gen.North Atlantic Relay Communication System北大西洋〔公约组织〕中继通信系统
avia.North Atlantic route北大西洋航路
tech.North Atlantic stream北大西洋海流
avia.North Atlantic Systems Planning Group北大西洋武器系统计划组
avia.North Atlantic traces北大西洋航迹
tech.North Atlantic track北大西洋航线
gen.North Atlantic Treaty Organization大西洋公约组织
tech.north Atlantic trilobite realm北大西洋三叶虫地理区系
gen.North Australian Uranium Corp.北澳大利亚铀业公司
tech.North-Baikal polarity superchron北贝加尔极性超时
tech.North-Baikal polarity superzone北贝加尔极性超带
gen.North Bornes北婆罗州
gen.North Bornes北婆罗州马来西亚的一个邦
tech.north bound向北航行
nautic.north bound向北开
tech.north bound node升交点
geol.north bounding fault北界断层
geol.North Britain北不列颠【苏格兰】
gen.North Britain英国北部即苏格兰
gen.North Britain Railway英国北部铁路〔公司〕
gen.North Burma北缅甸
nautic.north by east北偏东 (西)
tech.north by east北偏东
nautic.North by East正北偏东
tech.north by west北偏西
nautic.north by west北偏东 (西)
geol.North California Area美国北加利福尼亚地区
comp.name.North Canadian Oil,Ltd.北加拿大石油股份有限公司
tech.North Cape Current北角海流
tech.north cardinal mark北方位标
mil."North Carolina""北卡罗来纳" (号战列舰(美))
gen.North Carolina北卡罗来纳
gen.North Carolina A&T State University北卡罗来纳农工州立大学
tech.North Carolina bearing method美国北卡罗来纳承载板法
tech.North Carolina bluestone美国北卡罗来纳青石
gen.North Carolina Central University中北卡罗来纳大学
tech.North Carolina method美国北卡罗来纳法 (设计柔性路面厚度的一种方法)
gen.North Carolina School of the Arts北卡罗来纳艺术学院
gen.North Carolina Society of Engineers北卡罗去纳工程师协会
gen.North Carolina State College北卡罗来纳州立学院
gen.North Carolina State College Reactor此卡罗来纳州立学院反应堆
gen.North Carolina Wesleyan College北卡罗来纳韦斯理学院
tech.North-Caucasus orogeny episode北高加索构造作用幕
tech.north celestial pole天球北极
avia.North Central Airlines北方中央航空公司
gen.North Central College中北学院
geol.North Central Ranger unit北中兰杰组
tech.North China arid subtropical to tropical zone华北干旱亚热带-热带
geol.North China block中国华北地块
tech.North China coral province华北珊瑚地理区
tech.North China faunal province华北动物地理区
tech.North China fold system华北褶皱系
tech.North China geosyncline system华北地槽系
biol.North China grape华北葡萄 (Vitis bryoniifolia Bunge,葡萄科)
tech.North China great regression华北大海退
tech.North China region华北大区
tech.North China sea basin华北海盆
tech.North China semiarid subtropical to tropical subzone华北半干旱亚热带-热带亚带
tech.North China transgression华北海浸
tech.North China upland华北高地
biol.North China wapiti华北麋 (Etaphurus sp.,鹿科)
tech.North China-Southeast Asia Plate华北-东南亚板块
geol.North Dakota美国北达科他
gen.North Dakota北达科他
gen.North Dakota北达科俾
tech.North Dakota cone美国北达科他州圆锥体 (用于试验土基承载量)
tech.North Dakota cone method北达科他州圆锥试验法 (测定土基承载力)
tech.North Dakota cone test北达科他州圆锥试验
tech.North Dakota design method美国北达科他州柔性路面设计法
gen.North Dakota State University北达科他州立大学
geol.north departure北偏差
gen.North-East Airlines东北航空公司
desert.north-east by east东北偏东
geol.north-east by east东北
desert.north-east by north东北偏北
geol.north-east by north东北
gen.North-East Coast东北海岸
gen.North-East Metallurgical Society东北冶金学会
gen.North-East Railway Co.东北铁路公司
gen.North Eastern Electricity Board东北电业局
gen.North-Eastern University东北大学
tech.north ecliptic pole北横极
ecol.north ecotone between agriculture and pasture北方农牧交错带
tech.north elevation北立面 (图)
tech.north equatorial current北赤道海流
tech.north European bivalve province北欧双壳类地理区
desert.north-facing slope北坡
tech.north-facing wall北墙
tech.north-facing wall朝北的墙
tech.north-facing window北窗
tech.north-facing window朝北的窗
tech.north-finding instrument指北仪
tech.north foehn北方焚风
desert.north fork北叉
desert.north frigid zone北极带
tech.north galactic pole北银极
biol.north galeola土木通山珊瑚,Galeola septentrionalis Reichb. fil.,兰科
tech.North Gandise piedmont trough system冈底斯北山前坳陷系
tech.north geographical pole地理北极
tech.north geomagnetic pole北极
tech.north geomagnetic pole地磁北极
gen.North Georgia College & State University北佐治亚学院与州立大学
gen.North Greenville University北格林维尔大学
geol.north half北二分之一地区
avia.north heading and attitude reference system正北航向与姿态参考基准系统
tech.north Hebrides trench北赫步里底海沟
tech.north heliographic pole日面北极
tech.north heliographical pole日面北极
biol.North Indian cane北印度甘蔗 (Saccharum barberi Jesw.,禾本科)
tech.north Indian ocean bivalve subprovince北印度洋双壳类地理亚区
gen.North Irish北爱尔兰的
gen.North Island College北岛学院
tech.North Italian Quatrocento北意大利 14 世纪时期
tech.north Kalimantan basin北加里曼丹盆地
desert.North Kazakhstan北哈萨克斯坦
tech.north latitude北向
tech.North latitude北纬
geol.North Lawyer canyon北洛叶峡
tech.north light朝北窗
tech.north light北极光
tech.north light北窗
tech.north-light barrel-vault shell roof北面采光的筒形薄壳拱顶
tech.north-light cupola北面采光圆屋顶
tech.north-light cylindric shell北面采光圆筒形薄板
tech.north-light cylindrical shell北面采光圆筒形薄板
tech.north-light gutter北窗天沟
tech.north-light roof北面采光屋盖
tech.north-light roof锯齿形屋顶
tech.north-light roof朝北采光屋面
tech.north-light roof北向采光锯齿形屋顶
tech.north-light roof北面采光的锯齿形屋顶
tech.north-light roof glazing表面采光屋顶天窗
tech.north-light roof glazing表面采光屋顶装配玻璃
tech.north-light roof roof-light表面采光屋顶的天窗
tech.north-light saucer dome北面采光碟形窗
tech.north-light truss锯齿式屋架
tech.north-light truss北向采光的屋架
tech.north-light truss北向采光的桁架
tech.north lighting北面采光技术
tech.north magnetic pole北磁极
tech.north magnetic pole北极
tech.north magnetic pole position北磁极位置
avia.North mode指北方式 (多指地图显示系统中地图北向向上的工作方式)
tech.north northeast北北东
desert.north northeast北东北
gen.north-northeast北东北正北偏东 22°30ˈ
gen.north-northwest北西北正北偏西 22。30'
tech.north northwest北北西
tech.north northwest北西北
desert.north northwest北西北 (NNW)
gen.North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers北英格兰采矿与机械工程师协会
gen.North of these mountains lies Siberia and Lake Baikal西伯利亚和贝加尔湖就位于这些山岭的北方
tech.north orientation北向
tech.north orientation北向方位
tech.north orientation北向定位
gen.North Pacific Air Navigation Region北太平洋航空区
tech.North Pacific basin北太平洋海盆
tech.North Pacific bivalve region北太平洋双壳类地理大区
desert.North Pacific current北太平洋洋流
tech.North Pacific drift北太平洋飘流
tech.North Pacific experiment北太平洋观测计划
tech.North Pacific ocean北太平洋
desert.North Pacific oscillation北太平洋涛动
tech.north palaeo-Mediterranean region古地中海北部大区
tech.north paleo-Mediterranean region古地中海北部大区
desert.North Park dunes北帕克沙丘 (美国科罗拉多州北缘)
gen.North Park University北园大学
tech.north point北点
desert.north point北点 (天)
desert.north point北方
tech.North Polar Circle北极圈
tech.north polar distance北极距
desert.north-polar ice cap北极冰盖
desert.north polar region北极区
tech.north polar spur北银极支
avia.North polar spur【天】北银极支
ecol.North Polar Water北极水
geol.North Pole北极
tech.north pole磁针指北端
tech.north pole
gen.north pole负极
gen.north pole〔磁〕北极
tech.North Pole ice北极冰
tech.north porch北侧门廊
tech.north porch北门廊 (教堂)
geol.north Potwar deformed zone巴基斯坦博德瓦尔北部变形带
geol.North Pyrenees fault法国北比利牛斯断层
geol.north quarter北四分之一地区
biol.north rat flea具带病蚤欧洲鼠蚤,Nosopsyllus fasciatus Boso d'Antic; Ceratophyllus
biol.north rat flea具带病蚤欧洲鼠蚤,Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosod' Antic)
tech.North River bluestone北河青石 (产于纽约,主要用于筑路)
geol.North Robertson Unit美国北罗伯逊单元
tech.north roof building北屋建筑
tech.north roof building北屋房屋
desert.north's false flag马碟花
desert.North's false flag巴西鸢尾
desert.North's false flag美洲鸢尾
desert.North's false flag鸢尾兰
desert.North's false flag玉蝴蝶
desert.North's false flag马蝶花
desert.North Sahara-Arabian desert北撒哈拉-阿拉伯半岛荒漠 (指北非和西亚的热带及亚热带荒漠,北界以能栽培椰枣 (Phoenix dactylifera L.)为限,南为伊朗-图兰荒漠。西北部生长有大戟属 (Euphorbia) 的一些小灌丛。禾草类有阿尔法草 (Stipa tenacissima L.)、塞纳格草 (Lygeum spartum L.)、锐利三芒草 (Aristida pungens Desf.)等;冬雨后,出现短命植物。怪柳属 (Tamarix) 金合欢属 (Acacia) 及枣属 (Ziziphus) 的一些种,一般生长在潜水位较高的地方)
geol.North Sea北海
nautic., tech.North Sea area北海区域
tech.North Sea basin北海盆地
comp.name.North Sea Diving Services Ltd.英国北海潜水服务股份有限公司
tech.North Sea gas北海天然气
tech.north-seeking end红端 (磁铁指北极)
tech.north-seeking force factor指北力系数
tech.north-seeking gyro指北陀螺【航海】
tech.north-seeking instrument指北仪
shipb.North Shipyard, Russia俄罗斯北方造船厂
tech.north sky light北向白昼光
desert.north slope北坡
geol.North-South America南北美洲
tech.north-south asymmetry南北不对称性
tech.north-south component南北分量
tech.north-south diwa region南北地洼区
horticult.north-south line南北[向]行
tech.north-south negotiation南北谈判
horticult.north-south row南北向行
horticult.north-south row南北[向]行
avia.North-south station keeping南北位置保持
tech.north-south structural zone南北构造带
tech.north-south tectonic system南北构造系
tech.north-stabilized indicator指北针
desert.north star北极星
gen.North Star Research and Development Institute"北极星"潜艇研制所
comp.name.North Star Steel Co.北极星钢公司
avia.North steaming error向北航行误差
avia.north steering error向北航行误差
tech.north subtropical zone北亚热带
comp.name.North Sumatra Oil Development Cooperation Co. Ltd.印度尼西亚北苏门答腊石油开发合作有限公司
tech.north temperate bivalve realm北温带双壳类地理区系
tech.North Temple pagoda北寺塔 (苏州)
tech.north Tethyan region特提斯北缘大区
tech.north Tethyan trough北特提斯海槽
tech.north transept建筑物的北侧翼部
tech.north tropic北回归线
tech.north tropic zone北热带
nautic., tech.North up display北朝上显示
tech.north-upward presentation北向朝上表示法
tech.north upwarping region北部隆起区
avia.north velocity北方速度
gen.North Wales北威尔斯
gen.North Wales Metallurgical Society北威尔斯冶金学会
avia.North warning system北方警戒系统
desert.north west西北
gen.North-West Airlines西北航空公司
geol.north-west by north西北
gen.north-west by north西北偏北
geol.north-west by west西北西
gen.north-west by west西北偏西
nautic., tech.North West European waters西北欧区域
gen.North-West Province西北省
geol.North West Shelf澳大利亚西北陆架
gen.North Western Electricity Board西北电业局
gen.North-Western Europe西北欧〔洲〕
gen.North-Western Pacific Railroad Co.西北太平洋铁路公司
gen.North-Western Society of Highway Engineers西北公路工程师协会
gen.North-Western University西北大学美国伊万斯顿
tech.north wind北风
tech.northeast by north东北偏北
geol.northeast by north东北
tech.northwest and north China semiarid subtropical zone西北-华北半干旱亚热带
tech.northwest by north西北偏北
gen.on the north在 M 以北〔北面〕
gen.on the north of the city在城的北郊
gen.on the north of the city临城北
tech.Pacific North West Container Line太平洋西北集装箱班轮公司
avia.plant north装置北
tech.plateau tropical north-fringe mountainous region高原热带北缘山区
desert.point north latitude点北纬
gen.Purdue University North Central中北分校
nautic., tech.Research Platform on North and Baltic Seas北海和波罗的海研究站
nautic., tech.rules for the management, operation and financing of the north Atlantic Ice patrol北大西洋冰区巡逻、运作和费用规则
desert.shaded north朝北悬崖
gen.south and north南北
tech.south-north asymmetry南北不对称性
horticult.south-north oriented row南北向行
tech.south-north route南北航线
tech.south-north water transfer南水北调
ecol.south to north water transfer南水北调
tech.south water to north南水北调
ecol.south-to-north water diversion project南水北调工程
geol.Springfield North Unit美国斯普林菲尔德北区块
tech.the south-north seismotectonic zone南北地震带
mil.the 40th parallel of north latitude北纬 40 度
tech.Three-North Shelterbelt三北防护林带
gen.to the north在 M 以北〔北面〕
desert.Transnational Project on Green Belt in North Africa北非跨国绿色带建设项目
avia.true north真实北
tech.true north正北
geol.true north真【正】北
tech.true north heading真北
gen.University College of the North北方大学学院
gen.University of North Alabama北亚拉巴马大学
gen.University of North Carolina System北卡罗来纳大学系统
gen.University of North Dakota北达科他大学
gen.University of North Dakota北达科他大学
gen.University of North Florida北佛罗里达大学
gen.University of North London北伦敦大学
gen.University of North Texas北德克萨斯大学
gen.University of North West西北大学
tech.virtual geomagnetic north pole虚地磁北极
tech.virtual geomagnetic north pole position虚地磁北极位置
tech.west by north西偏北
geol.west by north西
tech.winter North Atlantic load line mark冬季北大西洋载重线标志
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