
Terms containing no matter | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.have no say in the matter对这个问题有〔没有,不大有〕发言权
expl.He says that he has no concern in this matter他说他与这事无关
gen.it is no matter无关紧要
gen.it is no matter那不算一回事
gen.it is no matter whether无论…都无关紧要
gen.it makes no matter无关紧要
gen.it makes no matter那不算一回事
gen.it makes no matter whether无论…都无关紧要
gen.no matter不碍事
econ.no matter无关紧要
gen.no matter无论
gen.no matter不要紧
gen.no matter不管
gen.no matter how不管〔无论〕怎样〔什么,什么时候,哪一个,谁,什么地方〕 (what, when, which, who, where)
gen.no matter how无论多么〔怎样〕
proj.manag.No matter how much the deficiency of resources, utilization efficiency will be decreased and operation risk be increased无论是资源配给过剩还是不足、都将使应用有效性降低、并且使企业运营风险相对增加
econ.no matter what不论什么 (which, who, how, when, where, 哪一个、谁、怎样、什么时候、什么地方)
commer.There is no object in making the matter more complicated把事情搞得更复杂没有意义
commer.We have no occasion to refer to the matter still further我们没有更进一步谈及此事的必要
shipb.We have ordered such a large quantity that a discount, no matter how little, should be allowed.我们订购这么多的货,折扣多少还是要给的吧
gen.Wearing Nike shoes makes young people feel more athletic, no matter how old or inactive they may be in reality穿上耐克鞋使年轻人感觉更有运动活力,不管他们实际上年龄有多大或多么不爱运动
proj.manag.You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收支平衡的公式、不论你的对手怎么做