
Terms containing no ... at all | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.And soon it may be illegal to infect a computer system even your own with a benign virus which does no harm at all也许不久的将来、传播没有任何危害性的良性病毒即使是对你自己的计算机系统也会被视作违法行为
gen.be no distance at all一点不远
dentist.Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason at all?是不明原因的出血吗?
gen.no... at all一点儿也不
gen.no... at all并不
gen.no... at all根本不
gen.no... at all毫 〔绝〕不
sport.Runner No. 8 should not exert all his strength to run too fast at the beginning of the race8 号运动员不应该竭尽全力在比赛开始时跑得太快
gen.Taking a taxi here means there is no need for tip at all在这里打车不需要给小费