
Terms containing nitrogen oxide | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
expl.abatement method for nitrogen oxide氧化氮消除方法
ecol.abatement method for nitrogen oxide氧化氮的消除法
tech.analyzer for nitrogen oxides氮氧化物分析仪
tech.chemiluminescence nitrogen oxides monitor化学发光氮氧化物监测仪
tech.concentration of nitrogen oxides氮氧化物的浓度
tech.continuous analyzer of nitrogen oxides氮氧化物连续分析仪
tech.continuous analyzer of nitrogen oxides氮氧化物自动分析仪
tech.control of nitrogen oxides氮氧化物污染控制
tech.Coulometry nitrogen oxides monitor库仑法氮氧化物监测仪
tech.fastness to nitrogen oxides耐氧化氮牢度
oilinstantaneous nitrogen oxide瞬时氮氧化物 (NOx)
ecol.low nitrogen oxides burner低氮氧化物燃烧器
ecol.low nitrogen oxides combustion technology低氮氧化物燃烧技术
tech.method for determination of oxides of nitrogen in exhaust gas排气中氮氧化物测定法
expl.mixed oxides of nitrogen氮的氧化物混合物火箭燃料
spacemixed oxides of nitrogen混合氮氧化物
gen.mixed oxides of nitrogen混合氮氧化物火箭燃料
chem.nitrogen mustard-N-oxide含氮芥子-N-氧化物
agric.nitrogen oxide氧化氮 (NO)
environ.nitrogen oxide A colorless gas that, at room temperature, reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide; may be used to form other compounds, NOx一氧化氮 (一种无色气体,在室温条件下,与氧气反应生成二氧化氮,可被用来形成其它化合物。)
met.nitrogen oxide氮氧化物
met.nitrogen oxide氧化氮
chem.nitrogen oxide氧化氮 (通常指 NO 一氧化氮)
auto.nitrogen oxide氮氧化合物NOx
agric., chem.nitrogen oxide氮的氧化物
auto.nitrogen oxide氮氧化合物
tech.nitrogen oxide一氧化氮
tech.nitrogen oxide air pollution氮氧化物大气污染
tech.nitrogen oxide concentration氧化氮浓度
nautic., tech.nitrogen oxide NOₓ emissions氮氧化物 NOₓ 排放
textilenitrogen oxide gas fading二氧化氮褪色试验
spacenitrogen oxide laser氧化氮激光器
chem.nitrogen oxide reduction氧化氮还原
environ.nitrogen oxides Oxides formed and released in all common types of combustion; they are formed by the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen at high temperatures. Introduced into the atmosphere from car exhausts, furnace stacks, incinerators, power stations and similar sources, the oxides include nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen pentoxide and nitric acid. The oxides of nitrogen undergo many reactions in the atmosphere to form photochemical smog氮氧化物 (在所有常见类型的燃烧中形成和释放的氧化物,它们是由大气中的氮在高温氧化中形成的。将来自汽车废气、火炉、焚化炉、发电厂及类似来源的排放物引入大气,包括一氧化二氮、一氧化氮、二氧化氮、五氧化二氮和硝酸的氧化物。氮的氧化物经过大气中的许多反应,形成光化学烟雾。)
UN, chem.nitrogen oxides氮的氧化物
chem.nitrogen oxides氮氧化物
tech.nitrogen oxides control氮氧化物控制
expl.nitrogen oxides NOₓ氮氧化物炸药爆炸时产生的有毒气体 NO,NO₂,N₂O 等氮氧化物的总称,这种过量的有毒氮氧化物可以由炸药中过量的氧或不充分燃烧所致
ecol.nitrogen oxides poisoning氮氧化物中毒
tech.Nitrogen Oxides Protocol长程越界空气污染公约的氮氧化物议定书
ecol.Nitrogen Oxides Protocol NOP长城越界空气污染公约氮氧化物议定书
tech.nitrogen oxides reservoir氮氧化物吸收库
tech.nitrogen oxides sink氮氧化物吸收
spaceoxide of nitrogen氮的氧化物
spaceoxide of nitrogen氧化氮
UN, chem.oxides of nitrogen氮的氧化物
chem.oxides of nitrogen氧化氮
auto.oxides of nitrogen NOx,氧化氮
auto.oxides of nitrogen NOx,氮氧化物
tech.pollution by nitrogen oxides氮氧化物污染
tech.thermal nitrogen oxides热氮氧化物
tech.total nitrogen oxide总氧化氮
ecol.total nitrogen oxide总氮氧化物
ecol.total oxides of nitrogen总氮氧化物量
tech.treatment of nitrogen oxides氮氧化物治理
tech.vehicle exhaust nitrogen oxides monitor机动车排出氮氧化物监测仪