
Terms for subject Securities containing new | all forms | exact matches only
capital subscription of new stock online issuance网上发行新股股本认购
carried-over profit arrangement before new issuance新股发行前结转的利润分配
certificate of entitlement to new shares新股权利凭证
closed to new investor不面向新投资者
conditions provided in Security Law for the issuance of new shares证券法规定的新股发行条件
cum new附有新股分配权
data about issuance of new shares新股发行信息
dealing for a new time计人下期
dealing for a new time下一账期交易
distribution of new shares from the current year's profit用当年利润派股
Electronic Application Instruction for New Issue Shares电子认购新股指示
ex new无新股申购权
exchange's new listing rules交易所新股上市规则
flood of new stocks hitting the market大量新股涌人对市场造成冲击
gross new issues新发行总额
have priority in subscription for new shares对新股有优先认购权
have priority in subscription for new shares有优先权认股出资
hot new issues新发行热门股
issuance of new trading rights新交易权的发行
issuance pricing of new shares新股发行定价
large secondary new issues在二级市场大量发售
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York纽约摩根担保信托公司
National City Bank of New York花旗银行
net new issue新发行净额
new account report新开账户报告书
new bond issues新债发行
new business venture group新业务风险经营团体
new certificate新证券
new certificate新票据
new certificate新证书
new commitment新承诺
new conduct rules新行为准则
new efficacy新功效
new EI Dorado黄金天堂等待投资的
new enterprise associates新企业合伙人
new for old新债还旧债
new foreign bond issue新外国债券发行
new general collateral repos新质押式回购交易
New Germany Fund新德国基金
new Hang Seng midcap 50 index新恒生50中型股股指
New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index恒生新50中型股指数
new high高盘
new high证券新的最高价格
new hot point新热点股市中
new investment technology新投资技术
new issue新发行证券
new issue account新股发行账户
new issue calendar新股发行日程
new issue of shares新股发行
new issues market一级市场
new issues market初级市场
new issues market新证券发行市场
new listing新挂牌股份
new listing新上市
new listing report新上市公司报告
new low新低
new low证券新的最低价格
new money preferred新货币优先股
new opening account新开账户
new record of subscription set by retail investors散户的认购纪录
new round of capital influx新一轮资金注人
new securities issues新证券栏目报刊上
new securities issues新证券发行
new share off无新股认购权
new shareholder新股东
new shares issuing expenses新股票发行费用
new sinking fund新偿债基金
new sinking fund新沉淀基金
new sources of economic growth新经济增长点
new specimen新印鉴
new stock group新股板块
new straight Eurodollar bond offerings直接以欧洲美元计价的新债券发行
new surplus公司改组后新盈余
new time证券交易新时间
new time bargain证券交易所新期交易
new time dealing新期交易
new trusts新信托
new vehicle sales新股销售量
new vs. old buyers/sellers新旧买方/卖方
New York Board of Trade纽约交易所旗下拥有纽约期货交易所,纽约棉花交易所,咖啡、糖和可可交易所等子交易所
New York Board of Trade纽约交易所成立于1998年,是由纽约棉花交易所"New York Cotton Exchange" 和咖啡、糖、可可交易所 "Coffee Sugar Cocoa Exchange"合并而来的
New York call money纽约活期放款
New York Cash Exchange纽约现金交易所
New York Clearing House纽约清算所
New York Commodity Exchange纽约商品交易所世界最大的黄金期货交易中心
New York Composite Index futures纽约综合指数期货
New York Cotton Exchange纽约棉花交易所
New York Curb Exchange纽约场外交易所
New York Curb Market Association纽约院外市场交易所
New York Curb Market Association纽约场外交易所协会
New York Dow Jones Industrial Average Index纽约道・琼斯工业平均指数
New York Exchange Bonds纽约交易所债券栏目
New York Funds纽约资金由纽约商业银行付款的支票
New York interbank bid rate纽约银行同业拆人利率或拆进利率
New York interbank bid rate纽约银行同业拆人利率
New York interbank compensation rules纽约银行同业相互补偿规则
New York interbank offer rate纽约银行同业拆放利率或拆出利率
New York interbank offered rate纽约银行同业拆放利率
New York interest纽约利息
New York money market纽约货币市场
New York Quotation Company纽约股票行情公司
New York Society of Analyst纽约证券分析师协会
New York Stock Clearing Corporation纽约股票清算公司
New York Stock Exchange common stock index纽约股票交易所普通股价格指数
New York Stock Exchange composite index纽约证券交易所综合指数
New York Stock Exchange volume纽约股票交易所交易额
New York Times纽约时报
New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange新西兰期货和期权交易所
New Zealand Securities Commission新西兰证券委员会
New Zealand Stock Exchange新西兰股票交易所
opening dates of new share issue新股发行起始日期
Papua New Guinea Securities Commission巴布亚新几内亚证券委员会
pent up demand for new shares被抑制的新股需求
pent-up demand for new shares被抑制的对新股的需求
pledged bonds of the new general collateral repos新质押式回购的质押债券
progress report for new listing application上市申请进展报告
rate of return on new investment新投资回报率
record new high创出新高
right to apply for new shares认购新股的权利
risk-free new shares无风险新股
seasoned new issue适时再次发行股
seasoned new issue稳妥新发行
secondary new share次新股
Security Traders' Association of New York纽约证券交易商协会
sold ex new除去新股出售
SSE new composite index上证新综合指数
start a brand new undertaking开创全新事业
start a brand new undertaking二次创业
subscription of new issues认购新股
subscription of new stock申购新股
tap new sources of economic growth培育新的经济增长点
The New Regulatory Framework新监管制度香港证监会
The New Regulatory Framework新监管框架
trigger a new round of economic expansion诱发新一轮经济扩张
undue new shares subscription不适当的新股认购
unseasoned new issue初次新股发行 (又称 IPO,即首次公开发行)