
Terms for subject China containing nature | all forms | exact matches only
accurate determination of the nature of the case定性准确
balance development of man and nature统筹人与自然和谐发展
be strongly political in nature政治性很强
become second nature for everyone成为每个人的自觉行动
consolidate and enlarge on the results of the education campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members巩固和扩大保持共产党员先进性教育活动成果
continual or continuous nature连续或者继续状态
dangerous nature危险性质
ensure coordinated development of man and nature统筹人与自然和谐发展
ensure proper balance in development of man and nature统筹人与自然和谐发展
exclusive nature of the right专有使用权
genetic diseases of a serious nature严重遗传性疾病
grassland nature reserves草原自然保护区
harmony between man and nature人与自然和谐相处
monopoly in nature自然垄断
nature of a treaty条约性质
nature of ownership所有权性质
nature of ownership of the land土地所有权的性质
nature of the contract合同性质
nature of the crime犯罪性质
non-exclusive nature of the right非专有使用权
of national in nature全国性的
organization in the nature of criminal syndicate黑社会性质的组织
person whose mental illness is of an intermittent nature间歇性的精神病人
preserve the advanced nature of Party members保持共产党员先进性
prices for merchandises of monopoly in nature自然垄断经营的商品价格
problem of a technical nature专门性问题
prohibitive, restrictive measures that are discriminatory in nature歧视性的禁止、限制措施
public nature公益性质
right of the same nature同样性质的权利
site of a profit-making nature营业性场所
special production nature生产特点
technical services of a public welfare nature公益性技术服务
the education campaign to preserve the advanced nature of Party members保持共产党员先进性教育活动
the public nature and public welfare nature of public finance公共财政公共性和公益性
to reflect the true nature of things实事求是