
Terms for subject Technology containing mud | all forms | exact matches only
absorption mud吸浆量
accumulation of mud泥浆堆积
accumulation of mud淤积污泥
accumulation of mud泥浆淤积
ada mud添加泥浆
aerated mud加气泥浆
aerated mud混气泥浆
aerated mud掺气泥浆
alkaline mud碱性
Alta-mud膨润土 (商品名称)
alternation of mud barges泥驳轮换
amount of mud displacement替泥浆量
amount of mud loss漏失量
apparent resistivity of mud filtrate视泥浆滤液电阻率
benthic mud底泥
bentonitic mud膨润土泥浆
bentonitic mud膨润土
blast-furnace mud gun高炉用泥炮
blast-furnace top gas mud高炉炉尘泥
boil mud渗水和土上涌
boil mud土移
borehole mud钻孔泥浆
boring mud钻孔泥浆
bottom mud底泥
bottom mud底层泥浆
bottom mud淤泥
bulk mud粉状泥
burst type mud-stone flow溃块型泥石流
bursting mud in mining tunnel井巷突泥
CaCl² mud氯化钙泥浆
calcareous mud石灰黏泥
calcareous mud钙质
calculation of mud barge required泥驳需要量计算
capacity of mud pump泥浆泵流量
carbide mud residue电石渣
caustic lime mud灰质软泥
caustic mud烧碱盐泥
centre bearing mud slinger中心轴承除泥罩
chemical treatment of mud泥浆的化学处理
chemical unstable mud化学性质不稳定泥浆
clay base mud含黏土泥浆
clay mud黏土泥 (浆)
clay mud rock黏土泥岩石
clayey mud黏土质淤泥
clearance of residual mud in a wreck扫舱 (救捞)
coating of mud泥的包壳作用
colloidal mud胶体泥浆
combination bit and mud socket带钻头的捞砂筒
combination bit and mud socket美国制造的钻掏泥砂泵
consistency state of mud-stone flow泥石流稠度
cross area of mud-stone flow body泥石流体横断面积
cross mud conveyer横向运泥机
cuttings laden mud fluid携带大量岩屑的泥浆流
cuttings laden mud fluid携带大量岩屑的泥浆液
dirty mud sump污染泥浆池
discharge box for the mud screen泥筛出料箱
discharge of mud-stone flow泥石流流量
dispersed fresh water mud细分散淡水泥浆
displace mud置换泥浆
displace mud压出泥浆
distribution map of mud in the superficial sediments表层沉积物中泥含量分布图
double barrel-mud gun双筒泥炮
draft mud漂泥
driller's mud钻探泥浆
dry mud黏土粉
drying mud yard晒泥场
dynamical shearometer of mud泥浆动切力计
electric mud-slush pump电动泥浆泵
electrical mud-slush pump电动泥浆泵
engine mud sill发动机地梁
estuarine mud港湾泥
estuary mud bar河口泥滩
filling rivers with sand and mud使泥沙充塞了河流
floating mud浮泥
flowed in mud流入泥沙
flowed in mud流入淤泥
fluid mud浮泥
fluid mud layer浮泥层
fluvial mud河泥
freshwater mud淡水泥浆
gas cut mud气侵钻泥
gassing mud cone喷气泥锥
glacial mud冰川泥
glacier mud
glacier mud-rock flow冰川泥石流
glacier type mud-stone flow冰川型泥石流
glowed-in mud流人淤泥
gravity bottle of mud泥浆比重瓶
gray mud灰色软泥
gray silt mud灰色淤泥
gray-green mud灰绿色淤泥
green mud海绿泥
green mud绿
hematite mud赤铁矿粉泥浆
high alkalinity mud高碱泥浆
high pH mud高碱度泥浆
high weight mud超重泥土浆
high weight mud重的泥浆
hole protection method with mud泥浆护壁法
hole-wall-protecting mud护孔壁泥浆
Holme mud sampler荷尔米泥浆取样器
input horsepower of mud pump泥浆泵输入功率
invert emulsion mud反相乳化泥浆
inverted emulsion mud反乳化泥浆
lagoon mud泻湖淤泥
lake and river mud泥地
length of mud-stone flow body泥石流体长
light mud brick轻质泥土砖
light mud pumping冒浆轻微
lightweight mud轻泥浆
lightweight mud低比重泥浆
lightweight mud brick轻质黏土砖
lignosulphonate mud木质素磺酸盐泥浆
lime mud石灰泥浆
lime mud石灰渣
lime mud disposal石灰泥处理
lime mud disposal石灰渣处理
lime mud filter白泥过滤机
lime treated mud石灰处理的泥浆
lime treated mud灰基泥浆
littoral mud and sand flow沿岸泥沙流
manganese mud锰矿渣
maximum pressure of mud pump泥浆大压力
measures of mud-stone flow treatment泥石流防治措施
mercury-bearing salt mud含汞盐泥
metal-oxide-hydroxide mud金属氧化一氢氧化物泥
metal-silicate mud金属硅酸盐泥
metal-sulfide mud金属硫化物泥
mire down in mud陷入泥潭
movement of mud泥浆移动
movement of mud淤泥移动
mud ability泥地行驶能力
mud accumulation淤泥
mud accumulation灌浆
mud accumulation淤积
mud accumulation淤泥累积
mud acid无机泥酸
mud analysis log泥浆分析记录
mud analysis logging泥浆分析测井
mud auger土层螺旋钻 (具)
mud auger土钻
mud avalanche ditch泥石流排头沟
mud avalanche retaining dike拦挡坝 (泥石流)
mud avalanche retaining dyke拦挡坝 (泥石流)
mud avalanche retarding field停淤场 (泥石流)
mud bar河海口的淤积沙洲
mud barge泥驳
mud barrel掏泥筒
mud barrel泥浆抽筒 (冲击钻进用)
mud base泥浆底子
mud base泥浆基
mud basin泥池
mud basin泥地
mud bearing含泥质
mud-bearing calcareous dolomite含泥钙质白
mud-bearing dolomitic limestone含泥云灰岩
mud-bearing limestone含泥灰岩
mud belt淤泥带
mud berth泥锚位
mud berth坐泥泊位
mud bin泥浆储藏箱
mud boil涌土
mud boil泥土翻腾
mud boil泥涌
mud box泥浆箱
mud box板桩夹心子堤 (加高堤顶方法之一)
mud box夹心板桩堤
mud brick泥砖
mud brick泥土砖
mud bridges孔壁上的泥饼沉积
mud bucket挖泥斗
mud bucket取粉管
mud calcite-bearing dolomite含泥含方解石白云岩
mud-cell dike蜂房状泥室堤
mud-cell dyke蜂房状泥室堤
mud clastic texture泥屑结构
mud cleaning device泥浆净化设备
mud cleaning machine清泥机
mud collar带流通阀的加重钻杆
mud collar泥环
mud collar泥圈
mud content含泥量
mud content in aggregate骨料含泥量
mud crack泥裂 (痕)
mud crack polygon泥多边形土
mud cracking龟裂
mud cross泥浆交叉
mud cross泥浆四通阀
mud crusher碎泥刀
mud daub泥补裂缝
mud daub泥铺裂缝
mud desander泥浆去砂器
mud diapir泥底辟
mud diapir barrier泥底辟遮挡
mud diapir trap泥刺穿圈闭
mud ditch泥浆池
mud ditch泥浆
mud ditch sampling泥浆槽取样
mud drape泥盖
mud dredge挖泥船
mud dredge疏浚机
mud dredge刮泥机
mud dredge bulb挖泥机
mud dredger挖泥机
mud dredger疏浚机
mud dredger挖泥船
mud dredger刮泥机
mud drift淤泥漂移
mud drum排泥筒
mud drum排泥管
mud drum泥箱
mud drum炉底锅筒
mud engine潜入式水力穿孔器
mud filter滤泥器
mud flat coast泥坪海岸
mud-flat community淤泥滩群落
mud flat deposit泥坪沉积
mud flowage deposit泥流沉积 (物)
mud flue泥浆通道
mud fluid displacement更换泥浆
mud fluid yield造浆率
mud flume泥浆侧流槽
mud flush钻孔用浆 (俚语)
mud flush boring泥浆冲洗钻进
mud flush boring泥浆洗孔钻进
mud flush drilling泥浆冲洗钻进
mud flush drilling泥浆洗孔钻进
mud flush method of sinking泥浆冲洗钻井法
mud flush system泥浆循环系统
mud flush system泥浆冲洗法
mud flush test钻泥浆冲洗试验
mud-forming clay造浆黏土
mud gauge泥浆尺
mud ground淤泥土
mud guard叶子板
mud gully泥浆集流沟 (trap)
mud hall快滤池内的泥球
mud hold泥舱
mud hole出泥孔
mud hole淤泥清理孔
mud hole泥浆钻孔
mud island泥滩
mud jack注浆泵
mud jack填充混凝土路面下空隙用的压浆泵
mud jack压浆
mud jack ing填充混凝土路面下空隙用压浆
mud jack method压浆
mud jack pump压浆泵
mud layer泥浆层
mud lighter挖泥船
mud lighter泥驳
mud lighter运泥船
mud log泥浆电阻率测井
mud log泥浆测井
mud log井中泥浆电阻率测定
mud log泥水测井记录
mud loss instrument泥浆漏失测定器
mud lubricator泥浆均压器
mud lubricator泥浆压井器
mud lump泥滩
mud lump淤泥层
mud lump泥丘
mud lump泥火山
mud lump淤泥滩
mud manifolding泥浆管线设备
mud meter含泥率计
mud meter泥浆浓度计
mud mixer黏土拌和器
mud mixer样土机
mud mixer和泥机
mud mixer黏土拌和机
mud mixer绞泥机
mud mixer碾泥机
mud mixing appliance泥浆混合器
mud mortar泥灰
mud mortar泥砂浆
mud movement淤泥运动
mud outlet排泥口
mud piping排泥管
mud plant泥浆厂
mud plasticity泥料可塑性
mud plug泥箱管道开关
mud polygon泥多边形土
mud polygon泥质多边形土
mud port泥浆槽
mud port泥浆孔
mud port泥浆口
mud pot泥浆罐
mud pot泥喷泉
mud press泥浆压滤机
mud press滤泥机
mud pressure泥浆压力
mud pressure shield泥浆加压盾构
mud pump泥桨泵
mud pump hose泥浆泵软管
mud pump pulse泥浆泵压力波动
mud pump shock pressure泥浆泵振动压力
mud pump trailer泥浆泵拖车
mud pump valve泥泵阀
mud rake挖泥耙
mud rake泥耙
mud resistivity log泥浆电阻率测井
mud resistivity log curve泥浆电阻率测井曲线
mud resistivity log plot泥浆电阻率测井曲线图
mud resistivity tester泥浆电阻率测定器
mud ring容器盖 (俚语)
mud ring泥浆圈
mud ring料浆圈
mud ring接线盒盖
mud rock泥石
mud rock泥状岩
mud room泥鞋室
mud saw磨料锯
mud scow平底泥驳
mud scow方驳式泥浆箱
mud scow取海泥的泥浆漏斗
mud scow泥驳船
mud scow泥驳
mud scow运泥船
mud scraper砖瓦工 (俚语)
mud scraper刮泥刀
mud scraper泥工
mud shaker泥浆筛
mud sheet泥蔽
mud shell泥壳
mud shield泥水加压盾构
mud shield of output shaft输出轴防泥护罩
mud shoal泥质浅滩
mud shovel泥铲
mud silting淤泥沉积
mud slab混凝土垫层
mud slab底板
mud slab湿软土上的底脚
mud sluice泥浆槽
mud slush稀泥浆
mud spoil泥涌
mud spring泥泉
mud stream泥浆液流
mud stump沉泥池
mud stump积泥池
mud suction tank吸泥浆罐
mud sump泥池
mud sump积泥坑
mud sump泥浆池
mud sump集泥井
mud-supported fabric泥支撑组构
mud swivel泥浆回转接头
mud swivel泥浆钻进用水龙头
mud system泥浆冲洗法
mud trough泥浆沟
mud trough泥浆槽
mud trough泥浆池
mud tube沉淀管
mud tube取粉管
mud tubular bit管形提泥钻头
mud valve排泥阀
mud valve泥阀
mud viscosity泥浆黏度
mud-volcanic gas泥火山气
mud volume泥浆流量
mud wall泥墙
mud wall夯实土墙
mud wall干打垒
mud wall-cake井壁上的泥饼
mud wall-cake孔壁上的泥饼
mud water hydrometer泥浆比重计
mud weight泥浆重量
mud weight balance泥浆比重计秤
name of mud泥浆名
natural mud自然泥浆
natural mud surface天然泥面线
Nile mud brick泥罗河泥砖
normal graded volcanic mud ball structure正粒序火山泥球构造
not mud pumping不冒浆
nuclear volcanic mud ball structure有核火山泥球构造
numbers of mud pumps泥浆泵数量
petaloid volcanic mud ball structure花瓣状火山泥球构造
pH value meter of mud泥浆 pH 值计
pneumatic mud drilling充气泥浆钻进
polymetallic mud多金属泥
potassium-based mud钾基泥浆
power of mud pump泥浆泵功率
press mud压滤泥浆
propeller mud mixer叶型泥浆搅拌机
rainstorm type mud-stone flow暴雨型泥石流
rate of making mud造浆率
ration of mud/sand泥沙比值
ready-made mud预制泥浆
reciprocating number of mud pump泥浆泵往复次数
relation curve between mud sandstone and interval velocity泥沙岩与层速度关系曲线
resistivity of mud泥浆电阻率
resistivity of mud cake泥饼电阻率
resistivity of mud filtrate泥浆滤液电阻率
rhythmic volcanic mud ball structure韵律型火山泥球构造
rhythmical volcanic mud ball structure韵律型火山泥球构造
rigid airlift mud pipe刚性气升吸泥管
rock-fill and mud displacement by explosion爆炸抛石挤淤法
rotary drilling by pumping of mud正循环回转钻孔
rotary mud回转钻进用泥浆
rotary mud回转泥浆
rotary mud flush boring回转泥浆冲洗钻探
rotary mud flush boring回转泥浆冲洗钻孔
rotary mud flush drilling旋转式泥浆冲洗钻进
rotating mud scraper旋转式刮泥机
roughness index of mud-stone flow泥石流粗糟系数
rubber slat mud conveyer橡胶板式泥浆输送器
saline mud-flat盐泥滩
salt mix in mud泥浆盐浸
salt mud survey含盐泥浆测井
salt-water mud盐水泥浆
salty mud盐泥
saturated liquid of mud-sand泥沙饱和的液体
saturated salt mud饱和盐水泥浆
sea mud海滨淤泥
seismic type mud-stone flow地震型泥石流
self-propelled mud barge自航泥驳
semi-stiff mud process半硬泥制坯法
settling system of mud泥浆沉淀系统
settling vessel of mud泥浆沉淀池
shearometer of mud泥浆切力计
side open mud barge侧开式泥驳
siliceous mud硅质泥
siliceous silt mud硅质淤泥
silt mud粉砂泥质
silt mud淤泥
silty mud粉砂质泥
single lobe positive displacement mud motor drill单头螺杆钻具
single-cylinder mud pump单缸泥浆泵
site mud工地淤泥
slurry-mud jacked pavement压入泥浆的路面
slurry process for making soft-mud brick制作软土砖的泥浆处理 (法)
soft marine mud软海泥
soft mud软泥
soft mud brick湿法黏土砖
soft mud brick软泥砖
soft mud brick machine软泥造砖机
soft mud process软泥制坯法
soft mud process软泥成型法
soft mud process软泥制砖法
soft mud process软泥工艺
soft mud process brick软泥砖
spudding mud开钻泥浆
stiff-mud brick硬泥砖
stiff-mud brick坚硬泥砖
stud and mud墙筋抹泥
stud and mud篱笆抹泥墙
submarine red mud海底红泥
sun-dried mud brick土坯
surfactant mud表面活性物质的泥浆
terrigenous mud陆源淤泥
thick layer of fluid mud厚浮泥层
thick mud浓泥浆
thickening of mud泥浆稠化
thickening of mud泥浆加稠
thickness of mud-stone flow泥石流厚度
thixotropic mud触变泥
treatment of mud泥浆处理
turbulent type mud flow湍流型泥石流
turbulent type mud flow紊流型泥石流
unconsolidated mud未回结淤泥
underwater weight of residual mud余泥水中重量
upward annular velocity of drilling mud钻井泥浆在环状空间的回流速度
variable-delivery mud pump变量泥浆泵
velocity of mud circulation泥浆流动速度
velocity of mud-stone flow泥石流流速
viscosity of mud泥浆黏度
viscous mud黏泥
viscous mud-flow黏性泥石流
viscous mud-stone flow黏性泥石流
volcanic mud ball tuff火山泥球凝灰岩
volcanic muds and sands火山泥和火山砂
volcanic type mud-stone flow火山型泥石流
wall building of mud泥浆造壁
wall building property of mud泥浆造壁作用
wall building tester of mud泥浆造壁性能测验仪
wastewater mud废水泥渣
water content of mud泥浆含水量
water mud清水泥浆
water-mud bursting突水突泥
water-mud management水浆管理
water-base mud水基泥浆 (钻泥)
water-base mud水基钻泥
water-base oil emulsion mud水基油洗井乳化泥浆
water-loss in drilling mud钻井泥浆失水量
water-loss meter of mud泥浆失水量计
weighed drilling mud加重泥浆
weight drilling mud高比重泥浆
weight of drilling mud钻探泥浆重量
wet mud brick湿法压制砖
wet mud brick湿泥砖
yellow-mud黄泥 (浆)
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