
Terms for subject Automobiles containing motor vehicle | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
air-pollution caused by motor-vehicle emissions因汽车排放物引起的空气污染
American Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers美国汽车制造商协会
Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Board澳大利亚汽车检验局
Australian Motor Vehicle Standards Committee澳大利亚汽车标准委员会
basic motor vehicle基本机动车不包括非驾驶操作的附属设施
basic type motor vehicle基型车
California Department of Motor Vehicles加州机动车局
Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard加拿大汽车安全标准
Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards加拿大汽车安全法规
commercial motor vehicle营运车
commercial motor vehicle商用汽车
Commission of the European Community Regarding Technical Trade Obstructions for Motor Vehicles欧洲共同体汽车贸易壁垒委员会
displacement-based motor-vehicle tax以排量确定的机动车税
emission-based motor-vehicle tax机动车基本排放税
ethanol gasoline for motor vehicles E10车用乙醇汽油E10
experimental safety motor vehicle试验性安全车
experimental safety motor vehicle安全试验车
Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program联邦汽车管理规程
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard联邦汽车安全标准
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards联邦汽车安全标准汇编
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards联邦汽车安全标准汇编
film for motor vehicle glass汽车玻璃膜
fuel-consuming motor vehicle燃料发动机汽车
fuel-consuming motor vehicle燃油发动机汽车
highway commercial motor vehicle公路商用货车
hybrid power motor vehicle混合动汽车
industrial motor vehicle工业车辆
Initial Motor Vehicle Safety Standard机动车辆初始安全标准
Initial Motor Vehicle Safety Standard机动车初始安全标准
juvenile motor vehicle青少年汽车
lamp for motor vehicles汽车灯
light motor vehicle轻型汽车
Mitsubishi In-wheel motor Electric Vehicle三菱车轮电动机式电动车
motor for vehicle牵引车用电动机
motor vehicle汽车由动力驱动并具有四个或四个以上车轮的非轨道承载的道路车辆称为机动车辆。机动车辆还包括无轨电车和整车自身质量大于400kg 的三轮车
motor vehicle accident车祸
motor vehicle accident机动车汽车事故
Motor Vehicle Act机动车汽车法规
Motor Vehicle Construction and Use Regulations机动车结构和使用规则
Motor Vehicle Department机动车部
motor vehicle department车辆部
Motor Vehicle Emissions Group车辆排放小组属欧洲委员会
motor vehicle exhaust gas机动车排气
Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act美国机动车辆情报和成本节约法
motor vehicle inspection机动车检査审验
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association机动车制造商协会
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association汽车制造商协会
Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board机动车污染管理局委员会
Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board美国加利福尼亚州汽车污染管理局委员会
Motor Vehicle Regulations机动车管理条例
Motor Vehicle Regulations汽车管理规章条例
Motor Vehicle Safety Act机动车车辆安全法
Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations汽车安全条例
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard汽车安全标准
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards车辆安全标准
Motor Vehicle Statistical Foundation机动车汽车统计基金会
Motor Vehicle Statistical Foundation汽车统计基金会
Motor Vehicle Traffic Regulations机动车交通规章
Motor Vehicle Traffic Regulations汽车交通规章
motor-powered vehicle汽车
motor-powered vehicle机动车
motor-vehicle accessory机动车汽车附件附属设备
motor-vehicle axle机动车车轴
motor-vehicle cassation报废车
motor-vehicle component机动车汽车零部件
motor-vehicle dismantler机动车汽车拆卸工
motor-vehicle electric system汽车电气系统
motor-vehicle electrician汽车电气技术员
motor-vehicle electrics汽车电气设备
motor-vehicle electronics汽车电子学
motor-vehicle emission汽车污染排放物
Motor-Vehicle Emission Group汽车排放团体负责开发行驶循环的欧洲委员会中的一个专门的工作小组
motor-vehicle engine汽车发动机
motor-vehicle engineer汽车工程师
motor-vehicle engineering汽车技术工艺
motor-vehicle engineering汽车工程
motor-vehicle equipment汽车设备
motor-vehicle expert汽车专家
motor-vehicle fuel汽车燃料
motor-vehicle gasoline车用汽油
motor-vehicle glass汽车玻璃
motor-vehicle inspection汽车检査审验
motor-vehicle inspection office汽车检查站部门
motor-vehicle inspection service汽车审验维护
motor-vehicle insurance汽车保险
motor-vehicle liability保险汽车责任
motor-vehicle light汽车灯具
motor-vehicle maintenance and repair汽车维修
motor-vehicle manufacturing汽车制造
motor-vehicle market汽车市场
motor-vehicle mechanic汽车技工
motor-vehicle owner车主
motor-vehicle part汽车零件
motor-vehicle petrol车用汽油
motor-vehicle production汽车生产制造
motor-vehicle recycle机动车汽车回收
motor-vehicle registration汽车登记注册
motor-vehicle registration office汽车登记处
motor-vehicle registration plate汽车牌照
motor-vehicle safety汽车安全性
motor-vehicle service汽车维护修理保养
motor-vehicle sheet汽车用钢板
motor-vehicle tax汽车税
motor-vehicle technology汽车工艺
motor-vehicle test track试车场
motor-vehicle test track汽车试验车道
motor-vehicle trade汽车贸易
motor-vehicle traffic道路汽车交通运输
motor-vehicles per inhabitant每户汽车拥有量
National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory Council国家汽车安全咨询委员会
National Motor Vehicle Theft Act国家汽车防盗法案
National Motor Vehicle Theft Bureau国家汽车防盗局
non-motor vehicle fuel非车用燃料
periodic motor vehicle inspection汽车定期检查
random motor vehicle inspection汽车随机抽样检查
special motor vehicle专项作业车 (special goods vehicle)
toy motor vehicle儿童玩具车辆