
Terms for subject Project management containing months | all forms
centred 12-month moving average 12个月定位移动平均数
delivery month交收月份
last twelve months过去 12 个月
long month远期月份
man-month contract人/月合同
man-month day, hour rate人/月日,时费率
preceding month前一个月
spot month现货月份
spot month trading现货月份交易
That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $ 600 a year, plus your return on investment每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出你几乎不注意的50美元、累积起来一年就有600 美元、还有你的投资回报
The income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity for a specific period of time, such as a month or a year损益表汇总反映企业在某一特定时期内、如一个月或一年的收入和费用
TRI EC also organizes a four-month mentoring scheme for professional immigrants多伦多移民就业委员会还为职业移民者组织了为期4 个月的辅导计划