
Terms containing moles of | all forms | in specified order only
tech.amount of electric energy per mole每摩尔电能量
tech.amount of electrical energy per mole每摩尔电能量
refrig.mole fraction of the water vapour水蒸气的克分子比
tech.mole of stoichiometric reaction化学计量反应摩尔
tech.mole of stoichiometrical reaction化学计量反应摩尔
auto.mole ratio of soluteB 溶质 B 的摩尔比
avia.number of mole摩尔数
refrig.number of moles摩尔数
tech.stem of mole堤干 (防波堤)
avia.the number of moles摩尔数
tech.training of mole导流堤岸
tech.training of mole导流突堤